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Postby pavlove's dog » Tue Oct 04, 2022 10:07 am

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longbottom ;;

Postby pavlove's dog » Tue Oct 04, 2022 10:17 am




    basic information:

    name haven longbottom
    gender cisgendered male
    age sixteen
    year sixth
    house hufflepuff
    birthday april twenty second
    zodiac sign taurus
    patronus ragdoll cat
    boggart death (manifests into his own corpse)
    sexuality homosexual
    blood status pureblood

    wand information:

    wand core dragon heartstring
    length nine and three-quarters
    wood chestnut
    flexibility quite flexible


    positive traits loyal, well-rounded, competitive, full of house pride, has emotional intelligence
    negative traits nervous wreck, cant seem to calm down in some situations; socially awkward and
    doesnโ€™t really make any attempt to โ€˜fit inโ€™; stubborn; insomniac
    bio haven is the typical โ€˜know-it-allโ€™ kid. heโ€™s the kind of kid who would study over the summer so he wouldnโ€™t lose any of his knowledge, persay โ€” this would also, however, cause both of his sisters to taunt him endlessly about. when it comes to being outside of studies, haven enjoys going out to see quidditch games. he's a very big fan, and loves the energy of competition. although being a fan, he would never participate in the game itself, he's far too afraid of getting hurt, or hurting someone else in vice versa. haven makes a great friend to all, but its very hard for him to form relationships, platonic or otherwise.

    visual information:

    hair color dark brown
    eye color blue
    height five foot, five inches
    weight one hundred and fifty-nine pounds
    faceclaim ryan ross

    family information:

    mother elizabeth longbottom, pureblood english witch
    father ford longbottom, pureblood english wizard.
    siblings beatrix longbottom, younger sister, and tina longbottom, older sister

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kinsley ;;

Postby pavlove's dog » Tue Oct 04, 2022 10:18 am




    basic information:

    name miriam kinsley
    gender cisgendered female
    age twenty-five
    position professor of divination
    house former ravenclaw
    birthday october thirteenth
    zodiac sign libra
    patronus otter
    boggart spiders
    sexuality biromantic asexual
    blood status half-blood

    wand information:

    wand core unicorn hair
    length ten and a half inches
    wood holly
    flexibility unyielding


    positive traits incredibly smart, witty, eccentric, outspoken
    negative traits terribly paranoid, gets distracted easily, defensive, a little bit gullible
    bio though it wasnโ€™t her absolute favorite growing up, divination was her second favorite, and becoming the teacher helped her grow a greater liking to it. being able to see into the future fascinates her, because knowing what will happen helps ease her nerves, when its all good information, of course. one thing she wishes about being able to see the future, is that it won't be inevitable. changing the results of the future would be nice, but not always guaranteed. she finds herself becoming close with most students, and some of the teachers, not so much. she thinks sheโ€™s more in touch with her adolescence, and thatโ€™s why she gets along with students more.

    visual information:

    hair color dirty blonde
    eye color green-brown
    height four feet, eleven inches
    weight one hundred and ten pounds
    faceclaim taylor swift

    family information:

    mother blanch kinsley, a muggle english woman
    father emmett kinsley, a pureblood english man
    siblings none

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Dario Agosti

Postby wolfrunner » Wed Oct 05, 2022 2:55 am

Face Claim: Jay Ryan
full name;
Dario Agosti

Dar (pronounced as DARE), by his fellow staff members
Coach, by students and staff members
Professor Agosti, by students
Lord Agosti, by staff at his family home and those outside of school only





He was in Ravenclaw as a student, now he is the Head of House for Ravenclaw

Heritage -
Dario is 100รท pure Italian, his family being one of the oldest Italian wizarding families in the country. Agosti bloodlines run long and deep through the veins of Italy.




positive traits;
Willing too listen always
Gives solid advice
Surprisingly affectionate

negative traits;
Has high expectations of self and students because he knows they are capable of great things and pushes them to be their best
One of those people that you either love and get along with really well, or hate and can not be in the same room with

Boggart -
His dead brother

The bat is considered an unusual patronus to have and that seems to be the case outside it as well. Few take to the bat, and the bat takes to few people in turn. Bats tend to gravitate strongly to their own sort, and are very social within their circles. They are often misunderstood or even feared by others, but this is rarely warranted. They are sensitive individuals with excellent intuition and a keen knack for divining what is really happening. Bats are seekers of truth, and will attempt to adhere to honesty in all things, at all times. They will not take anything by half. Steeped in mythology regarding visions and dreams, those who live with the bat as their patronus may have found themselves being called upon by others for guidance or to see the heart of a matter.

Red Oak, Dragon Heartstring, 13", unyeilding
Wand Maker Garrick Ollivander noted that โ€œYou will often hear the ignorant say that red oak is an infallible sign of its ownerโ€™s hot temper. In fact, the true match for a red oak wand is possessed of unusually fast reactions, making it a perfect duelling wand. Less common than English oak, I have found that its ideal master is light of touch, quick-witted and adaptable, often the creator of distinctive, trademark spells, and a good man or woman to have beside one in a fight. Red oak wands are, in my opinion, among the most handsome."
As for the core of Dragon Heartstring, it produce wands with the most magic power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. Dragon wands tend to learn more quickly than other types. While they can change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bond strongly with the current owner. The dragon wand tends to be easiest to turn to the Dark Arts, though it will not incline that way of its own accord. It is also the most prone of the three cores to accidents, being somewhat temperamental.

Signature Spell-
Dario is known to be particularly skilled with the Patronus Charm. So much so itโ€™s not uncommon to see it flying around, especially during classes and Quidditch Games, as he casts it when there is no need to as though he enjoys the manifestationโ€™s mere company. He also calls it a he.


He teaches Flying and is also the Quidditch Coach/Referee.

Dario is a true born Ravenclaw by nature and action. Full of whit and charm, its not much of a surprise that he was asked to be Head of Ravenclaw House or that he accepted the offer. This professor is brilliant, friendly upon getting to know him, curious, independent, versatile, observant, has surprisingly charming social skills and typically always manage to bring new life into anything when they enter the room. Easily being the life of a party if he so wishes to be, or finds that there is need for some sort of distraction or intervention. On top of that his upbringing lends a overall noble and gentlemenly air to his persona that tends to lure others to him like as if he casts ACCIO upon them.

But don't let this wizard fool you. For, again just like any good Ravenclaw witch or wizard, this coin has two sides to it. Particularly the way Dario's mind tends to work. Dario is an intellectual, rational, analytical, logical, and abstract when it comes to thinking at his core after all. He can pretty much always be found in the library if not at the pitch with a book in hand and several others around him sprawled about. He is always willing to lend an ear to student or staff member when they need advice.....which he tends to be very good at giving. So much so he has the unofficial title of the school's advisor among the student body. Unfortunetly his independence, somewhat harsh high demands during class and Quidditch as well as his intellect tend to earn him a negative viewing from pretty much the entire student body unless they sit and have a conversation with him. Even a few of the professors aren't very big fans of Dario for the same reasons as the kids.

Dario Agosti. Born as the eldest son of the Agosti Family, a pureblooded wizarding family that have extensive ancient roots spreading out all over Italy for centuries, Dario had quite the childhood growing up. Showing his magical talents from a young age as a boy, Lord Agosti started taking special interest in his eldest more so then a father would normally. At age six he started learning languages and art. At the age of seven he started learning about the magical community his family has long been apart of. At nine he started learning about dueling and wandlore despite it being another two years before he would be eligible for his own wand. At ten it was the family bussiness his lessons focused on. At age eleven Dario, to no surprise of his family and to his father's fierce pride, recieved his letter from Hogwarts saying that he was accepted into their student's ranks. His family of whom were all educated from the House Slytherin. They were sure their prodigy of a son would yet another successful serpent, thus carrying on the proud tradition their family had established.

Oh how wrong they were. Very very wrong........sort of. At least in his family's eyes.

See Dario was a prodigy during his tenure as a student at Hogwarts but not as Slytherin as his family had envisioned, nope. Instead of the House of Serpents, this wizard was sorted into the House of the Raven. House Ravenclaw was Dario's new home. While this was a seriously upsetting disappointment for the Agosti Family, Dario himself was absolutely thrilled about his sorting as he felt he was a much better match with the ravens wearing black and blue then with the silver and green wearing snakes of Slytherin. As a student Dario quickly excelled in many areas, he admittedly slacked a bit in those that just did not hold interest for him, but none more so then flying lessons. Being one of the top flyers, if not the top, of his year caused the young pureblooded wizard to catch the attention of the captain of Ravenclawโ€™s Quidditch Team. A talk with teachers later and Dario was soon walking onto the Quidditch Pitch as a Chaser and taking part in every game with his new found comerades on the team. He remaind on the team each year he attended Hogwarts, flitting from role to role despite being a Chaser about ninety percent of the time. It wasn't until his sixth year at the school that he fell in love with and decided to stick with the role Seeker. A decision that would eventually lead him to being that same role for one of Englandโ€™s Quidditch Team and captain. His life seemed set. He didn't need his family or their money or their traditions and that perfectly suited the young man just fine. Or at least it was until that fatefull day years ago....

Dario was seventeen in his seventh and final year at Hogwarts. By now he was a popular, decorated member of Ravenclaw and Quidditch Captain as Seeker ready to dedicate his life solely to his teammates on a national Quidditch Team after graduation. His young brother, Matteo who was a fourth year at Hogwarts and a Gryffindor (another disappointment to the proud Slytherin family), and him were celebrating with some brotherly bonding time by camping. While there were reservations on the matter, with Dario being as accomplished as he was and legal these worries were quickly put aside to allow the boys to celebrate the older of them with just the pair of them being brothers. So together Dario and Matteo went on a three day long camping trip just the pair of them. Everything was going well for the most part, the brothers having a great time together as one would expect from two brothers who were close spending a few days without the bother of their parents. Fishing. Hiking and exploring the area. Staying up late into the night watching the stars and Dario telling his younger brother all kinds of stories regarding his various Quidditch Matches and school. Dario teaching Matteo a few spells including attempting the Patronous Charm with him. (The younger getting simultaneously frustrated and awestruck at his older brother's stallion prancing proudly and calmly around the camp site, while he could produce little more then a thin vapor.) The third night though everything changed though when Dementors attacked the brothers. They'd run low on firewood. Dario told Matteo to stay in the protection spell-encased camp while he went out to get more for the fire but his younger brother insisted on going out getting it himself, saying he wouldn't have to go too far for it. The older Agosti sibling didn't like the thought but knew his brother and agreed to let him go while secretly planning to tail the boy just in case not long after he left. So the fourteen year old left. So, after about five minutes, Dario got up to follow his brother's trail in order to keep an eye on him from a short distance. From those five minutes the Agosti Heir claims the rest of what happened is nothing but a blurr.....but its a lie. He recalls exactly what happened....

He recalls the feeling of empty chills.

He recalls urging his feet faster while whipping out his wand with the words on his lips.

He recalls the screaming in his head, steadily growing louder and louder, and the plumetting of his stomach as it dropped out of his core as he neared the scene.

He recalls silently begging, pleading for anybody who it would reach, that he would make it in time. That everything would be okay.

He recalls the sight of Matteo and the group of Dementors.

He recalls screaming his brother's name rushing forward, the words leaving his lips. The silver vapor leaving his wand tip starting to form the stallion to charge at the dark creatures.

Then nothing.

The last thing he remembers was a form standing in front of him and the shape of a silver bat flying around. After that....nothing. Dario woke up some time later at his family's home. Matteo was gone. The silvery bat he had seen flying around just before blacking out having been a corperal Patronus conjured by his younger brother to protect him. And it worked. Dario was saved. His younger brother had saved him.

After Matteo's death, the young wizard went ahead and graduated from Hogwarts but he was never the same after loosing his brother. That day he quit the National Quidditch Team to focus more on running the Agosti Family instead. That day his Patronus changed into a bat. It took a whole lot of convincing but, eventually, Dario accepted the position of Flying Professor and Quidditch Coach at Hogwarts as well as the position of Ravenclawโ€™s Head of House.

romantic relationships; x

positive relationships; x

negative relationships; x

scent; leather and sandalwood

voice claim; Jay Ryan

Trivia Points-
* Donโ€™t toss him in a room with Dementors whatever you do. He will make you feel bad for the Dementors in there with him.

*Darioโ€™s patronus is now the same as his younger brotherโ€™s was. It changed after his younger brotherโ€™s death.

*Dario speaks Italian, Latin, English, Russian and French fluently.

*He wears a ring with his family's crest on it on his right hand. The crest itself is a rose wrapped around a rowan tree like a grape vine. The family ring belonged to his younger brother.
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Luca Di Maggio - Slytherinโ€™s Golden Serpent

Postby wolfrunner » Wed Oct 05, 2022 2:59 am

full name;
Luca Alistair Di Maggio

Lulu; only by his little sister
The Golden Serpent


He is in his 6th Year.


Bisexual, but currently closeted.


Heritage -




positive traits;
Popular, chivalrous, noble, protective, understanding, intelligent, studious, determined, kind, playfull, outgoing, modest, loyal, dedicated

negative traits;
Has a bit of a reputation particularly around the male population of the student body for having a temperment regarding his little sister, keeps things to himself so as not to burden others or even his sister, can be over protective, worry wart, obsessive at times

Boggart -
His sister pointing her wand at him.
It seems comical to most, but he is terrified of his sister hating and fearing him. This is what his boggart really represents. He knows he would never be able to duel his sister, even if she had full intent to harm or kill him.

The lion, along with being the mascot of Gryffindor House, is often seen as the "king of beasts." Lions generally live in close-knit prides, which they are fiercely protective of. They are kind to cubs, sharing their food. These cats are fierce warriors, symbolizing bravery as well as strength and nobility. If your Patronus is the lion, you are likely brave, close to those in your inner circle, and extremely protective. Despite your fierceness when challenged, you have a soft spot for those weaker than yourself for whom you are willing to make sacrifices.

12 1/2 inches, Cypress Wood, Dragon Heartstring, unyeilding
Cypress wands are associated with nobility. The great medieval wandmaker, Geraint Ollivander, wrote that he was always honoured to match a cypress wand, for he knew he was meeting a witch or wizard who would die a heroic death. Fortunately, in these less blood-thirsty times, the possessors of cypress wands are rarely called upon to lay down their lives, though doubtless many of them would do so if required. Wands of cypress find their soul mates among the brave, the bold and the self-sacrificing: those who are unafraid to confront the shadows in their own and othersโ€™ natures.
As a rule, dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. Dragon wands tend to learn more quickly than other types. While they can change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bond strongly with the current owner. The dragon wand tends to be easiest to turn to the Dark Arts, though it will not incline that way of its own accord. It is also the most prone of the three cores to accidents, being somewhat temperamental

Signature Spell-
He is frightfully gifted with the Knockback Jinx.


romantic relationships; x

positive relationships;
Sophia Di Maggio - little sister

negative relationships; x

scent; Freshly fallen rain

Trivia Points-
*He is on the Slytherin Quidditch Team as a Chaser.
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Sofia Di Maggio - The Newbie

Postby wolfrunner » Wed Oct 05, 2022 3:03 am


full name;
Sofia Di Maggio

Sofia Bonetti
Fia; only by a select few nearest her and her brother
Baby Sister; only by her brother


She is in her 1st Year.




Heritage -


Known as a Pureblood, really a Half-Blood.


positive traits;
Blunt, protective, confidant, understanding, competative, good sense of judgement, quick-whited, no nonsense, perceptive, generally calm and composed, thinks things through

negative traits;
Blunt, stubborn to the point of arrogance at times, easily frightened, very much a girly girl(depends on the moment in time this side pops up in her), can be too serious

Boggart -
Being alone.

The lioness is a force to be reckoned with. She is the core of social order, keeping her family close, protected, and fed. She does not take kindly to strangers and will often run them off. If your Patronus is the lioness, you likely love with such ferocity, no one - not even a lion - would dare mess with you or anyone you love. You are brave, hardworking, and practical. You donโ€™t mind getting your hands dirty to do what needs to be done to provide for those you love.

10 inches, Pear Wood, Unicorn Hair Core, reasonably springy
This golden-toned wood produces wands of splendid magical powers, which give of their best in the hands of the warm-hearted, the generous and the wise. Possessors of pear wands are, in my experience, usually popular and well-respected. I do not know of a single instance where a pear wand has been discovered in the possession of a Dark witch or wizard. Pear wands are among the most resilient, and I have often observed that they may still present a remarkable appearance of newness, even after many years of hard use.
Unicorn hair generally produces the most consistent magic, and is least subject to fluctuations and blockages. Wands with unicorn cores are generally the most difficult to turn to the Dark Arts. They are the most faithful of all wands, and usually remain strongly attached to their first owner, irrespective of whether he or she was an accomplished witch or wizard. Minor disadvantages of unicorn hair are that they do not make the most powerful wands (although the wand wood may compensate) and that they are prone to melancholy if seriously mishandled, meaning that the hair may โ€˜dieโ€™ and need replacing.

Signature Spell-
The more elemental spells are her forete.


Sofia is the younger sister of Luca Di Maggio, and youngest child of the late Giovanni and Francesca Di Maggio.....the former Master and Mistress of the Di Maggio Family. The Di Maggios being a wealthy family of pureblooded Italian Wizards and Witches. Or so she and everybody else believes so.

The truth is that Sofia, while she is the younger sister of Luca by blood, is actually his younger half-sister through their father Giovanni. Sofia was born to Giovanni and a muggle women he'd fallen in love with by the name of Andrea Bonetti. Yeup. Sofia is actually a Half-Blood. Something that would ruin an established old family like the Di Maggios should it ever get out into the public knowledge. However she, just like everyone else, wholeheartedly believes that she is a pureblooded Di Maggio and its all thanks to her big brother.

- Continued in Luca's history.

romantic relationships; x

positive relationships;
Luca Alistair Di Maggio - older brother

negative relationships; x

scent; Cinnamon

Trivia Points-
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Kathryn McKnight - The Gryffindor Outcast

Postby wolfrunner » Wed Oct 05, 2022 3:08 am


Kathryn McKnight

The Basics
Kathryn McKnight

Kitty; by the bold, and a little ill-advised, few and mostly by those in her house. She hates this name and never reacts well to it being used.

(Other names can be given in the roleplay)


Gender -


Date of Birth -
August 23

Heritage -
Kathryn speaks with an American accent regularly leading most to believe she is from America. However, when worked up, her accent drops into a fairly heavy and clear British accent and slang instead. This is, oddly, the direct opposite to her mother. Her mother normally using her normal British accent, yet loosing control and dropping to thick American when worked up.

She is a female Prefect of her house as well.

A hooded cloaked creature with long gangly limbs and claws.
It's actually the man that bit her in his canine state, but hard to tell because he is cloaked.

Kathrynโ€™s werewolf form has chocolate brown fur and retains her blue-grey eyes.

Signature Spell:
Kathryn is noted to be particularly gifted with Transfiguration-based spells.

Elective Classes:
In her third year Kathryn picked up Divination and Study of Ancient Runes.

Wand -
12 1/2 inches, Ebony Wood, Thunderbird Tail Feather Core, Flexible
This jet-black wand wood has an impressive appearance and reputation, being highly suited to all manner of combative magic and to transfiguration. Ebony is happiest in the hands of those with the courage to be themselves. Frequently non-conformist, highly individual or comfortable with the status of outsider. In the experience of Garrick Ollivander, the ebony wandโ€™s perfect match is one who will hold fast to his or her beliefs, no matter what the external pressure, and will not be swayed lightly from their purpose.
As for the core it is powerful but difficult to master, and good for transfiguration work. Wands with Thunderbird tail feather cores, like the birds the feathers are taken from, are able to sense danger and can cast curses on their own. Wands with Thunderbird tail feather cores have been known to fire curses pre-emptively when supernatural dangers are present.

Favourite Class -

Patronus -

Blood Status-

Quidditch -
Yeup! She is her house's Keeper.
Kate became the Keeper for Gryffindorโ€™s Quidditch Team in her third year, as the excuse of 'team *blank*' helped with things as a precaution. However it turned out that the teen actually had reasonable talent in the flying department. She's held the spot of Keeper through her own marits since her first few matches.


Deep Down Inside
Positive Personality Traits -
Cunning, sassy(most of the time this is a good thing), strong-willed, ambitious, studious, protective to the point of possesive many times, unselfish, creative, quick learner, loyal, excellent listener, resourceful, understanding, kind, gentle, doesn't judge, romantic at heart, encouraging, affectionate

Negative Personality Traits -
Incurably stubborn, tempermental, strong-willed, introverted, self-sacrificing, easily frightened, doesn't do well with crowds, follows emotions more then her brain, reckless, recluse, spaces out at times and has to be hit (literally) out of it by someone

History -
Kathryn is a girl of british-american background who was born in England to a pair of rather well-to-do muggles as their only child. As such the little girl being quite spoiled and doted on, healthy but still doted on. Her mother is a nurse who works on a maternity ward of a large hospital. While her father is a former american naval veteran who retiered a few years ago to become a form of manager at a large company. Though both her parents are muggles and knew nothing of magic until the letter arrived on their doorstep, Kathryn's mother always knew there was something special about her daughter. Her father often joked that, in the girl's case, being the black sheep of the family was a term of endearment. He relentlessly brings up the first time the brunette used magic involuntarily. Apparently there is a very good reason the family no longer keeps animals in the house (though the teen's owl Morgana is the one exception as she is a nocturnal hunter and sleeps during the day when her own Ed is out and about). Anyway! Needless to say both adults had no problems with agreeing to send their little girl to learn magic, as long as she wrote to them everyday about what she had done. This got on the girl's nerves but she agreed just so she could attend the magic school. She is both excited and nervous to be the very first witch in her family. However that happiness was not to last, for a dark cloud loomed over the family and sent the life of the McKnights into chaos.

See during Kate's third year when she was thirteen years old, she ended up being bitten by a werewolf. Exactly what happened is unknown, even to her teachers who are all well aware of her canine condition. She refuses to say anything more then she did what had to be done for her parent's sakes and would gladly do it again. However the attack left lasting scars both emotionally and physically on Kate, who has been transforming every full moon for the past two years. She wasn't going to re turn to school after the attack, but the Head of the school assured both her and her parents there was no real reason why Kate could not return to Hogwarts as a student. As long as certain precautionary meassures were taken of course.

The truth of the matter behind Kate's Lycanthropy is she was bitten by one of the werewolves in Lord Voldemort's army. It was the summer between Kate's second and third year of attending Hogwarts. It was late on a night of the fullmoon when the young witch was outside practicing a few of the spells she had learned the past year to go over and perfect them. The spell in particular she was practicing was transfiguring a bird feeder her family kept out back in their yard into a rabbit and then back again into the feeder and then back into a rabbit over and over. Her parents were sitting around a small bonfire, when her mother called her to bring smores making sticks which she had forgotten inside the house. Putting her wand away after undoing her transfiguration, Kate ran inside to fetch the long skewers and join her parents. Picking up the skewers and ready to head back out though, the brunette heard her mother scream and dropped them running back outside in time too see both her parents well on alert and a hulking gangly shape over by the feeder she had been practicing her magic on. Without thinking Kate reacted redrawing her wand and running back outside getting between her parents and the creature which turned out to be a fully transformed werewolf. The teen managed to drive the werewolf off while leaving it with a few decent missing patches of fur and the scent of burnt hair following its tracks, but not before it gave her a momento to remember him by too- a narly bite to her left shoulder. That werewolf hasn't been heard from since that night leaving Kate to believe that it is still out there somewhere. Though used to her Lycanthropy, or as much as she could be, the young werewolf still is deadly fearful that one night she will transform and her wolf form will do irreparable damage to her family or someone else. Or worse.....bite them and resign them to the same cruel fate as herself. This fear is so great it effects her boggart and just about kept the teen from returning to school, as she refused to go ahead with her magical education due to the danger she posed to staff and other students alike, until Headmisstress/Headmaster stepped in. Now every fullmoon while at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Kate is escorted to the forest by a staff member before moonrise so that she can transform and run about the forest around the school while in her canine state. Then at first light she is snuck back into the castle and tended to by the healer for a day or so until deemed well enough to return to classes.


Physically On The Surface
Hair -

Eyes -

Markings/Tatoos/Scars -
Kathryn is covered in scars but keeps them hidden with magic, make up and her clothes. Its a little easier to at school thanks to her house robes.
-Various scars all over:
due to isolating herself during her transformations.

-Sides and Arms:
thin silver scars from claws where she scratches herself. These are the most reachable places.

-Left Shoulder:
a nasty well aged looking scar near where her shoulder meets her neck from where she was attacked and bitten at thirteen.

a few minor smaller scars from her transformations as it is a hard to reach place.

a burn mark thanks to not knowing silver burns her kind when it touches the skin. From a silver necklace encircling her neck when her mother attempted to put one on her.


Love and Alliances
Status -

Sexuality -
She hasn't explored it yet due to her condition, so has no idea. It depends on who, if anyone, manages to get through to her past her defences. But donโ€™t get your hopes up.

The man that bit, and transformed, her is still out there somewhere.

Kate also happens to keep a female Barn Owl by the name of Morgana.
Last edited by wolfrunner on Thu Nov 02, 2023 9:20 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: ๐จ๐ง๐œ๐ž ๐ฎ๐ฉ๐จ๐ง ๐š ๐๐ž๐œ๐ž๐ฆ๐›๐ž๐ซ - forms & discussion

Postby pavlove's dog » Wed Oct 05, 2022 5:43 am

all are accepted! i will update the main page here in a minute ^^


king of my heart,

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body and soul.
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pavlove's dog
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Re: ๐จ๐ง๐œ๐ž ๐ฎ๐ฉ๐จ๐ง ๐š ๐๐ž๐œ๐ž๐ฆ๐›๐ž๐ซ - forms & discussion

Postby pavlove's dog » Wed Oct 05, 2022 11:01 am

wolfrunner wrote:Sofia can be a future....lHufflepuff.

ok cool! i'll update the main page again in a few secs


king of my heart,

โ™ฅ ryan | adult| she/he โ™ฅ
ask me for my discord!


body and soul.
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