truth seeker, burden bearer | stars 3400

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truth seeker, burden bearer | stars 3400

Postby thelabradorr » Tue Apr 09, 2024 3:11 am



Username: thelabradorr
Cat Name: satyesu
Gender: male
Rank:irregular | Ascension commander
Clan: the tower
Age: 3 years


In shadowed halls, I dwell, a captive soul,
Where skies are painted on walls of glass,
And fields of green lie dormant in my dreams,
For I have glimpsed beyond this steel embrace.

In whispers heard from distant realms untamed,
Where winds dance freely 'neath the open sky,
I know of lands where sunsets burn untouched,
And clouds drift in patterns yet unknown to me.

For in the silent watches of the night,
When echoes of the city fade to sighs,
I hear the call of forests deep and true,
Beyond the reach of manufactured stars.

Oh, to walk upon the earth unbound,
Where every leaf and stone holds ancient lore,
To feel the pulse of life beneath my feet,
Not crafted by the architects of dreams.

I've seen the fire that lights the distant hills,
A flame unbridled, wild, and unconfined,
And felt the longing stir within my soul,
To leave this tower, seek the world outside.

Yet here I linger, bound by unseen chains,
A prisoner of my own design, perhaps,
But still, the knowledge burns within my heart,
That there exists a world beyond the tower's grasp.

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what does he know?

Postby thelabradorr » Tue Apr 09, 2024 4:17 am



commander satyesu: journal entries found upon raid
entry 001

i have seen things in my lifetime that would result in the the swift disappearance of my entire
existence if the ruler of this tower found out. i was but a young tom when a commander from a
small rebellion group within the tower approached me. i remember fondly the fear that swept over
my body, how my legs froze, and how i knew, in this moment, the individual that stood before me held
my entire future right in their eyes.


      satyesu was never a special individual, at least no one had ever led him to believe he was of any high name or of any great importance. satyesu was another troubled bum, struck down time and time again by what some believe is "the will of the tower". he never believed in any of the religious ludicrousness others would convince themselves of to avoid accepting the fact that - their lives were just meaningless and it sucked. but everyone has their own thing that helps them continue to wake up, roll out of bed, and continue trudging onward no matter who or what wants you to fail. satyesu did not have one of these things though, instead he had an empty head with continous pleaful echoes of nothingness.

      that all changed one day though, when a tom - who towered over satyesu - approached the pessimistic satyesu. a back alley is not the ideal place to meet someone like this but it just so happened that satyesu's luck and "will of the tower" struck in the worse way possible yet again. so here they were, the demon in the night and the bum, we all know how that goes right? satyesu thought he knew too but was in utter shock when the next words that came out of the stranger's mouth from the depths of the alley's shadows were...

      **the following is an excerpt from an audio recording between [redacted] and commander satyesu**

      [redacted]: hello boy, do you know who i am?

      satyesu: am i suppose to? sorry i was not aware i was in the presence of mr.important [low snarls]

      [redacted]: you have much spirit, we need that in Ascension. i am [redacted], commander and recruitment overseer for Ascension.

      satyesu: sorry to burst your bubble [redacted] but what in the towers is an ascension, is that you knitting club or something old man?

      [soft laughter]

      [redacted]: knitting? maybe we should consider that. much less dangerous. however, Ascension is a rebellion group within this Tower. we want to overthrow tyrantix and change the course of history, and we need special individuals like you to help us accomplish our goal.

      satyesu: special?

      **end of excerpt**

      that was the day that satyesu found purpose, he had found his reason to fight, to live, to change. and it was one of the biggest secrets within the Tower. rebellion groups had come and gone many, many times within the lifespan of the Tower, yet none seem to make a change. however, Acension was different - becasue it was a secret to all, even the ones it invited in.


      satyesu was, at least he thought, never a special individual but now he would learn of his true origins, his true power. sitting down with the figure for the first time in a location that was not a back alley only gave him more and more fear. the air was cold and stale in the small room he was being questioned in. the light pierced his eyes, yellow tinted, giving him quite the headache - worsening his overall mood and heightening his fear. when the figure spoke it was about more details of the rebellion group and how it could not be discussed with no one, ever.

      luckily satyesu had no one, ever.

      **the following is an excerpt from an audio recording between [redacted] and commander satyesu**

      [redacted]: Ascension, unlike other rebellion groups, is not interested in gaining the ruler's title and holding it for ourselves, we are more of a, distribute the wealth mindset.

      satyesu: that's cool, so you said in the alley, I am special and your group needs individuals like me - care to elaborate on that part please?

      [redacted]: oh, are you not aware of the power you hold within? satyesu, you are an irregular. you are not from here, the Tower I mean. you were born and raised outside of the Tower - which is really strange becasue the world is supposed to be a nuclear wasteland - but when the Tower summoned you inside, you came from the outside outside not just the "outside" residential area of the Tower.


      *uncomfortable rustling*

      satyesu: there is an outside of the Tower, like something not controlled by the Tower?

      [redacted]: yes, somewhere with grass. somewhere with a sky that is not just a projection. somewhere outside.

      **end of excerpt**

      now burdened with not only the knowledge of a rebellion group within the Tower, but also the knowledge of his true self, his true power, and the fact that there is something outside the Tower, greater then the Tower - satyesu was overwhelmed.

      but he was so ready to begin his new life, a life with purpose, a life with ascension.

royal guard: commander satyesu 001
summarized overview
written by: [redacted for safety]

what does satyesu know at this point?
satyesu is aware of a rebellion within the tower. this rebellion group is know as ascension
and plans to overthrow the current high ruler and change the law of the Tower. this is an offense
that is punishable by [redacted].

how did satyesu come to learn this information?
satyesu is now known irregular within the Tower (Irregular #004), the rebellion group (Ascension)
knew this and acted quickly to recruit the unknown irregular to their forces.
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a test of loyalty

Postby thelabradorr » Tue Apr 09, 2024 4:51 am



commander satyesu: journal entries found upon raid
entry 002

i can say, knowing myself before, i never liked kits. i would be constantly
annoyed around them. all the whining and the smells and ugh, a pain just to
think about all of it truthfully. so of course, to test my loyalty, i was assigned
to raise a kitten. i could not treat this like a homework assignment, this was
my ticket in. and man oh man. did that fluffball completely change my life.


      The mention of "Evangeline's with kits?" involuntarily escaped my lips, eliciting a bitter taste in my throat. The individual, now dubbed my acquaintance from the alley, had relayed distressing news about the princess, and I believed my reaction to be warranted.

      Evangeline is one of Tyrantix's esteemed princesses, tasked with accompanying him to the farthest reaches of the Tower. To him, they are akin to cherished daughters, despite lacking any genetic ties. They share only his bestowed power, granted upon acceptance into his court as a princess.

      Acknowledging the stranger's information, I noted his scarred countenance and the confident grin adorning it. "Indeed, Satyesu," he affirmed, "her offspring have already been born and placed with new guardians."I shrugged dismissively. "That's unfortunate news. I could have lived without such knowledge—just another burden to bear. You understand, my friend; secrets can be quite burdensome."

      Observing his assessing gaze and the transformation of his grin into a sinister smirk, I sensed his forthcoming words with trepidation. "I wouldn't want to exclude you from the loop," he remarked, his tone laced with intrigue. "After all, you've been selected to care for one of her offspring."

      My throat tightened with disbelief, nearly choking on my own breath. Surely, he couldn't be serious. Unfortunately, the swaddled bundle he presented alongside his smirk affirmed the gravity of his words.

      Fatherhood was never a role I aspired to, especially not under these circumstances.

      Placing the kit before me, the stranger locked eyes with me. "Complete this task, and you'll demonstrate your loyalty and worth to Ascension. Failure," he added, his gaze piercing, "is simply not an option."

      The kit arrived without a name, accompanied only by the directive to choose something avian as his moniker. Thus, I christened the fluffy little feline "Sparrow."

      Time whisked by swiftly, much like Sparrow's growth outpaced my understanding of parenthood. Yet, as the stranger had emphasized, failure was never an option.

      Numerous lunar cycles have passed since our initial encounter, and Sparrow has blossomed into a creature of robust stature and insatiable curiosity about his origins.

      Nevertheless, the truth about his lineage remained tightly concealed, known only to those privy to the situation. Although it pained me to keep him in the dark, it was imperative for his well-being and safety. If Tyrantix were to uncover Sparrow's identity, the consequences would be dire.

      The sole revelation Sparrow possessed of my own was regarding Ascension—a prospect disclosed by the stranger, who outlined Sparrow's role as a representative in the Tower's latest generation of climbers.

      When my once-small, fluffy companion matured and answered the Tower's call to ascend, my efforts were rewarded with a coveted Commander position within Ascension. Through unwavering dedication, tireless loyalty, and steadfast silence, my commitment to the cause had been unequivocally demonstrated.

royal guard: commander satyesu 002
summarized overview
written by: [redacted for safety]

what was satyesu's initiation task?
satyesu was tasked with the care and raising of a kitten. currently the identity and
lineage of this kitten is unknown to the royal guard.
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the punishment for greatness

Postby thelabradorr » Tue Apr 09, 2024 11:37 am



commander satyesu: journal entries found upon raid
entry 003

have you ever been lonely? truly lonely. loneliness not even a small kitten
that loves you unconditionally can fill for you. i have been. i still am. aside from
the few members in Ascension I associate with, i have no one. have you ever walked
through a crowd of strangers just to be met with predetermined opinions and avoidance?
i have. my joining of Ascension is to blame for this. but maybe that’s why the stranger came
to me that day, a lonely soul with no purpose - what did I really have to lose when i had so
much to gain.


      Satyesu stood as a figure both revered and feared by his fellow residents. His relationship with the inhabitants of this vertical domain was colored by a mixture of awe, apprehension, and whispered intrigue, all stemming from his perceived connection to a secretive rebellion group that challenged the Tower's established order.

      Satyesu's demeanor was often inscrutable, his gaze piercing and his words measured. Those who encountered him couldn't help but feel a sense of unease, a palpable tension in the air that whispered of his hidden allegiances. While some viewed him with reverence, acknowledging his enigmatic presence as a force to be reckoned with, others opted for a cautious avoidance, shunning him like a specter whose shadowy associations cast a long, foreboding silhouette.

      The source of Satyesu's notoriety lay in the clandestine nature of his affiliations. Whispers circulated among the Tower's denizens, murmuring of his ties to a rebellion group rumored to challenge the oppressive reign of Tyrantix, the Tower's high ruler. These hushed conversations painted Satyesu as a figure of defiance, a symbol of resistance against the autocratic regime that dictated life within the Tower's confines.

      For some, this association evoked admiration—an acknowledgment of Satyesu's bravery in the face of tyranny. They saw in him a glimmer of hope, a beacon of rebellion against the suffocating grip of conformity. Yet, for others, particularly those loyal to Tyrantix or wary of reprisal, Satyesu's rumored involvement in subversive activities inspired fear and caution.

      It was not uncommon to witness residents part like a turbulent sea upon Satyesu's approach, their gazes averted or fixed upon the ground as he passed by. The aura of mystery surrounding him, coupled with the shadow of rebellion that trailed in his wake, imbued each encounter with an air of palpable tension—a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken truths that bound them all within the Tower's walls.

      Despite the apprehension that often greeted him, Satyesu remained an enigmatic but respected figure within certain circles. Those who dared to forge a connection with him often discovered a complex individual—guarded yet principled, harboring a fierce determination to challenge the status quo.

      Satyesu's relationship with the Tower's residents was thus a study in contrasts: revered by some, feared by others, and enigmatic to all. His presence served as a reminder of the simmering discontent that pervaded the Tower's populace, a silent testament to the indomitable spirit of those who dared to dream of freedom beyond the confines of their vertical prison.

      In the eyes of many, Satyesu embodied the possibility of change—a figure whose actions spoke louder than words, whose quiet rebellion reverberated through the Tower's corridors like a muted thunderstorm. And as long as the whispers of resistance persisted, so too did Satyesu's shadowy legacy, an enduring symbol of defiance amidst the oppressive silence of the Tower.

royal guard: commander satyesu 003
summarized overview
written by: [redacted for safety]

how does satyesu’s affiliation with Ascension affect his interpersonal relationships?
It does not affect them, it controls them. According to sources, anyone who associates themselves with Commander Satyesu goes through a rigorous examination process - know as the name hunt. Other members of Ascension will cull through every last piece of material regarding the individual until they know them better than they know themselves.
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an oath of silence

Postby thelabradorr » Tue Apr 09, 2024 12:01 pm



commander satyesu: journal entries found upon raid
entry 004

today will be my final day writing down any sort of details about my journey
thus far. the stranger has been captured by the royal guard and has already told them
too much. for someone who was so determined to keep me quiet, that rat squeaks
incredibly loud.

royal guard, i know you’re reading this. i know excerpts regarding who i am, who i was,
and who i will become with clutter your brains and desks for the remainder of time the
Tower stands.

i am satyesu. i am ascension.

catch me if you can.


      Satyesu harbored a loyalty that burned like a hidden flame, flickering defiantly against the oppressive darkness. He was a figure of mystery and determination, his every step echoing a silent rebellion against the suffocating rule of Tyrantix.

      Satyesu’s allegiance lay with Ascension, a secret group whispered about in cautious tones. To him, this was more than a clandestine organization—it was a beacon of hope, a promise of change in a world bound by silence and fear. His loyalty to Ascension was etched into the very fabric of his being, a testament to his unwavering belief in a better future.

      The dangers of his chosen path were not lost on Satyesu. Each day brought with it the looming threat of discovery, of facing the wrath of Tyrantix and his loyalists. Yet, despite the risks, he pressed forward, driven by a conviction that resonated with the unspoken desires of many within the Tower.

      Satyesu’s unwavering dedication to Ascension was not merely an act of defiance; it was a testament to his unwavering belief in the possibility of change, the hope for a future unshackled from the chains of tyranny. His loyalty was not born of blind idealism but forged through the crucible of shared struggle and whispered aspirations for a better existence.

      To understand Satyesu’s resolve is to delve into the heart of true yearning—the longing for autonomy, justice, and the right to shape one’s own destiny. In a world where silence was enforced and dissent suppressed, Satyesu’s choice to stand against the tide of oppression resonates with a universal desire for freedom and self-determination.

      For Satyesu, his decisions are also a deeply personal journey. It spoke of his longing for freedom, for the right to challenge the status quo that had long kept them all in chains of silence. His loyalty was not blind; it was forged through shared struggle and whispered dreams of liberation.

      Satyesu’s presence elicited a mix of awe and trepidation among his fellow residents. Some admired his courage, drawn to the flicker of rebellion that burned within him like a hidden ember. Others, fearful of reprisal, chose to keep their distance, their gazes betraying a silent acknowledgment of the risks he faced.

      His loyalty to Ascension was truly a rallying cry for all who yearned for autonomy, justice, and the right to shape their own destinies.

      Wake up.

      Wake up.

royal guard: commander satyesu 004
summarized overview
written by: [redacted for safety]

can we, the royal guard of the Tower, catch and convince Satyesu’s to confess his crimes and spill the secrets of the rebellion group he is thought to be associated with?
Good luck with that.
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word count & credits

Postby thelabradorr » Tue Apr 09, 2024 12:02 pm



word count


In shadows deep, I tread,
Choosing darkness over light.
For justice, a cruel mask,
I've embraced the outlaw's path.
Bound by laws unjust,
I defy the cold decree,
Trading freedom for the chains
Of a world that cannot see
The heart behind my desperate plea.

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