Banning offsite trading is a terrible idea. I dunno who suggested that but likes like banning international trade if you’re a country (Australia) and you want more revenue to come in and you stopped trading with every single country in the world. All you got is livestock, a bunch of sand and some space to make houses but your economy is going to take Harder than Greece did a few years ago.
Fix $CS inflation in line with the rarities update.
OMGSR should never cost more than $100USD. So make that the standard and work your way down. If you’re doing 1:1 for each rarity on the same line, go 2:1 for the steps up and down. 2 ER = 1 OMGSR means each ER is $50USD (like flat median rate) keep working down. Once you get to the .5 CS mark, round down.
Make this type a opinion to vote on community wide, you’ll find those older users who have significant in their collections will get mad because they’ve already spent so much money working to get their collections, but if your userbase is dying maybe it’s time to focus on getting new people to come and play by making it a bit more accessible and enticing. Not overwhelming and “here’s a 3 day lesson on how to trade with worth and value on a children marketed website.”