Site update news

5th November 14

There are now less than 12 hours left to trade in your Halloween candy! Don't miss out!

3rd November 14

The candy hunt is now over! Thanks for playing!

Now's the time to spend all your candy on prizes before Totoro closes up shop!

2nd November 14

It's the last day for finding candy!
Make sure you use your double candy hunts if you have any left

After the hunt ends, you will have a couple of days for trading candy in, but make sure you spend it as soon as possible! Every year a few sad people miss out because they misjudge how much time they have left, and we don't want that to happen to you!

1st November 14

It's the 1st of November!

That means there are new pets available in the Adopt pages!

But don't forget the Halloween event is still running, so make sure to check the event page for new prizes, and keep searching for candy!

31st October 14

Happy Halloween!

We hope you've enjoyed celebrating Halloween with us!

We still have a couple more days of the candy hunt and a few more free gifts to come, so remember to keep checking the event page and news so you don't miss anything :)

All of Totoro's candy prizes have been added to the event page now, so you can spend your tokens freely, there won't be any new token prizes. You will have a few extra days after the event to continue spending tokens, but don't leave it til the last minute.

Don't forget to activate your "Double Candy" hunt when you have time!

30th October 14

Double candy event!

Visit the Halloween Event Page for information about this special chance to earn extra candy tokens!

29th October 14


Tired of hunting yet?

The Halloween hunt has been extended for the weekend, so it will now most likely finish on the 3rd of November!

The last day for new releases of token pets/items will be on Halloween - the 31st of October. So after those releases you can safely spend your tokens without worrying about more stuff being added to the candy shop. You will still have a few extra days to spend your tokens after the hunt ends, but don't leave it until the last minute, or you might miss out!

Remember that the CS events and releases typically roll over at midnight on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) which may not be the same time zone that you live in. You can check the CS time/date here:

25th October 14


I hope you are enjoying our Halloween Event! Don't forget to check back daily for new gifts and prizes!

Click here to see the amazing art from this week's Oekaki Weekly Challenge: Draw your fav pets/items from the Halloween Event - There's still time to enter the challenge if you're feeling artsy!

We are about halfway through the event now. The candy hunt will most likely end on the 1st of November, unless we extend it for a few days!