Adoptables 2: Closed Species/Communities

User-made adoptables that are part of a closed species or larger community

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Perosomo - W.I.P Re-opening!
by Akkiod @ Mon Nov 08, 2021 4:56 am [Reply]

    Family order: Animalia, Chordata, Tetrapoda, Mammalia, Saccharoficedula, Novusgenus, Longabestia, Peroendaie

    Perosomo (AKA Stanton's ring-tailed squash) are a breed of highly intelligent creature spilling from the mammalia family. They're highly adaptive and albeit greedy creatures that have only recently found their way back to the forests of their genetic homeworld. Perosomo have fully developed culture and have the ability to speak the language 'Sesian'. It's a language mainly comprised of small, finch-like beeps and physical cues such as ear swishing and tail wagging. Although they don't have the ability to learn new languages, they begin to understand the behaviour of their non-perosomo friends over time.



The Basics
Perosomo are known for their tufted, multi-coloured highly flexible prehensile tail. Their tail is said to hold up to double their body weight, meaning they can use their tails to hold themselves onto trees or to carry supplies. Perosomo have also been recorded to sleep upside down using their tail to cling on.
Perosomo have folded, fluffy ears and excellent hearing. Their inner ear is very sensitive however, to avoid excess dirt (or curious bugs) from flying inside, they often tilt down to cover the entrance directly. Ears that don't fold over are often fluffier or have the ability to twist down to light flat against the head. Similarly, their nose is also folded over. This is so excess food, water and dust doesn't enter.
Perosomo have relatively normal paw-like appendages on their back feet, but much larger, hand-like claws on the front. These claws, similar to monkey's hand, are fully opposable and help in a variety of daily activities from opening hard fruit (like coconuts) to climbing trees with relative ease.


Perosomo can bite their own tongues off and regrow them depending on their current situation. Their normal tongue is a long, thin barbed tongue ideal for licking sap out of trees or scooping up bugs, but for new mothers or for scavengers, they will often dispose of their current tongue to make way for a softer or scratcher one.
Perosomo genes are highly adaptive, and they have the ability to procreate with other species. Biologically, perosomo are all intersex, and have a live birth after a 6 month pregnancy. They have 1 kid at a time but do occasionally have twins (or more, like humans).
Perosomo average 5 to 6 feet at shoulder level, but can be smaller. They average about 5'5", similar to a white rhino. Curiously, Perosomo are one of the few species who have the ability to change from quadupedal to bipedal. They can shift their weight onto two legs with relative ease, which makes climbing trees easier. All their joints are hypermobile, meaning they can twist their body is directions that seem almost inhuman or extremely uncomfortable.



    Perosomo live in large gatherings, typically is forestry areas. They're very family orientated and have very passionate maternal instinct. Groups are usually 15-25 perosomo big, consist of mainly family (or multiple families). Older offspring typically flake off to start their own families once they reach adulthood, depending on the size of the group.
    Perosomo often take other species into their groups due to their friendly and accepting nature, and have been found to raise stray dogs, cats and other species such as otters or lynx into their communities.

    Perosomo's greedy nature makes them excellent hoarders. Some perosomo have hoards dedicated to one specific thing (gems, money, dried fruit, etc) while others collect whatever they can. Hoards are often the cause of many arguments in perosomo groups, as perosomo that collect the same things can have casual rivalries in regards to their hoard size. Perosomo often use their hoards as a courting method, sharing their own goods with a potential mate to impress them. Partners may go hoard searching together, and combine their hoards together when they create their first den together.

    Perosomo's large fluffy mane proves very useful for casual storage. They can tuck items into their fur in order to carry them for short periods of time. This becomes very handy when climbing trees or going long distances, as their hands may not be available. Their fur can become matted in this way, and so many perosomo have very strict cleaning rituals in order for their fur to stay soft and plyable. If their fur is full, they commonly dig small pits and bury their items to return to later, similar to squirrels.


Life cycle and life style
Perosomo begin life sleeping in nests warmed by their parent's company. After a few months, they begin walking and learning how to talk. Once fully versed in their language, they become apprentices. During this time, they learn to control their magical abilities, as well as learning how to forage, hunt, scavenge, harvest, etc.
Perosomo become a number of things when growing into adulthood, but it's usually a forager, hunter, mage or herbalist. Depending on location, these may change or be added to (for example, perosomo who live in more barren locations may be included to have meat scavengers but no fruit foragers) - the whole pack dynamic is up to the leader at the time.
Perosomo are highly adaptive, meaning they can live in a multitude of different locations. They're mainly known for their forest and jungle dwelling conditions, but do often track to other places like greenland, caves and marsh. They rarely spend long in desserts due to their fluff, and usually don't reside too far up due to their limited breathing ability.


Perosomo culture is comprised of a few different aspects, but magic is one of the most important. Perosomo have magical abilities ranging from small energy blasts to full out raging storms, and their tail signals their abilities. Perosomo use their magic in fighting and, for some, elements like wind spells can help with fruit collection.

The average perosomo can excel in the following elements;
Fire, Water, Nature, Light, Dark, Love, War, Electricity, Metal, Ground, Air, Life and Death.

Each element has their own creative abilities which are useful for a variety of different reasons.
Perosomo cannot choose their elemental abilities and are instead born with their element(s), although their abilities are not known until much further in their life. After their first few training sessions (as apprentices), their own magical quirks start shining through. After a couple months, they go into the next stage of apprenticeship suited to their specific element(s).




Stars are a marking that can appear on a Perosomo's fur. They can appear anywhere on the body and must be bigger than a penny. Perosomo believe these stars have a purpose, a very ethereal one. According to legend, a new star appears every time a perosomo completes a new part of their legacy. Perosomo are always born with one star, this marks the beginning of their journey. They gain more stars as the years go on, for various reasons, but most perosomo will only have 2-3 in their entire life.


Star types

1 - 2 Stars
1 - 2 stars is relatively easy to achieve, considering they're always born with one. Perosomo at this stage make up the majority of the average gathering.

3 - 4 Stars
3 - 4 stars is more uncommon and is a category usually full of parents, elders and those more talented in their craft. They still partake in normal gathering life.

5+ Stars
5+ stars are usually leaders or deputies, and use their knowledge and life experience to teach younglings. 5+ stars are often kicked out of groups they don't lead or co-lead, as their knowledge can be intimidating to current rulers.


Tail Colours
The amount of colours a perossomo's tail has indicates their magical ability. The more colours, the rarer, and more powerful! The tail's colours are each separated by their own section of fur. If the tail is patterned, the original coloured stripes must always be more visible. Perosomo's tail colours are visible from birth and don't naturally change or develop differently later in life, unlike stars. More magically inclined perosomo are more likely to have power, through intimidation and fear or through inspiration.


Tail Colour Types

2 Colours
2 colours is the average, perosomo with these colours can perform very basic normal spells and few elemental spells. They can only be proficient in 1 element at this level.

3 Colours
3 colours is rarer, but these perosomo have more developed normal spells and more in-depth elemental abilities. They can only be proficient in 1 element at this level.

4 Colours
4 tail colours allows a perosomo to be proficient in 2 different elements, understand most normal spells, and understand elemental magic to a mage level of ability.

5+ Colours
5+ colours is for the most magically blessed. They are proficient in 2 elements and can master almost every normal spell.

1 Colour
Perosomo with 1 colour on their tail have no magical ability. They're the rarest type due to their inherent uselessness.

Extra tail info:

Akkiod @ Mon Nov 08, 2021 4:56 am


Basic anatomy
Perosomo usually have the following traits:
- A long bushy tail, segmented by colour. It's usually the same size a perosomo's body, but has been known to be slightly smaller or bigger.
- Front hands, similar to a monkey's, and flat paws on their hind legs.
- Flexible bodies that are quite long when fully extended.
- Folded over ears.
- A mane like a lion's that usually starts just under the neck and behind the ears. This typically ends at the shoulder.
- A folder over nose (like a sheep's nose).
- A wide-set face that narrows into a small mouth and jaw.
- At least 1 star somewhere on their body.

Perosomo must have the following traits:
- The folded nose.
- Hands on their front legs and paws on their back.
- At least 1 star on their design.
- A tail that's segmented with every new colour.

Non-rarity traits do not need to be listed under a perosomo's page, and aren't traits that have any specific rarity attached to them, and thus can be added to a perosomo without buying/obtaining anything extra. NR traits include;
- Any design element including colour (heterochromia, albinism, piebald, etc).
^ including bone and blood colour.
- Height/weight change, including extreme height differences and slight body shape changes.
- Clothes + accessories (but they must be removable/have a separate non-clothed ref).
- Any kind of medical device/prosthetics (hearing aids for example. All traits must be hypothetically removable, if they're not, it's counted as a cybernetic trait.
'Hypothetically' = as removable as said device is on an actual person. Prosthetic arms like x and x are allowed, for example.)
- Scars/birthmarks/missing limbs, or any other kind of blemishes. This includes gender reassignment surgery scars and limbs missing from birth.
- Tattoos/henna (if the henna is optional/changeable, make sure you mention that!)
- Pets.




The normal eye
is exactly what it
sounds like. A
normal, basic eye
that does everything
an eye needs to do.
These eyes are plain,
can be any colour,
and any size.
These eyes are
exactly like the normal
eye, but they have a
dark circle in the center.
This circle can be a
darker version of the
eye colour, or black.
These eyes can be one
colour, or multiple.
These types of eyes
are just like a pupil,
but instead of a circle
it's a slit. This slot can
stay slit all the time, or
can act like a cat's eye
and change back and
forth from a circle to a
slit, it's up to you!
This eye type isn't
too rare, but it's one
of the more interesting
types for sure! This
eye works in the
exact same way
as the pupil eye does, but
it offers a much wider
range of vision.

Inner Circle
The inner circle
has the ability to see
in infrared, this
means they see heat
rather than colour.
Although this means
they can't see colour,
it does make them
amazing hunters.
This mystical eye type
is, although very pretty,
an eye type prone to
blindness. These eyes
don't come with a
100% chance of vision
issues, but they more
commonly have faults,
or at least fuzzy vision.
Coloured Sclera
This eye type can have
any other pupil type
(standard, goat, etc)
along with it, but they
count as two separate
traits. The sclera can
be any colour(s) of
choice. This eye type
often has light sensitivity.
Seeing Double
This pupil mutation
gives perosomo a cool,
twisted look.
Unfortunately, it comes
with a cost. Much like
solid eyes, these types
of eyes often gain
astigmatism or
'double-vision' .

These curious eyes
have the ability to
hypnotize! Among being
one of the rarer types of
eyes, they also come
with the ability to shock
prey into being dizzy.
They make excellent
eyes for hunters.
They say only the
most mystical of
perosomo have
these eyes. Stary eyes
are included in a
perosomo's star count,
as those with stary
eyes often gain them
after birth.
????? ????
????? ????



Standard fur and hair
The average perosomo's fur is around the size shown
above. This fur can flow in any way but has to be around
the same length. Perosomo may have scruffy or sleeker fur
so long as it's a similar size.
Hair edit
Perosomo grow thicker hair on their head, jaw and
chin. This hair can be styled in any way you choose! This
trait doesn't include fur on any other part of their body,
and only includes head and facial hair.

Perosomo have been known to come with a thick,
prominent dorsal fin of fur across their spine. This
fur can be a thin row of longer fur or be a fully,
bushy mane like a striped hyena's.
Leg tufts
Perosomo can grow extra fur around their wrists.
This extra fluff can be as long as you like.


Mega fluff
Perosomo may have longer fur. This can affect just
their mane or all the fluff on their body! Perosomo
are typically fluffier if they live in colder climates,
like pine forests or mountains.
Slim fur
Perosomo who live in denser and hotter climates, like
dessert-y areas, will often have much less fur. This
usually effects their mane and a body fur, and can
look almost like hairless-ness in some cases.

Sometimes, Perosomo can be born with curly or frizzy
fur. This fur type is more wirey and thick, and evolved
to protect their skin from things like nettles, thorns
and bug bites.
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Normal ears
A perosomo's normal ear type is a fluffy, folded ear
type. This ear type can be extremely curled, like so,
but can droop as low as this. The fluffy
ear type is used to protect their sensitive inner ear.
The flipped up ear, although not the most uncommon
type, can get irritated easily. Up ears are often more
flexible or fluffier in order to protect them
from dust and dirt.

One-of-each is where the ear types don't match. This
could be one up, one down or two completely different
ear types. With this trait, they'd have 3 ear traits total
(ear type 1, ear type 2, and one-of-each).
The flopped ear type is one of the most size-fluid of
them all. They usually droop just below the jaw but
they can drop so low that they can drag across the floor.
These ears are usually very soft and fluffy.

The slicked ear have thinner catralidge and naturally
fold backwards, but have some of the most versatile
movements of any other ear type. This ear can grow soft
thin hair like so.
The bat ear type has the ability to hear from miles
away, and usually evolves for cave-dwellers. This ear
has rigged insides which eco the sound and makes even
small sounds extremely loud.

Cub ears are a soft, round type of ear. They can
vary in size but usually varies in scale from this to this.
They can be bigger, however, their bulkiness gets
heavy quick.
Multiple ears is one of the rarest types around. They
have to all be the same type of ear unless using the
separate 'one-of-each' trait. They can be the same type
of ear but still be multiple sizes/styles.



Normal tail
The normal tail of a perosomo is a long, fluffy tail that
appears segmented. The fur splits with every new colour.
This tail is often as long as the perosomo's body but can
be slightly longer/shorter without extra traits.
This tail type is very similar to the normal tail, but it's
noticeably thinner in width. Note that the segment
colours should still be distinctly different. This tail can
be pretty thin but it must still have fur on it.

This tail is also pretty similar to the normal tail, but is,
well, longer! Perosomo with longer tails are usually better
climbers and can swing easier, although that bulky tail can
be a hassle to drag around.
A perosomo with a folded tail are often stuck on the
ground as their crooked tail makes them pretty bad at
dangling. Perosomo with this tail do not sleep using their
tails to cling on and prefer to walk on the ground.

Perosomo with a nipped tail must have at least 2
segments, if you can't fit 2 segments in then it needs to
be longer. Perosomo with nipped tails are stuck to the
floor, much like folded tailed perosomo are.
Patterned tails must still have their distinct background
colour, and can't use more colours than their traits allow
(see 'tail colours'). Patterns are not allowed to take up
too much of the tail segment they're placed on.

Tufted tails appear similar to the 'skinny' tail type, but
have a growth in the end of their tail. This can poof out
anytime after the middle of the tail, and can appear like
x or x. The tuft can puff out as much as you want.
Multiple tailed perosomo are very rare, and are seen as
almost angelic. They are said to have a deeper
understanding of magic and spirituality. Multiple tails still
follow the tail colours rule.



Fangs are overgrown teeth. These can be protruding
from inside the mouth or from around the general mouth
area. This trait includes tusks, and also includes multiple
protruding teeth/fangs of any style.
These horns protrude from the back of the heel or elbow
and are used to fight off competition. They usually aren't
much bigger than shown, and prove to be a very useful
fighting tool.

Rhino includes one horn on the nose or nose bridge, and
is used to open tough fruits like coconuts, and can also
help with shredding tree bark. They're also used to
headbutt/attack their enemies (like most horns).
Nub horns can't be bigger than shown, but are welcome
to have a slight curl or texture to them. Nub horns often
lie against the head, as they're often used to protect
their head/skull rather than attack others.

Mini antler
Mini antlers can't be bigger than shown. Nub horns/long
horns can be textured, but if they split off into a new
stem, that turns into an antler! Only horns on the top of
the head can become antlers
Uni is one large horn on the upper center of the face.
This can be any size and can sway to one side of the
head or the other. Uni horns can be textured, or can
become antlers when combined with other traits.

Cheek horns are placed on either cheek. These can
extend forward to guard the mouth but usually are just
small nubs either side of the mouth. See here and here
and here. Cheek horns are rather versatile.
Spinal spikes are a row of horns across the back, neck
and sometimes tail. They can't go near the top of the
head. These spikes lay against the body and 'spike up'
like a cat's fur when they feel they are threatened.

Long horns are, you guessed it, long straight horns on
top of the head. They can be textured like so, and can
bend down like this, but any kind of curve and they
become the 'curved' trait instead.
Curved horns come in a lot of different styles, but
they're all, well, curved! Curved horns range from this to
that, or even this, but are all curved in one way or
another. Curved horns can even spiral.

Antlers are like any regular horn, but they split into
separate 'branches'. These antlers can be thin like this or
sturdier like this, but anything that has that signature split
is classified as an antler.
Horns on the forehead/muzzle (rhino, uni, long,
curved, antler, mini antler, nub) require this trait to
have multiple of said traits. Any trait not listed (all
body horns) can be added without this extra trait.



Vents are openings in the skin that help a somo to
breathe. Although originally believed to be a trait lost
from their ancestors, the 'squash', soon began reappearing
as somo began popping up in dusty, desert landscapes.

Mole Nose
The mole nose mutation looks something like so, and
develops for cave-dwellers who have a knick for digging.
This highly sensitive snoot has the ability to sense
vibrations in the earth.

Altered Fingers/Claws
Hands that are different or claws that are longer than
the regular hands. Examples; x, x or x. changes like
curved claws go under this trait, along with polydactyly
or oligodactyly. All Perosomo must have at least 3 fingers.

A thick, calcium based coat that grows onto a perosomo.
These plates can spiral into a snail shell but are always
much thicker and less shiny than scales. They're used as a
protective coat and usually start growing at birth.

Feathers sprout on somo who live in either extremely
rainy or dusty areas. Their feathers can be on any part
of the body that needs them. Their feathers are very
thick and help prevent stuff from irritating their skin.

Body Webbing
Body webbing helps somo who live higher up, such as in
the top layers of the forest. They use this extra skin to
spread out and almost glide in the air for short periods
of time. This webbing also helps somo to swim in water.

Glowing markings/body parts is a rare trait usually
developing in cave dwellers or those who live on the
dark forest floor. Biouminescence can effect any part
or any selected parts of the body.
Scales often appear as shown above, but can spread to
cover any part of the body. Scales can be any shape or
size. Scales usually develop on cave-dwellers and
perosomo who excel in battle.



Mouth edits

Tongue Types

In order:

Perosomo have the ability to dispose of their tongue and regrow a new one at will. Each tongue type is useful for different things.
- The standard tongue type is a long, thin tongue type and it suited for a diet mainly of bugs and tree sap and is used to dig sap out of trees.
- The short tongue type is for primarily for plant eaters. This tongue type is a very casual tongue type that may have texture if they typically eat tougher plants.
- The flat tongue is for mothers, and is covered in soft barbs. This tongue can be used to lick dirt and gunk off their new born and can also be used to grind down food to feed their newborn.
- The forked tongue is for scavengers, and has a very rouge texture to tear remaining meat and muscle from bones. This highly versatile tongue can be used to pick at even the littlest of scraps.
- The tucked tongue is for meat-eaters, their small tongue is to make up for their ability to grind down meat (so they don't catch their own tongue in the process).

Coloured Fangs
Fangs are often coloured so their bright white teeth aren't obvious against the background (very useful for those who hunt their own prey). Coloured teeth count as a NR coloured bone trait and don't need to be listed under a perosomo's page.


Elemental traits
Elemental traits are traits that aren't open to buy. Elemental traits may be available during events and can possibly mutate during breeding, but aren't available otherwise. Elemental traits are considered a separate trait list as they're not a part of a perosomo's regular mutations, and are seen as more angelic blessings rather than natural occurring traits.

The list of elemental traits, and event exclusives, is in a separate thread. And can be found here.

More information

Akkiod @ Mon Nov 08, 2021 4:57 am


The Gathering
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident,
sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


The Gods
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.



The Staff
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident.


None yet!


Akkiod @ Mon Nov 08, 2021 4:57 am


Rules, Regulations and Warnings, oh my!

    - You must read over all the rules before interacting.
    We'll be able to tell if you don't!

    - Perosomo are a closed species.
    Anyone who appears to imitate this species or any of the NPCs involved will instantly be banned from this species. Characters that coincidentally look similar are fine (we can't claim certain design elements or lore and the end of the day), so long as they don't claim to be a perosomo/or are exact copies of pre-existing characters. Please DM the owner if you see anything suspicious.

    - Perosomo can only be obtained by official staff adopts, MYOs, gifts, nursery kids and similar.
    Any perosomo that is posted by an unofficial account or staff member is not official. If you happen to own a fake perosomo, DM a staff member.

    - Perosomo don't need to follow the written lore.
    You're welcome to adapt their lore into your own thing, you don't need to follow the species lore 100%.

    - Perosomo cannot be made without permission.
    You must either win/buy adopts or use a MYO ticket. You cannot make a Perosomo without permission.

    - The lines, brand and general lore of Perosomo belong to Akkiod.
    Unless passed to another owner.

    - You may not sell or give away designs if you are not an official staff member.
    You're welcome to offer a design to another user that they can make official with a MYO ticket, but it is not official until that ticket has been used.

    - No minimodding unless given explicit permission to do so.
    Leave the work to the official staff. If you think anything seems off, notify a staff member rather than dealing with it yourself.

    - Don't answer questions you don't know the answer to.
    You're welcome to respond to questions by screencapping any information found on the main page, but don't answer others' questions if what you're saying doesn't have a direct connection to a written rule. The general rule is, if the rules on the main page doesn't back up what you're saying, don't say it at all.

    - Don't ask about Arty's eye./j
    Or do, we can't stop you.

    - Once a Perosomo is official, you're welcome to do whatever you want with it (within reason).
    You're welcome to roleplay, write stories, use it as your fursona or anything else similar. If you're not sure if something is allowed, just ask a staff member!

    - Never beg for free perosomo (or anything including perosomo, such as our currency 'starfruit').

    - Notify the species owner if you want to transfer a design out of species.

    - Rules may be added and changed as time goes on, make sure to keep an eye out if anything changes.

    - Ignorance or a purposeful disobeying of the rules will result in a warning or a ban.
    To prove that you have read all the rules effective as of 8th December 2021; Complete this form. If you attempt to enter for adopts without completing this form, you will not be considered.

    - How to find your User ID: xxx


Ownership and related

    - Before owning your first perosomo, you are required to fill a few things out.
    Before starting, you must read over all the rules, prove that you've read them all, and filled out the form at the bottom of the page.

    - Perosomo can be gifted, resold or given to new owners.
    This can be done on the archive update thread, here; xx

    - Perosomo cannot be gifted, resold or given to new owners for art, USD, c$ or anything not mentioned below.
    Perosomo can be resold for the currency 'starfruit', other MYOs, edit items or other perosomo. IF you brought a somo for c$, art or USD you can resell them for the same amount. You can resell somo for a higher price if they have extra art/writing etc.

    - Designs can be placed into the pound in exchange for a MYO ticket of the same rarity.
    Designs can also be bought from the pound with an appropriate ticket. More information on the pound be found here; xx

    - Perosomo cannot have more than 1 owner.

    - All Perosomo must have a design, alias and a completed trait list to be official.
    You will be contacted if yours doesn't, or contact us first! Alias are the nickname given to perosomo and can be found in the archive or on their adoption page. As of 04/11/2023 names are no longer tracked in the archive. Alias (the nickname given to perosomo for archiving purposes) cannot be changed, unless absolutely necessary (contact Akkiod if you'd like to request a change). MYOs will be given an alias in the archive.



    - Perosomo use a currency called starfruit.
    More information about starfruit can be found in the store.

    - 1 starfruit = 1c$

    - Starfruit can be used to buy MYOs, edit items, event items and (occasionally) adopts.
    If starfruit is an option, it will be stated. Don't attempt to buy regular adopts with starfruit if it doesn't specify you can.

    - Starfruit can be earned in a few different ways, but cannot be bought.
    Starfruit can be earned by participating in adopts, competitions, referring other people to the discord server and giveaways.

    - Starfruit cannot be exchanged into c$.


Nursery and Growths

    - You can have a nursery batch done once per month.
    This includes any perosomo of yours, regardless of which perosomo you used for the breeding.

    - There is no limit to how many times you can breed a perosomo.

    - Perosomo are all intersex, and so, can breed with any other gender.
    Perosomo can use any pronouns, present in any way and can be infertile either way if you want them to steer a specific gender, but this won't be specified in the archive in any way.

    - Perosomo can have relationships with non-perosomo.
    Romantic relationships are completely up to you.

    - Breeding a perosomo with a non-perosomo is allowed with specific breeding tickets.
    Don't expect to breed your perosomo with an omnipotent being in order to get infinite rare traits through, Perosomo genes are often dominant and getting a bunch of rare traits is unlikely. Perosomo mixed with non-perosomo are known as mixed breeds (see below).

    - You cannot breed perosomo that are related or underage.
    At all. Ever.

    - (Most) NPCs can be bred with.
    Click on their specific page to see their individual breeding fee and information. Most perosomo will be available for breeding at one time or another (including gods).
    The only perosomo that will never be up for breeding is Beau as they are depicted as underage.

    - We have the right to refuse any perosomo x non-perosomo breedings.
    We won't accept any underage or human(/oid) - unless your Perosomo can shape shift - characters, or anything that doesn't seem to fit with a perosomo. You're welcome to pick a different character if we refuse the one you use.

    - You cannot breed with other closed species.
    Unless you get owner's permission to do so. Any species that accept perosomo breedings will be added to the list here.

    - Perosomo can be grown after 3 months.
    You or anyone you choose can grow a perosomo. You are not permitted to add traits or stars to a perosomo when growing it. You are also not allowed to change the perosomo's design in any way apart from NR traits.

    - Perosomo are all born with 1 star.
    You can earn more by completing tasks found in the town square.

    - Perosomo have one kit per person breeding.
    If you're breeding two of your own kits, they'll have one child. If you and another person are breeding, they'll have two kits so you can have one kit each. This is always the rule unless you use extra items to boost the amount of babies, which can be found in the store.


Mixed Breeds

    - Mixed breed perosomo often look like perosomo but contain only ½ perosomo DNA.
    Surprising, I know.

    - MB perosomo are all infertile and cannot be bread further.
    This will be noted in the archive so don't try to sneakily breed them.

    - You can only breed non-perosomo with a perosomo once.
    This is once per perosomo, not once per person or character. This is so there isn't an influx of MB perosomo.

    - The character has to be yours.
    Unless you have proof that you're able to breed with them, please only use your characters for breeding.


Customs and MYOs/Claiming AS designs

    - You cannot make a perosomo without the use of a MYO ticket.
    Tickets can be bought in the store.

    - You're welcome to claim designs from the artist search instead.
    This has separate forms, so make sure you read over everything first. You may only claim an artist search design if the owner has specifically allowed you to. Always ask first.

    - You're welcome to commission or request another user to draw your MYO.
    However, an artist cannot charge you for pre-made artist search designs. You can only ask for payment for custom made designs. Don't harass an artist if they don't decide to draw your MYO.

    - MYOs are allowed to be custom lined.

    - MYOs can be off-oekeki.
    Provided you fill out the appropriate forms.

    - Do not remove the 'fake' sign until your custom is approved.

    - Do not remove the signature, even if it's off-oekaki or custom lined.
    You're welcome to add your own signature to custom lined designs, but the original signature must be visible.

    - Make sure the appropriate form is filled out.
    Make sure you fill out the correct form for your MYO, whether it's a regular MYO or off-oekaki.

    - You're welcome to edit/change the background however you wish.
    Or have no background at all.


Artist Search

    - AS designs are not official.
    They can become official with the use of a ticket, but are not official upon creation.

    - All artist search entries must have an accurate trait list.
    The trait list is taken into consideration when picking artists!

    - AS designs are allowed to be custom lined.

    - AS designs can not be off-oekeki.
    This may change in the future, but for now, this is so everything is in one place. If you're applying for an off-oekaki position, use the staff form instead!

    - Do not remove the 'fake' sign.
    If you happen to delete it, just quickly draw a new one. It's also preferred you don't resize or place it elsewhere (unless it is directly getting in the way)

    - Do not remove the signature, even if it's AS designs or custom lined.
    You're welcome to add your own signature to custom lined designs, but the original signature must be visible.

    - You're welcome to edit/change the background however you wish.
    Or have no background at all.

    - Artist search entries can be claimed but cannot be sold.

    - You are not allowed to 'try out' the lines.
    If you colour in the lines, it has to be an artist search (or myo). You're not permitted to just try out the lines.

    - Do not put your artist entries under a cover.
    But it is preferred you link back to your previous entries. Any entries under a cover will not be counted.


Elements/Elemental traits

    - Each perosomo must have a listed element.
    Or two, if they have 4 - 5+ colours on their tail. Perosomo with singular coloured tails still have an element, they're just not magically proficient in said element.

    - Perosomo can only have 1-2 of the following elements;
    Fire, Water, Nature, Light, Dark, Love, War, Electricity, Metal, Ground, Air, Life and Death. Any element not in this list is not an element that's available for your perosomo to master in.

    - Each element has its own abilities, but are about the same amount of power.
    Pick your element based on preference, not anything else.

Make sure you fill out the rule confirmation form before you continue.



You must sign up before engaging with perosomo. Once signed up, your storage will be created here.
- As of 04/11/2023, individual storages are no longer being produced.
- You are welcome to make your own character storage.
- A link to your personal character storage can be added to your archive upon request, just contact the owner!

Upon sign-up, you gain 1x Uncut Life Crystal (aka A standard MYO!) - This will automatically be added to your balance.

You won't be able to enter for perosomo without signing up first. Please use this form for access;
Code: Select all
[b]Have you completed the rule confirmation form?;[/b] I will check!

258 replies not shown, show all

Kelso Shetland Ponies based on this drawing by faentofheart
by kaju @ Wed May 29, 2024 1:01 am [Reply]

    Kelso Shetland Ponies, originating in the historic town of Kelso, Scotland, this breed is known most for their compact build and for being extremely hardy and resilient. Ranging anywhere from 7 hands to 12.2 hands, the KSPBA recognises any coat color and pattern found in the world of equine genetics. Though it is not entirely recommended for adults to ride them due to their smaller stature, they excel in driving, farmwork, sports, in-hand showing, jumping and more. Their playful personality and friendly demeanor make for the perfect companion.

kaju @ Wed May 29, 2024 1:01 am

    These rules are subject to change at any time. New or updated rules will be indicated using red text
    ─ CS rules always apply
    ─ Be respectful to staff and community members at all times. Guilt-tripping and being rude or argumentative is not acceptable behavior
    ─ Kelso Shetland Ponies cannot be sold for any type of currency. They can be gifted for free, or traded for other KSPs
    ─ If you are trading/gifting a horse, both the new and old owners must post on the horse's page confirming the transfer. Additionally, the new owner should contact the archivist to inform them of the change
    ─ As a closed species, creating your own KSP is not permitted. Changing the coat design, color, or adding things to a KSP you own is also not allowed without the original designer's explicit permission
    ─ You cannot claim designs that you do not own. Likewise, plagiarizing backstories or personalities is not permitted
    ─ KSPs can be taken offsite. Websites like Weebly, Toyhouse, Wix, or custom websites are permitted for character storage
    ─ Users who are banned from CS are considered banned from KSP. Banned users cannot claim their adopts under another account, unless they have proof of ownership. Revoked KSPs will be adopted back out into the community
    ─ Once owned, KSPs are to be given a halter and have their background removed as soon as possible by the artist, it is also important for all information to be updated for archiving purposes

kaju @ Wed May 29, 2024 1:01 am

    Permitted for staff member use only.

    Code: Select all
    [center][quote][size=85][b][url=]Kelso Shetland Ponies[/url][/b], originating in the historic town of Kelso, Scotland, this breed is known most for their compact build and for being extremely hardy and resilient. Ranging anywhere from 7 hands to 12.2 hands, the KSBA recognises any coat color and pattern found in the world of equine genetics. Though it is not entirely recommended for adults to ride them due to their smaller stature, they excel in driving, farmwork, sports, in-hand showing, jumping and more. Their playful personality and friendly demeanor make for the perfect companion.[/quote]
    [list][size=95][center]Prompt here. End date[/center]

    [b]Show Name:[/b]
    [b]Barn Name:[/b]
    [b]Halter Color:[/b]
    [b]Prompt:[/b] [/code]

    [b]Eye Color:[/b]
    [b]Breeding Notes:[/b]


kaju @ Wed May 29, 2024 1:02 am

last res!! coding will be done later today, so excited for these lil guys<3 posting is open

12 replies not shown, show all


Introduction wrote:Pine Valley Ranch has been breeding high quality quarter horses for generations! All standing between 14-16.2 hands. Specializing in producing horses with slow, smooth gaits with disciplines like western pleasure and hunter under saddle in mind. Over the years we’ve imported horses from around the world to aid in our breeding program! It’s been such a success that for the first time we are offering our stock to the public, including a breeding facility with a handful of our top studs and mare available for stud and brood. Not what you’re looking for? We will also help facilitate the import of horses from every continent, including some with very special and unique markings!

Main Page (Here) // Auction and Imports // Breeding Facility // Current Event // Artist Search // Item Shop + Customs //[url]Registration[/url] // Show Arena // V1 Archive // V2 Archive // Discord

Welcome to Pine Valley Ranch adopts! Every user will be able to claim a randomized founder to start off! After that, Pine Valley quarter horses can be “bought” through the auction center or through regular adopts! All adopts beside customs will be free. Our auction center currently had two options, both with limited slots! Option one is applying for a horse in the loose auction pen. You have a 100% chance of getting a horse, and the base color and pattern will be completely randomly generated. Option two is through our main auction. You’ll know what color the horse is ahead of time but watch out! These horses are very popular and there is only a 75% chance of winning the horse you choose. We will also have regular adopts for those who want to adopt and not try out for auctions but I highly recommend to do both!


• CS rules apply!

• Do not claim the species as your own

• You may only apply for 1 auction horse per round (per person) Meaning you can apply for 1 option at a time. Pre-rolled genetics, or completely random.

•You may apply for as many of the adoptable PVs you want, but can only win an adopt 3 times in 1 week

• Please be kind to all members of the community and staff!

• Do not rush artists. Horses may take up to 1 week to finish. Anything past that point please dm me!

• Do not remove Inkiings signature!

• If stored offsite, please credit Inkiing for the lines, link back to the PV thread and the design artist for the design

Owner/Artist: Albino_

Albino_ @ Tue May 21, 2024 4:19 am

Color rarities determine how often they’ll be seen in auction, and how likely they are to pass on to your horses offspring! In the future markings will be specific to certain continents where the horse is imported from, but for the time being most markings will show up regardless of where the horse Is from.

Very Common: 70% pass rate
Tobiano, Overo, Splash, Dapples, Single Cream, Pangere, Nd1, flaxen

Common: 60% pass rate (combo genes pass separately)
Double Cream, Tovero, Inverted Tovero, Dun, Silver, Roan, reverse roan, Sabino, bird catcher spots, belt Tobiano, grease spots,

Uncommon: 50% pass rate
Appaloosa, Pintaloosa, Grey, Rabicano, Champagne, pearl, reverse dilution, ragged striping, sooty, freckles, mantle, hooded Appaloosa, barred, tabby,

Rare: 40% pass rate
Brindle, Okapi, somatic mutation, Lace, peacock Appaloosa, Vitiligo, dominant white, moonspots, sunspots, inverted striping, Zorse

Very Rare: 30% pass rate
Chimera, Manchado, Double Chimera

Code: Select all

[quote="Introduction"]Pine Valley Ranch has been breeding high quality quarter horses for generations! Specializing in producing horses with slow, smooth gaits with disciplines like western pleasure and hunter under saddle in mind. Over the years we’ve imported horses from around the world to aid in our breeding program! It’s been such a success that for the first time we are offering our stock to the public, including a breeding facility with a handful of our top studs and mare available for stud and brood. Not what you’re looking for? We will also help facilitate the import of horses from every continent, including some with very special and unique markings! [/quote]

[b][url=]Main Page[/url][/b] // [b][url=]Auction and Imports[/url][/b] //[b][url=]Breeding Facility[/url][/b]

[b]Height (14-16.2hh):[/b]
[b]Breeding Notes:[/b]

[b]Halter Color:[/b][/code]


Albino_ @ Tue May 21, 2024 6:40 am

we are open for marking! Sray tuned for our first event coming June 1st! A summer event!

Albino_ @ Tue May 21, 2024 8:21 am

we have a new Discord

10 replies not shown, show all

[A closed species dedicated to staffordshire terriers ♥]

⋆ A subset of the American Staffordshire Terrier, Highland Staffordshire Terriers are very similar in size & appearance! ⋆

Howdy, y'all! Marz-Barz created some amazing lines for sale, and I decided to seize the opportunity! This will be a pretty lax species with no real goal other than to celebrate these amazing creatures and give people some cute adopts. For personal reasons, Highland Staffies will exist in a rescue format only, meaning there will not be breedings in the traditional sense. There will be regular puppies available to adopt, though, as well as the occasional surprise litter. The adopts won't be following any true genetic guide or format (to be honest, I suck at it) but will consist of solely natural designs and markings (for the time being.) Likewise, there will be no "rarity" assigned to any traits. As of now, I have no plan to "sell" or "auction" adopts, and will instead focus on free opportunities. I hope you guys enjoy, feel free to hit me up with any suggestions!

First gaining popularity in northern areas of the US as well as certain parts of Canada, the Highland Staffordshire Terrier was more of an accident than an intentional breed. Physically, the Highland Staffordshire Terrier presents very similarly to American Staffordshire Terriers, with a few key differences. Most notably, the muzzles of Highland Staffies tend to be slightly elongated and narrow in comparison to the classic AmStaff. Additionally, Highland's tend to have shoulders and chests that are more compact and slender, with less of an emphasis on muscle and a greater emphasis on sleek, long limbs and increased body length. Lastly, as Highlands continued to grow in popularity in northern areas, their fur became denser and slightly longer in length. Of course, as a newly recognized breed, many of these traits are subtle and they are still easily confused for a classic AmStaff.

Like any other dog, the temperament of Highlands varies from individual to individual. Factors such as genetics, early socialization, and environment all play important roles in how each Highland Staffy develops and behaves. There is no breed-specific temperament or behaviors.

⋆ As of now, there is no limit to how many Highland Staffordshire Terriers you may own
⋆ As a closed species, you may not create a Highland without permission from me (customs will be available at a later point!)
⋆ Because this is a rescue-based species, there will be no breedings of Highlands, though puppies will still be available
⋆ For the time being, there is no trading or selling system in place- please do not trade or sell your Highland until a system is created!
⋆ For now, please PM me with any requests to rehome or give away your Highland(s)
⋆ Please remember to keep all interactions kind and respectful- this is not a place for bullying, harassment, arguing, or other negative interactions

Birdy @ Wed Oct 12, 2022 1:36 pm

⋆ Birdy (species owner)

Birdy @ Wed Oct 12, 2022 1:36 pm


Highland Staffy Rescue Fanclub

Birdy @ Wed Oct 12, 2022 1:37 pm


7 replies not shown, show all

[ Main ThreadFanclubArchiveNurseryMYOQuest BoardArtist SearchEditsDiscord ]
Welcome to explore! Develop your cats and clan by sending them on patrols, where
they may encounter predators, run into border skirmishes, meet npcs, find prey & herbs
and discover rare items! Gain experience and level-up for rewards along the way as
well! To start, take a peak at our “how to play” post and fill out the form given there!

1. No begging━outcomes are rolled using a random number generator.
2. Please wait for your previous explore to be replied to before posting another.
3. If you have any problems/questions, please contact Swishy or Vivika directly!
[ Wahoo's Monthly Tasks & Season ForecastExplore FAQExplore LogMousespeck's Swaps ]
Recent Announcements wrote:April 13th:
Explore page has been updated --
"Wahoo's Monthly Tasks" mechanic added. (see below)
Health mechanic updated! (see below)

Swishy & Broken @ Wed May 19, 2021 1:07 pm


Wahoo wrote:Howdy! I think I'll hang around 'ere and catch up on some fishing! You just never know what loot you'll
find around. I'm happy to share the goods, but how 'bout you complete a task or two first?

    1. Write an explore post about your cats helping a friend in need! [rewards: +10xp; doubled if user is opted-in]

    2. Send out a patrol of at least one cat with the following common edit: min fur! [rewards: +1 herb (user’s choice)]

    3. Include a small doodle with your explore post! Doodle cat quality is acceptable. [rewards: +1 common edit]

    When you've completed a monthly task(s), please let a writer know as a note in your explore post to receive your prizes! These monthly tasks end at rollover over to July 1st (0:00 cs time). Find more details about monthly tasks in this post!



    Wahoo wrote:"The leaves are real pretty this time of year, eh? Gotta say that leaf-fall is ‘ere!"

Swishy & Broken @ Wed May 19, 2021 1:07 pm

    While exploring, you have a chance to find food/herbs, encounter some friendly faces, and even find rare items! However, remember this is a survival game! Your cats may get sick, engage in battles with predators, fight in border skirmishes, or receive random injuries. Your cats will not die in explore unless you opt-in to death. Everything you do in explore will earn you experience (EXP / XP), which is used to level-up and earn cool rewards (below)!

    Here are some pointers to help you get started!
    1. To begin, fill out the explore code provided below! You may pretty the code up, but please keep all the information from the base coding clearly visible in the post itself (not linked somewhere offsite/on another thread). Here is a handy checklist to ensure you have all the required info.

    Code: Select all
    [left][url=ArchiveLink][size=150]Clan Name[/size][/url]
    [size=85][url=link]Last Explore Post[/url] | [url=link]Last Response Received[/url]

    Including writing for your explore post is optional! However, the more you write, the more experience (XP) you earn. You may also pretty this up if you'd like, or change the coding, however, make sure everything that is originally on here remains on here ([url=]see this handy checklist to help you out[/url]) c:

    [center][ # words ][/center][/size][/left]

    [left][quote][size=90][b]━ cats on patrol[/b][/size]
    [size=80][url=OekakiPage]Name[/url] | pronouns | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: Y/N[/size][/quote]
    [quote][size=90][b]━ custom predators / prey[/b][/size]
    [size=85]if you've filled out the form [url=]here[/url] previously, please link your form here![/size][/quote][/left][left][quote][size=90][b]━ level 0[/b][/size]
    [size=80]experience: 0[/size][/quote][quote][size=90][b]━ inventory items used[/b][/size]
    [size=80]Any items used/eaten this post
    ex. food, herbs, etc.[/size][/quote][quote][size=90][b]━ active / [url=]monthly[/url] tasks:[/b][/size]
    [size=80]active task #1 (linked)[/size][/quote][quote][size=90][b]━ opted in to death?[/b][/size]
    if yes, link to opt-in form[/size][/quote][/left][left][quote][size=90][b]━ inventory[/b][/size]
    [size=80]prey | 1 FP | x0
    prey | 2 FP | x0
    prey | 2 FP | x0
    prey | 3 FP | x0
    prey | 3 FP | x0
    prey | 4 FP | x0

    herb | x0
    herb | x0
    herb | x0[/size][/quote][/left]

    2. When you first start out, you’ll receive three free posts. These are given out per user, not per clan and provides your cats time to gather food and herbs! Your cats will gain no hunger for your first three posts. They also won’t encounter any predators or border skirmishes, fall ill, or receive any random injuries.

    3. Max of six cats (adults/apprentices) on patrol, please! Additional cats can be included in your writing, but they won't count towards the rolls and shouldn't be linked in the "cats on patrol" sections. Kits cannot be added to the patrol list!

    4. HP = health; HUP = hunger! All of your cats will start at 0% HUP (hunger) and 100% HP (health). Find out more information about HUP in “hunger & custom prey” and on HP in “health & healing”.

    5. (Optional) If you’d like, you may customize your prey/predator list and/or opt-in for death! Just fill out the forms, post them on the explore thread + link them in your future explore post(s)!

    6. Explore writing can be about anything, but should ideally end with / connect to a patrol! It’s a good idea to leave your explore post open for writers to jump-in, because the writer who responds will be writing about any prey/herbs found and any mini-scenarios encountered. Alternatively, you're welcome to send a patrol out without any writing as well.

    7. After you've posted your explore post, wait for a writer to reply to your post before writing another one! Writing a quality explore reply can take time, so please be patient. Writers have one month (from the time they claimed your post) to get a response out to players, though it typically won't take that long. Your post wasn't skipped; we have multiple writers claiming different posts, and some might finish their replies sooner than others. For ease, you may also check if your post has been claimed and find all your prior posts and replies on our explore log!

    8. When a writer responds, you may (or may not) receive a mini-scenario! If you’re still on your three free posts, you’ll encounter one of our friendly npcs! Read more about npc tasks and other mini-scenarios here!

    To level up, you'll need to earn experience (EXP / XP) through exploring, participating in prompts, or sometimes even events! You'll earn +10XP for every explore post posted, as well as additional experience for writing, participating in battles, finding herbs/food, etc. Every time you level up, you get a reward!

    When you level up, your previous experience is "spent" on the level up and will not roll over to your new level. For example, if you have 135XP and are level 0, you'll level up to level 1 and have 35XP left. You cannot skip levels.

    All users start at level zero! Experience listed is how much is required to reach that level (+ here is another way to visualize this).
    Level one: 100XP| Rewards: +1 FP, +50 SD
    Level two: 200XP | Rewards: +1 FP, + 1 Herb, +1 Common Edit
    Level three: 300XP | Rewards: +2 FP, +1 Herb, +1 NR MYO
    Level four: 400XP| Rewards: +2 FP, +2 Herbs, +1 Uncommon Edit, +1 Stellar Remnants
    Level five: 500XP | Rewards: +3 FP, +2 Herbs, +1 Random Custom, +150 SD
    Level six: 650XP | Rewards: +3 FP, +3 Herbs, +1 Star's Blessing, +1 Boon Of Fertility, +100 SD
    Level seven: 800XP | Rewards: +4 FP, +3 Herbs, +1 C MYO, +1 Shooting Star
    Level eight: 950XP | Rewards: +4 FP, +4 Herbs, +1 Semi Custom, +300 SD, +1 1UC MYO
    Level nine: 1000XP | Rewards: +5 FP, +4 Herbs, +1 UN MYO, +1 Rare Edit
    Level ten: 1200XP | Rewards: +5 FP, +5 Herbs, +1 UR MYO
    Level eleven: 1400XP | Rewards: +6 FP, +5 Herbs, +1 Supernova
    Level twelve: 1600XP | Rewards: +6 FP, +6 Herbs, +1 Myth Edit

Swishy & Broken @ Wed May 19, 2021 1:08 pm


    HUNGER   &  FOOD
    To survive, your cats require food! Food points (FP) can be found randomly on patrols. The amount of food you find varies by season and number of cats on patrol. During some seasons, your cats may receive a bountiful hunt — this doubles the FP they find!

    Your cats will gain +10% HUP (hunger) per patrol. This hunger gain only applies to the cats sent on that patrol. For your first three explore posts, none of your cats will gain any hunger. If a cat reaches 60% hunger or above, they will lose -10% health every patrol they go on, until they're fed enough FP to lower their hunger below 60%.

    If you are running dangerously low on FP, you can purchase or swap for some from Mousespeck. If you have some spare FP, you can also trade those to Mousespeck for stardust, which can be used to buy cool items from Starclan’s shop!

    Each FP you feed a cat removes 10% hunger (1FP = -10% hunger)! When feeding your cats, remove the prey items from your inventory and place them in the “inventory items used” box of your explore post! Make sure to also update your patrollers’ hunger accordingly in your explore post.

    You can choose to split a larger prey item with multiple cats! For example, you can feed three cats with a 3FP piece of prey and each cat will lose 10% hunger. Or you could split it between two cats, and remove 20% hunger from one, and 10% hunger from another. As an additional note, you cannot split a 1FP prey between two cats (removing -5% health for each one). Each FP can only remove -10% hunger (nothing more and nothing less)!

    (Optional) To make your explores more personalized, you’re welcome to pick what prey and/or predators will appear in your territory! This is completely optional, but if you’re interested just fill out the form below (in the code block)! Otherwise, writers will use the default list for prey and predators when replying to your posts!

      Default Prey List:
      1 FP = scraps, bugs
      2 FP = mouse, vole, shrew, small fish
      3 FP = minnow, squirrel, frog
      4 FP = rabbit, bird, owl, falcon
      5 FP = hawk, eagle, vulture
      Default Predator List:
      badger, fox, bird of prey, dog, snake

    Form Reminders:
    1. Make sure to link your custom prey/predator list in every explore post!
    2. Your prey list should have at least 1 item for each FP value! 2-3 items per FP value is ideal
    3. Lists can be specific or general (i.e. mouse or small rodent)
    4. Fantasy prey is allowed, but please keep your lists realistic size-wise (i.e. a bear shouldn't be prey, an eagle shouldn't be worth 1FP, etc.)
    5. Your predator list should have at least 1 predator! These shouldn’t include cats (you’ll encounter these in border skirmishes)

    Code: Select all
    [b][color=forestgreen]I'm picking my own![/color][/b]
    [b]new prey:[/b]
    1 FP = prey here
    2 FP = prey here
    3 FP = prey here
    4 FP = prey here
    5 FP = prey here
    [b]new predators:[/b]
    (list 1-4 different predators)
    [b]Would you like your current inventory converted to the new prey list?[/b] Yes/No or n/a (if you've never posted an explore post)

1624 replies not shown, show all

|| Zaherix || (OPEN) based on this drawing by MireyaDC
by Missy-Who @ Sat May 25, 2024 9:04 am [Reply]


[Main Page] [Explore] [Quests] [Shop] [Customs/MYOs] [Nursery] [Events]
[Artist search] [Discord] [Genetic] [Archives]


When the sun go down and the stars begin to climb, when the darkness surround us all in the immensity of the night, then and only then, with a little of luck, you will be able to see its shine in the distance, the shine of a Zaherix.

🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 Welcome to the Zaherix lair 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑

The Zaherix lair is the cave where they sleep during the day time and do most of their social life, is a safe place for resting and socialising, playing, mating and sparring, where all Zaherix live.

The Zaherix are strange nocturnal creatures the size of a wolf. They have natural colored fur with natural patterns, all coded by genes not very different from those of a cat, but all the Zaherix present bioluminescent markings that have the same color as their eyes (which can be almost any color) and can be literally any shape, anywhere on their body, covering between 5 and 20% of their fur.

Friendly but shy towards humans, misterous creatures. They are rare to see, but maybe you can find one if you stay aroung here.

Missy-Who @ Sat May 25, 2024 9:46 am

🌙 Rules 🌑

  • All CS rules and oekaki rules apply here
  • No stealing other's characters, designs or the lines
  • You can have as may Zhaerix as you want but you need a liar for them
  • Don't insult of get mad, treat others kindly, be polite and respect other users, the rules and the staff.
  • Credit to MireyaDC for the lines and the disign's creator for the design if taking out of CS
  • You can trade or gift Zaherix, but you can only sell then for our currensy.
  • General rudeness, theft and other rule breaking will result in a strike,
    after three strikes you're banned
  • Users banned from the species can't keep their Zaherix
  • I'll add more rules if I found it neccesary

🏅 Achievements 🌠


  • First Zaherix _________________________________ 1%
  • 10 Zaherix in your lair _________________________ 5%
  • 25 Zaherix in your lair _________________________ 10%
  • 50 Zaherix in your lair _________________________ 14%
  • First item from the shop _______________________ 1%
  • Get a MYO/Custom____________________________ 3%
  • Reach level 10 for first time____________________ 5%
  • Reach level 25 for first time____________________ 8%
  • Reach level 50 for first time____________________ 15%
  • Reach level 80 for first time____________________ 20%
  • 25 point in one stat___________________________ 3%
  • 50 point in one stat___________________________ 5%
  • 100 point in one stat__________________________ 10%


  • Explore 20 times______________________________ 1%
  • Explore 50 times______________________________ 3%
  • Explore 100 times_____________________________ 6%
  • Explore in every area__________________________ 10%
  • See every birs ________________________________ 8%
  • See every landscape___________________________ 12%
  • Fight every possible rival_______________________ 12%
  • Collect 50 sodalite while exploring ______________ 1%
  • Collect 100 sodalite while exploring _____________ 3%
  • Collect 200 sodalite while exploring _____________ 8%
  • Collect 10 fluorite while exploring ______________ 2%
  • Collect 50 fluorite while exploring ______________ 6%
  • Collect 100 fluorite while exploring _____________ 14%
  • Collect 1 Moon stone while exploring ____________ 14%


  • First breeding ________________________________ 2%
  • Give birth to 5 cub in total_____________________ 5%
  • Give birth to 10 cub in total____________________ 15%
  • Give birth to 25 cub in total____________________ 25%
  • First cub grown_______________________________ 3%
  • First full grown litter__________________________ 10%
  • Get a cub with a mutation _____________________ 40%


20% COMPLEATED = 50 Image

50% COMPLEATED = 5 Image

100% COMPLEATED = 1 Image

20% COMPLEATED = 50 Image

50% COMPLEATED = 5 Image

100% COMPLEATED = 1 Image

20% COMPLEATED = 50 Image

50% COMPLEATED = 5 Image

100% COMPLEATED = 1 Image

Missy-Who @ Sat May 25, 2024 9:47 am

🌠 Staff and credits



Support and honorary artist


Concept, genetic

Lines, cub lines, currency icons and stamps

🌙 Stamps and Allies 🐾


Code: Select all

Code: Select all

Code: Select all


Non for now

Missy-Who @ Sat May 25, 2024 9:47 am


How can I get a Zaherix?

There are many ways to obtain a zaherix: through events, contests, open adoptables, custom, MYO, and breeds.
The easiest way to obtain one for a new owner are events and open adopts.
To get your first zaherix you must already have created a lair for them (even if it is simple and empty), because you must put the like to it on the forms.

What is a lair?

The lair or the place where zaherix live and rest, or in this case, your storage.
You can do it in a individual post in the storage forum, in a new comment in your general storage, in TH or any other way you know.
The lair must be public visible and have all your zaherix, other from this you can organize it however you want. I recommend you to note info like the level, xp, original stats, new stats,... so you can keep track of it.

Why I can't see my zaherix genotype?

Genotype is only visible in custom, MYO and zaherix that have gotten their genotype revealed.
But you can get an idea of what their genotype may be like by comparing their appearance to genetic guide, although that will never be exact.


9 replies not shown, show all

MYO #1477 based on this drawing by Swishy & Broken
by Wretched.Felidae @ Fri May 31, 2024 1:42 pm [Reply]

MYO for NoodleDOOT !

Code: Select all
clan: (link please)
myo/items using:
coat description: black based ruddy ticked tabby
edits: [nr] Leaves
[c] pointed ears,
[r] folded ears
obtained how?: (trade, bought, found in explore, etc.)

NoodleDOOT @ Sun Jun 02, 2024 7:26 am

sorry for the late posting, i have been busy :c thank you so much again for this precious bean <3

username: NoodleDOOT
clan: rustclan
myo/items using: 1x rare myo
coat description: black based ruddy ticked tabby
edits: [nr] Leaves
[c] pointed ears,
[r] folded ears
obtained how?: bought

Canines = 14
Dragons = 11
Equines = 20
Felines = 16
Strange & Other Creatures = 4

So far nearly 30 hours of OCs made


    - Do not ever remove or hide the SIG (Base lines done by spectralFeather)
    - Each user gets 1 free pairing (same species only) each. You'll get first pick out of 3 babies. [RESET August 3rd, 2023]
    - Keep all my OCs saved if you'd like to pair them in the future, it also leaves me the option for the ones I keep.
    - You can pair mine x mine or yours x mine!

Same Species Pairings;
    - Free for your first
    - 10.C$ = 1 baby yours
    - 20.C$ = 2 babies yours
    - 25.C$ = 3 babies yours

Cross Species;
    - 15.C$ = 1 baby yours
    - 25.C$ = 2 babies yours
    - 35.C$ = 3 babies yours

Permit to Breed all first gens permanently; 350.C$
    - You'll be allowed to pair my OCs yourself!
    - You'll be allowed to run adoption centers, profits allowed as long as create your own designs for offspring!
    - You're not allowed to sell any First Gens I've created! Your permit will be revoked and not refunded.
    - Do not remove SIG of line artist.
    - Do not add artists or other users for free use! Each user pays for their own unless you're paying to add them as a gif!
    - You may use these for personal breedings or to adopt out offspring or even both.
    - This is unlimited once paid in full!
    - You're allowed to do 2 payments, 150.C$ as down payment and allowed up to 5 pairings (1-3 babies each), then unlimited once you've fully paid 350.C$
    - You'll be added as artist in this main page and any split for splitting the characters by species, to lessen the folder size.
    - You may post under all my covers or make your own covers. Just keep noted I'll add new once in awhile so long as this Center is active!
    - When posting your own adoption center with these, PLEASE do note all first gens belong to me, Much appreciated if a pre-written note that's copy pasted onto each pairing being done. Obviously no need to credit me for the offspring unless you used my edits. Just do not claim any edits or design as your own that you didn't create and all good :mrgreen: :thumbup: Bases done by spectralFeather, while all the other edits are done by me. Go here to see what's done by spectralFeather!!
    - You may request 1 free breeding from Me/KathrynKat Once every 2 weeks. You're allowed 2 Free Offspring per batch. (Only valid while this community is active.)

KathrynKat @ Thu Feb 09, 2023 4:43 am

Free Pairing Sign-up Form
Everyone can re-enter for a freebie if you did your freebies before August 2023!
You get first pick free with this form, while other babies will cost an additional 10.C$ per to adopt!

Code: Select all
[b]Username + ID; [/b]
[b]Parent 1's Name; [/b]
[b]Species; [/b]
[b]Owner; [/b]
[b]Parent 2's Name;[/b]
[b]Species; [/b]
[b]Owner; [/b]
[b]Have You Been Added Yet; [/b] Yes/No

KathrynKat @ Thu Feb 09, 2023 4:44 am

Past Raffles will be posted here

KathrynKat @ Thu Feb 09, 2023 6:07 am

Archive tracker for all free completed, paid completed and raffle completed batches!

45 replies not shown, show all

Coming soon . . .


Adventuring & World Building

Work in Progress! Marking is open!
Thanks for stopping by!



original lines by medimedes, edited by rainbowpanda101

rainbowpanda101 @ Sat Jun 01, 2024 7:29 pm

Work in Progress!

rainbowpanda101 @ Sat Jun 01, 2024 7:29 pm

Work in Progress!

rainbowpanda101 @ Sat Jun 01, 2024 7:30 pm

Work in Progress!

6 replies not shown, show all

MYO #1478 based on this drawing by Swishy & Broken
by KittyandCat @ Sat Jun 01, 2024 1:20 pm [Reply]

MYO for solloki!

Code: Select all
clan: (link please)
myo/items using:
coat description: black solid with med white (tuxedo)
[list][c] Pointed Ears, Ear Tufts, Ear Placement
[uc] Long Tail, Heterochromia
[r] Max Fur
obtained how?: (trade, bought, found in explore, etc.)

Soll @ Sat Jun 01, 2024 1:24 pm

username: Soll
clan: DuskClan
myo/items using: UN MYO + Rare Edit
coat description: black solid with med white (tuxedo)

    [c] Pointed Ears, Ear Tufts, Ear Placement
    [uc] Long Tail, Heterochromia
    [r] Max Fur
obtained how?: bought

Carolina Shepherd A-0508 based on this drawing by taikunfoo
by Delta Dawn @ Sun Mar 31, 2024 1:04 am [Reply]

This dog is a part of the Carolina Shepherds Easter Event.
To participate in this event please check out the information here.
This dog is based off of a Belgian Hare!

Owner: chwommiecwoo
Name: King of the Belgians | King
Gender: Male
Phenotype: Red and black shaded sable with minimal white
Genotype: Ayat Bb CC DD Ee hh kyky ll mm Ssi tt UU
Health: Healthy
Height: 23 in
Weight: 47 lbs
Equipment: None
Traits: Fast (+10 to Agility and SAR)


SSS: Unknown
SSD: Unknown
SDS: Unknown
SDD: Unknown
SS: Unknown
SD: Unknown
Sire: Unknown
DSS: Unknown
DSD: Unknown
DDS: Unknown
DDD: Unknown
DS: Unknown
DD: Unknown
Dam: Unknown

chwommiecwoo @ Sat Jun 01, 2024 10:50 am

Ahh what an adorable dog I love the colors!
Sorry for the late reply, maybe it's too late to settle the name info now and I'll do it through the archive if I need to.

Name: King of the Belgians | King
Gender: Male

est. release date: june 2024
marking: open

Birdy @ Fri May 24, 2024 11:14 am


Birdy @ Fri May 24, 2024 11:14 am


Birdy @ Fri May 24, 2024 11:14 am


3 replies not shown, show all

Mule-Eared Torden Horse based on this drawing by Inkiing
by birch. @ Fri Jan 26, 2024 9:50 am [Reply]


The Torden is a rare breed of horse recently gaining international popularity for its history, manner, and all around abilities. Despite popular belief, this horse is not a mule but rather a selectively bred horse that can lead its pure bloodline down to when a small tribe of Vikings first bred them. Initially used to pull carts and plows, the Vikings soon discovered the sure footed, calm, and gentle temperament of these horses made for great mounts. Their savvy intelligence and nearly unspookable nature helped this small tribe soon become a booming force both in Combat and agriculturally. It wasn't long before what was now called the Torden horse to become a sought after breed for many surrounding Norse tribes. The decline of the species came when cross breeding of Dole bloodlines became popular, creating the Fjord and the Icelandic horse for more compact and smooth gaited horses more suited for long travel.

The Torden recently was revived when a group of conservationists came together and began recreating the species through selective breeding and maintaining a very detailed log. Now that the more modern breed has been revived, it has come to the attention of many horse ranches and show competitions. Their gentle nature still remains intact, very eager to work and please makes them perfect for any form of riding competition, and a sure footed, stoic breed that cannot be spooked. They stand between 13.1hh at the smallest to 15hh at the tallest and weighing in between 900lbs-1200lbs, making them a rather compact yet strong breed of horse. Their coat colors range in color and rarity, though most commonly they will be seen sporting a buckskin or dun coat.

Main Page (Here) || Discord || Auction Barn || Breeding Center (Opening Soon!) || Shipping Log (Coming Soon) || Artist Search


• CS rules apply!

• Do not claim the species as your own

• You may only apply for 1 auction horse per round (per person) Meaning you can apply for 1 option at a time. Pre-rolled genetics, or completely random.

• Please be kind to all members of the community and staff!

• Do not rush artists. Adopts may take up to 1 week to finish. Anything past that point please dm me!

• Do not remove Inkiings signature!

• If stored offsite, please credit Inkiing for the lines and the design artist for the design


birch. @ Fri Jan 26, 2024 10:55 am


Here is where you can find the rarities of each visible coat color found on the Torden horses!

Very Common: 70% pass rate*
Tobiano, Overo, Splash, Dapples*, Single Cream, Pangere, Dun, flaxen

Common: 60% pass rate (combo genes pass separately)
Double Cream, Tovero, Silver, Roan, Sabino, Appaloosa varients, Extreme Point

Uncommon: 50% pass rate*
Merle, Manchado, Pintaloosa, Grey, Rabicano, Champagne, Pearl, Mealy, Sooty, Bird Spots*, Grease Spots*, Double Dilution

Rare: 40% pass rate*
Somatic mutation*, Lace, peacock Appaloosa, Frosted Appaloosa, Fewspot Appaloosa, Dominant White, Nordic Strike

Very Rare: 30% pass rate
Brindle, Inverse Dappling

**Coloration Note:** Chimera is not found on this species at this time.

Code: Select all
[center][quote="information"]The Torden is a rare breed of horse recently gaining international popularity for its history, manner, and all around abilities. Despite popular belief, this horse is not a mule but rather a selectively bred horse that can lead its pure bloodline down to when a small tribe of Vikings first bred them. Initially used to pull carts and plows, the Vikings soon discovered the sure footed, calm, and gentle temperament of these horses made for great mounts. Their savvy intelligence and nearly unspookable nature helped this small tribe soon become a booming force both in Combat and agriculturally. It wasn't long before what was now called the Torden horse to become a sought after breed for many surrounding Norse tribes. The decline of the species came when cross breeding of Dole bloodlines became popular, creating the Fjord and the Icelandic horse for more compact and smooth gaited horses more suited for long travel.

The Torden recently was revived when a group of conservationists came together and began recreating the species through selective breeding and maintaining a very detailed log. Now that the more modern breed has been revived, it has come to the attention of many horse ranches and show competitions. Their gentle nature still remains intact, very eager to work and please makes them perfect for any form of riding competition, and a sure footed, stoic breed that cannot be spooked. They stand between 13.1hh at the smallest to 15hh at the tallest and weighing in between 900lbs-1200lbs, making them a rather compact yet strong breed of horse. Their coat colors range in color and rarity, though most commonly they will be seen sporting a buckskin or dun coat.[/quote]

[b]Show Name:[/b]
[b]Barn Name:[/b]
[b]Breeding Notes:[/b]

[b]Show Name:[/b]
[b]Barn Name:[/b]
[b]Halter Nylon Color:[/b]
[b]Halter Leather Color:[/b][/code][/center]

birch. @ Fri Jan 26, 2024 11:17 am

Inkiing @ Fri Jan 26, 2024 11:18 am


28 replies not shown, show all

💧 droplets 💧
by kivr & fireflii @ Tue Feb 27, 2024 4:38 pm [Reply]

+ Droplets +

Often shortened to Drops, these are soft-bodied marine gastropods/mammals that are the size of a munchkin cat.
Don't ask too deeply about the science behind them because I do not know, they came to me in the spur of the moment when I wanted a cute creature that would be happy in a little turtle pond. They are soft to the touch, think of those lychee jelly cups, but please do not slurp as they will release toxins/regurgitate their guts as a self-defense mechanism. They use their tails to swim in stronger currents, but most Drops found in the wild are known to habitat around shallow waters. They do not have a nose. They have something reminiscent of ears but are used to sense sonar and control their body heat since the common Drop can only tolerate a small temperature range. The little puffs on the base of these ears are known to emit pheromones that give a pleasant scent when Drops are happy and can be used to discourage predators and communicate stress by emitting a rancid scent. They have small mouths with no teeth, and they nom and melt their smaller prey (i.e. crawfish/crabs/shrimp) or vegetation. Drops are pretty peaceful creatures as a whole, but there is a wide variety of personalities!

Currently Found Droplet Types
Common + Petit + Melty
There have been notes of them morphing into a bigger form??????


All drops have:
At least one set of ears.
Membrane "skirt"s around the body.
Strong swimmer's tail
Ear puffs.
They always have a longer body than the height of their withers.

There are no rarity charts for Drops. All sorts of traits can be found randomly!


you get a drop! you get a drop! and you get a drop!!! (for c$)


do not PM me, I do not answer to PMs

kivr & fireflii @ Tue Feb 27, 2024 4:39 pm



- Always credit the design back to this account or kivr on TH
- You may sell the design for what you bought. If bought with C$, you may resell it for the C$ to USD conversion that is on CS.
- Don't minimod please. If I see a behavior that needs to be addressed, I will address it.
- No Spam. No harassment/rudeness. This includes complaining on a design that you missed out on.
- While you can make your unique slug creature, please do not make your own "droplets"
- I (kivr) share an account with fireflii. She has as much say as I do.
- I withhold the right to decline to sell/adopt out a design to any member for any reason.
- If "transferring" your design, please let me know beforehand. The original design should *still* be credited.
- If payment is not sent within 24 hours, the Drop will be put back up for auction and you will be banned.


kivr & fireflii @ Tue Feb 27, 2024 4:39 pm

We will see if we ever get to this point because knowing myself - sustaining my interest takes a lot lol

Custom Accessory (-/-)
Small 500C$ + Large 750C$

Random Trait (-/-)
Small 500C$ + Large 750C$

Trait Removal (-/-)

Morph Droplet (-/-)
25+ USD

kivr & fireflii @ Tue Feb 27, 2024 4:40 pm

+ open +

27 replies not shown, show all

| Bouxes Nursery based on this drawing by Thani
by Thani @ Thu May 30, 2024 7:04 pm [Reply]


Plate Dragon Item Archive based on this drawing by InuImori
by tsu-bear @ Sun Apr 07, 2024 11:36 am [Reply]

SO as the archivist of Plate Dragons, I have had quite the time archiving last year's summer event and the valentine's event
it is getting quite too much because i realized recently i completely forgot to archive the Halloween event too 😭
I don't really have time anymore to be doing it so we decided to implement a DIY item archive!

• You can use other forms of storage as well (toyhouse, google docs, etc.) this is just for those who need it.
• Post here and edit as you need! You can make your own form as long as it's readable.
• How you format is up to you but you will still need a link to the original item acquisition when you post in the archive (unless from the google sheets archive)
• InuImori will be changing up the archive forms, you will now need to link to your item storage post/place where you keep track in the archive forms!

NOW, please check the ★MAIN ARCHIVE★ for what i currently have archived for you!
I have the 2023 Summer Event and My 2024 Valentine's booth archived
You can keep that stuff in there and just link to that when you need it, or move it here. Up to you.
A lot of items (the rest of the valentine's booths prizes) are not in there and unfortunately will now be up to you to find :')
I will no longer be archiving items myself!! It is up to you to keep track of them now!

If you need help reading the MYOs section in the google sheets item archive, dont be afraid to PM me 😆 i had to size everything down in there so i understand if its confusing haha

tsu-bear @ Sun Apr 07, 2024 11:37 am


Bear's Item Archive
anything without a link is in the google sheets archive
10 5 8

x1 Standard
x1 Common - x3 UL [c], one [e]
x1 Three [uc], two [c] traits - x1 One [uc], four [c] traits
x2 One [r], three [uc], UL under, [e] Lovestruck - x2 one [r], two [uc], three [c], [e] lovestruck (x x)
x10 UL Mutated (x) - x4 One [e] and UL [m] traits

x3 Any edit item - x1 [c] edit - x1 [r] edit - x3 edit revamp
x3 Tank - x3 Rubber ducky - x4 Soda Tail - x3 Dark shadow - x7 Dizzy hearts - x2 flower dome - x2 candle wax - x2 floating head - x11 Lovestruck (x), x1 double dew claw (from PD discord april fools x)

x1 [c] body spikes - x2 [c] fang/mouth edit (x) - x2 [c] teeth edit (x x) - x2 [c] hairstyle (x x) - x2 [c] tail spike edit (x x)

x1 [uc] feathers - x1 [uc] glowing parts - x5 [uc] 1 shaped scale (x x x x x) - x1 [uc] 1 shaped plate (x) - x1 [uc] fewer scales (x) - x3 [uc] pupil edit (x x x) - x4 [uc] tongue edit (x x x x) - x4 [uc] chipped/cracked plates (x x x x)

x1 [r] multiple horns - x1 [r] more scales (x) - x1 [r] whiskers (x) - x1 [r] small flightless wings (x) - x3 [r] sparkles/particles (x x) - x3 [r] paw edits (x x) - x1 [r] extra pair of ears (x) - x1 [r] no tail edit (x) - x1 [r] multiple shaped plates (x)

x1 heart shaped scale - x1 Heart shades - x1 Single feather

Winchester's Wolf @ Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:46 pm

res for my archive ty ty tsu *passes over paycheck for good*

riverotter @ Sun Apr 07, 2024 2:23 pm

i call dibs on third post 😎

9 replies not shown, show all

Beaumont Collie V.2 based on this drawing by woolly
by Vinson @ Fri Jan 01, 2021 6:00 pm [Reply]


Customs I Whelping Box I Title Program I Genetics I Breed Specific Genetics I Offsite Archive I Archive Updates | Buffalo I Artist Search

Pm me for a discord invite!
Get firsthand updates on all future events, collies, breedings and access to customs!

The Beaumont Collie is a working breed perfected on the Blue Beaumont Ranch, known for producing bison/cattle crosses and the dogs to herd them. The three major breeds used to develop this breed were the border collie, kelpie, and the blue lacy, making them a versatile hybrid cross.

Avg. Height: 17-21 in
Avg. Weight: 30-45 lbs
Color: all colors allowed
Coat: smooth, rough, curly, furnished, wire

The Beaumont Collie is an adaptable breed suited to a variety of tasks. Temperament varies throughout the breed, but all collies should be handler-driven, eager, intelligent, loyal, alert, and willing to work - these dogs thrive in an enriching work environment where they are allowed an outlet to express themselves. While suitable as a family pet, collies are high energy and need to be a 'dog with a job'. The breed is especially suited to sports and service work due to their capacity to learn and motivation by praise. Individually, personalities may range from calm and collected to vivacious and active, which allows for their wide spectrum of work.


    Half Tree | Chanceuxcat
    Penultima | Griffin Torrens
    You're welcome to as many as you like!

    ➛ Beaumont Collies must be kept on CS, offsite storages must link or note back to here.
    ➛ In the event of a user leaving CS, the collies cannot be sold offsite.
    ➛ In the event of a banned user, their collies may be kept or gifted.
    ➛ Collies may be gifted, traded or sold.
    ➛ Gender markers may now be changed - see the requirements to do so on the archive
    ➛ Owner changes must be posted on the dog's page and logged in the archive

BiscuitTheDog @ Fri Jan 01, 2021 6:03 pm


Vinson @ Fri Jan 01, 2021 6:03 pm


Mythz @ Fri Jan 01, 2021 6:05 pm


124 replies not shown, show all

est. release date: june 2024
marking: open

Birdy @ Fri May 24, 2024 11:29 am


Birdy @ Fri May 24, 2024 11:30 am


Birdy @ Fri May 24, 2024 11:30 am


2 replies not shown, show all

𝓦𝓮𝓵𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓢𝓱𝓮𝓵𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓐𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓵𝓼
A passing through place for all pets who are trying to find their forever home
|| Adopts || Events || Nursery || Shop || Challenges || Genetics Document || SFA Archives || Staff Search || Discord ||
Shelter For Angels is not a closed or unique species, instead being a hub for various artists to be able to promote their designwork while also educating on genetics to the members that wish to participate! We do not include fantastical unique genetics or breeds, and instead choose to focus on being as accurate as we can without breaking our wrists.

As a non species group however, you are free to use the design outside of SFA entirely or transfer to a different group (so long as the artist is notified and their ToS allows). Please support your local artists and designers <3

As we are not a species, we do not have a singular Terms of Service or Species Rule List. Instead we promote our individual artist’s ToS and as such you must abide by their ToS with their individual designs. If you do not, you will not be allowed to participate further in this group going forward.
['Banner' created by Adamented]

~HєуRєι~ @ Thu Apr 04, 2024 8:03 am

05/21/24 - Public Discord Live! available on page 2!
04/16/24 - Opening Event is Live!

~HєуRєι~ @ Thu Apr 04, 2024 8:04 am

    1. All CS website rules apply.

    2. Individual designer ToS must be abided by. This is to be followed for selling/trading/gifting designs and changing designs especially.
      !! It is highly discouraged against selling any design made with inspiration/reference to any copyrighted media, even if it is just referenced in the shelter story. !!
    3. Credit the individual designer for their designs rather than SFA itself. You can find their preferred credit/s on their ToS.

    4. All members must have accounts at least 2 months old to participate in SFA.

    5. Harassment, taunting, begging, lowballing/bartering/bargaining, and spam will not be tolerated.

    6. Do not ask about price or offer on owned or not owned designs that are not specifically up for sale/trade offers.

    7. Designs that are specifically rehomed within SFA through a re-adoption may only be hosted by SFA staff.

    8. If a designer becomes completely inactive or unreachable, CS staff may be requested to transfer post access an active SFA staff. Please let us know if this becomes the case!

    9. Change in design ownership must notify the designer/staff by posting on the design’s original page. Post should be done by the new owner if possible.

    10. All members and staff reserve the right to refuse service/interaction to anyone.
!! All rules are subject to change and will be updated at any time. The thread will be notified when a change had occured. !!

~HєуRєι~ @ Thu Apr 04, 2024 8:04 am

17 replies not shown, show all

Droogi Adopts
by .pine. @ Mon May 06, 2024 6:30 am [Reply]


What is a Droogi? wrote:Droogi are a unique and enchanting creature - a delightful combination of a corgi and dragon! With the adorable and playful nature of a corgi, Droogi possess a small, sturdy body and short legs. Their fur is waterproof, soft and fluffy, likely a mix of vibrant colors - adorned with horns, wings, or others that reflect their dragon heritage. Droogi's face showcase the distinctive features of both a corgi and a dragon, with expressive eyes that sparkle with curiosity and intelligence. With their playful spirit and magical essence, Droogi are a truly extraordinary companion!

common traits wrote:❤ Split tongue
❤ Large Floppy Ears (corgi)
❤ small dragon wings
❤ small horns
❤ Tufted Tail
❤ Corgi Tail
❤ Light or Vibrant Colors
❤ Fluffy Coat

Uncommon traits wrote:❤ Curved Horns
❤ Scale patches
❤ Fluffy Mane
❤ Small Spikes
❤ Glowing Eyes
❤ Fire Breath
❤ No Tail
❤ Neutral Colors

Rare traits wrote:❤ Bioluminescent wings
❤ Multiple Tails
❤ Elemental Affinity
❤ Celestial Markings
❤ Sharp Teeth
❤ Large wings
❤ Coat Length Changes
❤ Custom Lineart
❤ Albinism

Variants wrote:Of course, with selective breeding, new Droogi traits may be discovered!

.pine. @ Mon May 06, 2024 8:04 am


Basic Rules wrote:- All CS rules apply
- You may not make your own Droogi unless part of MYO event and/or approved by owner (.pine.)
- Be respectful of all members of the community. This is a no-tolerance zone.
- There is no limit to how many Droogi's you can own
- If you wish to rehome your Droogi, you must get permission from a staff member.
- Droogi is a closed species that can be obtained via contest, event, or purchase (C$) from an official staff member.
- You can obtain up to 3 Droogi per month
- You may make art of your Droogi off CS but it MUST be linked to this post.

Staff Rules wrote:- You are allowed to make 1 Droogi per week
- You Earn an MYO ticket after every 10th Droogi created by you has been adopted
- You must follow the traits list unless otherwise approved by me. (.pine.)
- You must have at least 50 posts OR have been a CS member for 3 months prior to joining staff.
- If you are inactive for longer than 3 weeks, you will be retired (unless prior agreement made with me.)
- You will NOT lose your Droogi if you choose to step down.
- All Artist staff members can complete nursery batch tickets.

Additional wrote:- This is a happy space! Enjoy your Droogi and have fun!
- If on the rare occasion, a ban must be made, your Droogi will be placed for readoption
- Do not steal, trace, or copy this Species
- For Any other inquiries, feel free to PM me!

.pine. @ Mon May 06, 2024 8:05 am


News wrote:A Massive Droogi MYO Event just dropped! This will be open until June 1st!

The Droogi Artist Search is underway! Be sure to stop by and participate to join the Artist Team!

The official Droogi summer event is under construction. Keep an eye out for it's opening!


Staff wrote:Image Owner - .pine.




.pine. @ Mon May 06, 2024 8:06 am


Inventory wrote:
MYO Ticket wrote:
ImageMYO ticket - this ticket allows for a one time use to make your own Droogi with common/uncommon features!
Can be earned, won, or purchased (10 C$ )

Love Berries wrote:Image Love Berries - So delicious, they can make anyone fall in love! These allow for a pair to breed.
Only one needed per pair. (20 C$)

Goody Bag wrote:Image Goody Bag - What's this? Each Goody Bag equips your Droogi with one accessory of your choice! (25 C$)

Grow Berry wrote:Image Grow Berry - Packed with 100.01% of your daily vitamins! These berries cause nursey Droogi to grow overnight. (30 C$)

Rare MYO wrote:Image Goody Bag - Wow! This ticket is different than the other! A Rare MYO ticket allows for a one time use to
make your own rare Droogi. (40 C$)


14 replies not shown, show all

Zaherix - Events based on this drawing by Missy-Who
by Missy-Who @ Sun May 26, 2024 6:55 am [Reply]

🌠 Events


[Main Page] [Explore] [Quests] [Shop] [Customs/MYOs] [Nursery] [Events]
[Artist search] [Discord] [Genetic] [Archives]


Open - 27-05-24
Close - 10-06-24

{ Kibbies ! } based on this drawing by kageyenova
by kageyenova @ Fri Jan 26, 2024 1:56 pm [Reply]

| Main Page | Artist Search | Customs/MYOs | Shop | Nursery | Archive Registration |
| Discord |


What are Kibbies?
[ Kih·bees ]
a tiny masupial-like species with the similar looks of a cat, Kibbies are most
commonly found in the trees of rainforests. Flexible hind legs consisting
of only two toes, used like a finger and thumb, are able to provide this small
species to grab tightly onto branches - and each other - while climbing.
Despite their size, (ranging on average between 4 and 9 inches long) they live
to be about 15 - 20 years and mature at around 18 months, where they are
able to begin leaving their nests in the trees to begin lives of their own.
Kibbies survive on bugs and fruits, thus this species is considered omnivorous.
They have also been seen hunting smaller creatures like tadpoles in order to
impress members of their cluster - strong swimmers must also be great climbers!

Their antennae is probably the strangest trait they have as mammals; while
they do have strong noses and large ears, their antennae seem to be used
to help amplify their senses of smell and hearing - but greatest of all, they
can actually use their antennae to communicate across species and protect
themselves. They are able to mimic the sounds they hear to an eerie accuracy
from what their antennae is able to pick up, and learn what these sounds
mean based on the responses they gain from their surroundings. Much like
birds, many kibbies have been able to learn patterns of human speech to
get across feeling and wants!


Ready to Get Started?
In order to participate in most adopts and events, you should have an archive
to store proof of ownership of your kibbies and any items you redeem. Your
archive could be, but is not limited to: a personal thread on CS, a folder on
toyhouse, a spreadsheet, or a google document. There are multiple ways of
making a storage. You can even add a theme to it, if you like; personalization
is absolutely fine.
Go to this thread to post your archive!
It is important that it is a public link and appropriate for CS.

After you've registered for an archive and have marked this page, you should
know that you've already earned your first MYO token! This means that
you can already get started on making your own Kibby under the
Customs/MYOs page. Head over there for further details!


        Trait List - to be adjusted as we go along!

          All Kibbies MUST Have:
      • antennae
      • rabbit-like noses
      • two-toed back paws
        These traits cannot be removed (unless by unnatural/scarred means)

      • All TYPICAL and BASIC Kibbies MUST have ONE set of antennae on top of the head, unless unnaturally removed/scarred.
      • All MUTANT Kibbies MUST have TWO sets of antennae, both of which MUST be on top of the head, unless unnaturally removed/scarred.
      • All CORRUPT Kibbies MUST have THREE OR MORE sets of antennae, two of which MUST be on top of the head, unless unnaturally removed/scarred.

          NON-RARITY TRAITS - free to add to your kibby without affecting its tier!

        expression change | natural eye shape | scars | wounds/stitches | missing limbs | weight | hair/fur texture | chimerism / albinism / melanism | vitiligo / piebald | snaggletooth | prosthetics | accessories

          TYPICAL - All Typical Kibby Traits!

        one set of antennae | long prehensile tail | any hair on head | no hair on head | typical whiskers (cat-like) | two-toed hind legs | typical paws | small claws | white sclera | thin tongue | typical ears | small fangs

          BASIC - Other Common Kibby Traits!

        shorter antennae | bulbous / thin / feathered / pointed antennae | heterochromia / partial heterochromia | sclera color | mane / backmane | hair on chin / along jaw | Shorter tail | Shorter / Longer fur | folded ears | longer claws | shorter limbs | blood color

          MUTANT - Evolved Kibby Traits!

        two sets of antennae | other antennae shape | muzzle shape edit | tongue shape change | unnatural eye/iris/pupil shape | spikes/horns on head | small wings (two or fewer sets) | tail shape change | two/split tails | Six total limbs/paws | Extra toes (front legs only) | Paw pads on hind legs | paw pad shape change | whiskers (dragon-like) | loss of pupils | teeth edit | ear shape change | no ears | longer body | vents

          CORRUPT - Warped Kibby Traits, more than just mutation!

        three or more sets of antennae | Longer antennae | multiple eyes | loss of irises | no eyes | gigantism / longer limbs | mouth shape edit / multiple mouths | multiple tails | odd bodily growths - gems, scales, feathers, plants, eyes, mouths, animal parts, etc. | two heads | spines/spikes/horns on body | transparent/glass/gelatin body (or parts) | glow | bone exposure | zombification / frankenstein'd | large wings (two or fewer sets)

kageyenova @ Fri Jan 26, 2024 1:56 pm

[ I feel obligated to establish that my closest friends are helping me on this project. While they do not own this species, they may be granted certain permissions that seem unfair, and I fully acknowledge that. ]

HAVEN | Cerulean Wake
SNIPS | snipsnops
GRILL | Grill,
MIST | MistCat

[ That being said, these users, and any other friends/mutuals I have here on CS, will not receive skewed or biased judgements in any free adopts provided by this species. ]


kageyenova @ Fri Jan 26, 2024 1:57 pm

      To Note
  • This is a semi-open/closed species.
    There are free means to earn free MYOs and premade Kibbies, seen on the MYO's page, but there are only a limited amount of slots that can be redeemed for starting members. Many premade Kibbies will also be sold for real currencies, C$, or trade-able items in and out of the species.
  • Kibbies that were purchased may be resold for equal to or less than the price of which they were originally bought for.
    This includes C$ or USD. But if you earned your Kibby through competition, raffle, or as a freebie, it might only be traded for other Kibbies, Kibby-related items/MYO tickets. Consult the original artist for what other permissions you have in giving away your Kibby.
  • Users can only own up to 12 Kibbies (as of 1/27/2024)
    The cap might be raised in the future, so hang tight!
  • All Kibbies have the same nose and hind legs.
    The nose and back paws may be slightly altered for art-style purposes, but keep in mind that they only have two toes + a rabbit-like nose!
  • Kibbies can be any gender/sexuality.
    Any two kibbies can breed as long as they are not related. Please be mindful where you got your kibbies from if they were part of nursery batches.
  • Any suggestions for the species is helpful and greatly appreciated.
    We love to hear feedback from our community!
  • Kibbies staff reserve the right to add, remove, or amend species rules as needed.
    We also reserve the right to carry out appropriate action against users who might not have broken species rules, but who have been voted by staff to have previously displayed inappropriate behavior that might be disruptive to the community.

      General Rules;
  • Copying/tracing/claiming the species as your own are all worthy of a ban.
    While we do not own the concept of cats with antennae, the lore, lines, assets, and "brand" of Kibbies belongs to Kageyenova.
    You are more than welcome to design characters with the same traits, they will just not be considered official designs of the Kibbies community!
  • Three warnings equal a strike. Three strikes result in a ban.
    Depending on severity of the case, rule-breaking might result in an instant strike or ban as voted by majority of the staff.
  • No minimodding.
    Please don't take matters into your own hands! If you see something amiss contact a staff member.
  • Designs may not be transferred in/out of the species without permission.
    Please have proof of permission from the artist and the species owner (Kageyenova) when transferring designs in or out of Kibbies.
  • Kibbies may be co-owned, but will not be earned with "co-ownership".
    MYO tokens cannot be 'co-owned', but the design that results from them may be. This is for individual users to decide when archiving their characters. Users cannot decide to co-own a Kibby without the original owner's permission.
  • You may not make your own Kibby without permission.
    You must purchase a MYO token from the shop to be able to make one, or have someone else make the Kibby for you.
  • You may not put Artist Entries up for sale or trade.
    *This does not apply during "Yard Sale" events.
    The Artist Search is strictly used to test the species' lines, try out for an artist position, or make entries for Kibby MYO competitions. Putting pre-made designs up for sale clashes with the Staff privilege of putting out adopts in exchange for some form of payment. This action will result in an immediate strike. Commissioning entirely new designs to be used as MYOs, however, is permitted.
  • Harassment and rudeness will not be tolerated.
    Begging, guilt-tripping and general toxic and rude behavior are all worthy of a strike. Such behavior may include, but is not limited to: complaining about competitions in the Discord server, messaging artists to "show" them what your entry would have been if you hadn't missed out on the competition, posting self-deprecating messages about missing a raffle or a flatsale, and so forth.
  • Kibbies staff reserve the right to ban any member as they see fit.
    Bans may be permanent or temporary, at the discretion of the species owner and a majority staff vote. Banned users may not interact with the species. They may not post in Kibbies threads or participate in Kibby-related activities such as take part in events, purchase Kibbies or Kibby MYO tokens, try out for free Kibby adopts or create Kibby MYO designs. They may be commissioned to draw art of other people's Kibbies. They are not allowed to own any more Kibbies that they may already have and are not allowed to gift, trade, or breed their Kibbies for other designs/items from the species. They may transfer their Kibbies if they so wish, with the permission of the species owner and the artist of the Kibby. If banned members wish to give up their Kibby(s), they must give it up to a staff member so it may be readopted.

  • There must be a valid MYO token in your archive to be able to make or claim an artist entry.
    Please wait for your purchase to be processed and the item added to your personal archive before seeking approval for an artist entry/MYO.
  • Fill out the appropriate form on the Customs/MYO thread to claim an artist entry.
    You need permission from the artist of the entry to be able to claim it. Please make sure that you have a valid MYO token in archive before doing this!

      Kibby Competitions
  • You can only autobuy a Kibby twice a week.
    For easier tracking, this cooldown ends at CS Rollover every Sunday.
  • You have 24 hours to come forth with payment for a Kibby before it is re-auctioned or given to the last highest bidder.
    This timeframe may be more lenient depending on the artist.
  • For filling forms on flatsales/autobuys:
    • Editing forms is not allowed. If you made a mistake you will have to repost the correct and complete version of the form
    • Everything in the form must be filled out. No posting a blank/incomplete form to "reserve" and then go back and edit the form.
  • Do not harass artists to judge a competition. This includes spamming "bump" or "good luck" after the competition was announced to be closed, messaging artists when it has not yet been 30 days past the closing date.
    However if it has been 30 days since the closing date of the competition you may message the artist, the species owner, a Kibbies mod, or report the competition to CS staff.

      Artists/Guest Artists;
  • Guest artists are given up to 30 days to complete five Kibby adopts, which they can choose to sell/raffle/make a competition
  • Guest artists may not make more than two Offer-to-Adopts (OTA's) or auctions. It is not mandatory to include an "autobuy".
  • Guest artists must make at least one typical Kibby, and are allowed the use of two corrupt traits on one adopt. The remaining must be mutant and below
  • Guest artists are allowed to make two custom-lined kibbies, but must acquire permission and show the species owner before posting for sake of possible adjustments/corrections.
  • Guest artists that are promoted to Staff Artists must make at least two adopts per month in order to acquire payment.
  • Payment consists of MYOs and other Kibbies items.
  • Full artists must confer with the species owner if they wish to include Mutant traits in an adopt.
  • Full artists must confer with the species owner if they wish to open their adopts to real currency offers for the first time.

      Staff Payment;

    2 adopts - Basic MYO ticket
    3-4 adopts - Mutant MYO ticket
    5+ adopts - Corrupt MYO ticket (+2 Basic OR +1 Mutant)

    mods will receive a Basic MYO every 7 days of activity.

kageyenova @ Fri Jan 26, 2024 1:57 pm


216 replies not shown, show all

Lines for sale! based on this drawing by Kalid
by Kalid @ Sat May 25, 2024 8:32 am [Reply]

-Adult longhair and shorthair bodies
-Adult bob tail, longhair tail, shorthair tail
-Kitten shorthair body
-kitten bobtail and shorthair tail
-color swatch, mouth, eyes, paw pads and claw closeups

Will give prospective buyers access. See original drawing for kitten lines.

Image Miles wrote: Look Bits! Some new friends are coming our way! :D

Hello Friends! Not only do I have permission to help with your event MYOs... I've also officially been asked to be an artist for Spigons! Rejoice! You will see more of my designs soon!

I love drawing these lil buggers, and I'm excited to see this community grow! I've been helping some people with their MYOs, and I thought making a small hub for the event would help to organize things better. (You will also see a similar hub soon on the Home MYO page, but that's for later.)

I'm doing these Event MYOs for free currently! Because I would really like to see more people join and get their grubby lil hands on these cuddly creatures! And besides that my lil Sprigon, Miles, could really use some new friends!

If you would like help with your MYO, please feel free to ask for assistance or any other questions you have. If you would like to commission me to make your Sprigon, then please read the rules and fill out the form below!

    1. Make any fanart or writing for your Sprigon.
    2. Post Off-Site. Please Credit "BaachenBits" on TH or "BaconBits" anywhere else.

    1. Remove my or Kitteh's Signature(s)!
    2. Trade or sell your Sprigon until the event is over.*

    *All Trades/Sales must follow Sprigon and CS guidelines.

Any MYOs made here are not automatically approved!
Please make sure you fill out the event form on this page to finalize your Event MYO![/size]
I will not be accepting new forms after the 24th. Thank you!

I’ll be using the rest of the week to help Kitteh with things!
Thank you all!! <3

Other Designs I've Done: Gummy Worm, Sleepy Time Junction, Bubba Gump Shrimp
I do accept tips! But these MYOs are totally free. <3

BaachenBits @ Sat May 04, 2024 1:10 pm

1. Area11Fangirl (Event MYO)
2. Spiritstar3 (Standard MYO)
3. Pupfawn (Standard MYO)
4. Griff (Event MYO)
5. Thani (Event MYO)
6. HobbitBoi (Event MYO)
7. Spiritstar3 (Event MYO)
8. ArithMedic Event MYO

Hawk WillowWatcher @ Sat May 04, 2024 1:48 pm


Griff @ Sat May 04, 2024 5:10 pm

Please Help Me Find a Friend!
Username + ID: Griff 254592
Do You Prefer ON or OFF Oekaki? Off Oekaki
Element: Earth
Tail Length: Long
Traits You Would Like:
[NR] Scars, Heterochromia, Maybe cute accessories like a scarf or explorer goggles?
[C] Extra Tufts, Long Coat
[UC] Extra Ears
[M] Flower Growths
[Event] Flower Poof

Feel free to go wild, I have no particular image in mind and lobe to be surprised! Thank you for doing this for folks!

21 replies not shown, show all

Cupido Draft Horses V5 based on this drawing by EmberWolf
by sleepyDandy @ Fri May 24, 2024 9:33 am [Reply]



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