[愛] together

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[愛] together

Postby veridian » Sun Mar 26, 2017 12:15 am


    ━[ ]━[ ♡ ]━[ ♥ ]━[ ♥ ]━[ ♥ ]━[ ♡ ]━[ ♥ ]━[ ♡ ]━[ ]━[ ♥ ]━---

takeshi - cincil
saverio - waterfront
kachel - kaori miyazono.

~ S p L i T ~
a lot of writing + coding ♡

comics + rio ♡
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Postby veridian » Sun Mar 26, 2017 12:16 am

    どのようにして 他人に

    How can someone who can't
    motivate others motivate himself?


    It was a rainy day, as it always used to be every Friday evening. I always liked to think I was the only one who
    saw a beauty in it.

    I listened as it found everything in the park - the vintage, lonely bench that I had relaxed in for so long, the
    penny-filled fountain, and the pavement which had now turned dark in the storm. Flowers and trees were
    unwillingly soaked in the cold, whilst the occasional pass-by covered their heads with a newspaper and ran
    for the shelter.

    Before I knew it, everything went wet and numb. I could handle all of this, as it was actually somewhat
    interesting to watch. My phone sat inside my hoodie’s pocket, more of a distraction than something to
    help me connect with others. I hadn’t used it for a long time - not as a camera, not as a MP3, and not as
    a phone.

    It was all just so empty - wake up, go to school, talk with people, come home, sleep. Sure, I didn’t want
    to be in some random fantasy world where everyone fought and killed each other all the time, but I just
    couldn’t find anything to be passionate about. Not myself, not anyone else and not relationships. So I kept
    coming back to the park.

    It was 5:45, and I knew the park would be closing soon. Sighing, I got up and turned towards the exit.
    Pulling my hood up, I felt myself crash into a somebody standing under a tree.

    And that’s when I saw him.

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[ ♥ ]

Postby veridian » Fri Apr 07, 2017 2:41 am

“Oh, um, hi?”

His eyes were the definition of pretty and pink. Not pure, showy and eye-burning, but a
lighter shade that described his personality with one look. His fur was exotic green with
the finest details jumping out everywhere you could see, and had soft white compliments.
His hair had an almost shiny pink streak in the midst of its dark emerald, and a pastel
pink lei on top of it.

“I know the park’s closing, but have you seen any bags around here? I think I left it around
your bench. It’s, well, it’s the same color as my lei.”

“Yeahh-.” I tried to remember what bags I had seen earlier that day whilst also realizing
that I was so asocial that bench had officially been dubbed as mine. I very clearly
remembered chasing off one of the more popular guys in town who’d been trying to steal
from a backpack I’d assumed was for a little girl. I’d forgotten about it quickly, not
expecting to be paid back for it later.

“It wasn’t a princess one, was it? It nearly got stolen by a guy and I- uh, it was left
under that bench.”

“Yeah, I saw him but I wasn't close enough to do anything. But I have to say, nice job
chasing him off. I’ll go get it.” He took two steps and instantly shrunk back, taking a wet
ring of flowers off his head and inspecting it sadly. I desperately wanted to ask how he
could deal with all the stares it must have gotten, but I put my sadness to the side and
offered some help, for the second time that day.

“I’ll go. I’m pretty, well, pretty used to getting soaked.” I must have sprinted that 70
feet in less than 5 seconds, because I was panting heavily and nearly fell over by the time
I made it back to the tree. I handed over the bag.

“Thanks so much! For the second time this day, I suppose it should be. By the way, why
are you soaked? It’s not that nice here on Friday, in case you didn’t notice.” he grinned
and threw the bag over his head as a makeshift umbrella, loosening the straps until he
could keep them down with his arms.

“Long story. Mostly boredom. But I can see what you mean,-?”

“Saverio. But I go by Rio around these parts. I’ll see you around, thanks man!” Rio
winked and smiled, waving a paw whilst trying to keep his bag on his head.

I smiled too, for the first time in months. I went home, and slept well that night.



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Postby veridian » Fri Apr 07, 2017 2:54 am

    I woke up next morning remembering nothing but the encounter that happened yesterday. Also the fact that I had completely forgotten to have dinner, or change for that matter. Usually, I would not have cared a single bit, and have gone out freezing and hungry, even in summer. But I was motivated by yesterday’s events, as I decided to eat my microwaved dinner as breakfast and get a dry hoodie.

    This had happened before, and I knew the warm feeling of hope didn’t last long on its own. So I turned up at the park again, this time in the morning. The fountain was empty with clean water, new flowers were being planted, and the pavement’s patterns seemed more intricate than ever in the sunlight. I started to wonder why I never came here on the weekends, when I saw Rio smiling over at my bench.

    “Hey! Are we you going to come over or what?” Rio yelled when I didn’t have the courage to speak up or move. I tried for an awkward grin, and went for the bench before my jaw locked into that position.

    I sat down awkwardly, and for a while neither of us knew what to say. That was one thing I never knew how to deal with for a long time - conversation. If you’re supposed to talk about what your interests are, there wasn’t much for me to be talking about. But I suppose there was one thing I was interested in at the time.

    “So, where do you come from? I’ve never seen you at the local school before. Not that I keep track of anyone there.” I added so as not to make my reputation sound even worse than it already was.

    “Well, I actually moved in quite recently. I’m probably going to attend at the start of next term, seeing as it just so happens to be the holidays. Bit nervous for a new school this late, but I’m sure both you and I will do fine with the people there.”

    “Dang, speak for yourself. I’ve been here ever since elementary ended and I’m still stuck here under the ‘buddy stop’ trying to figure out what to do with my life.” Alright, I didn't intend to blurt this out until much later, but I suppose being lonely does sometimes give you good conversation starters.

    “It’s not that bad. There were 7 billion people in the world the last time I checked, and you're a good guy, so there's bound someone out there for you. In the meantime, you've got me. And I can be the best person in the world if you need me to be!” As much as I would have objected to this with anyone saying it, I saw some truth in the statement when someone I knew was saying it. Even if I never found any other friends, I had Rio.

    “Heh, I love you for who you are, man. You are pretty good.”

    “Aw, don't start about it.”, Rio smiled while waving his paw in the ‘Oh, you!’ manner. “By the way, you mind having me over for the rest of the day? Mom says I can’t go back until the house is unpacked.”

    Though I never did talk, I knew how it typically went, as I did with everything else. I knew about typical arrangements, telling backstories, a couple of compliments, maybe one or two flirts. But I hadn't expected to have someone over so soon. I waited for longer than I should have. What would I have to say in a situation like this?

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Postby veridian » Fri Apr 07, 2017 3:26 am

    "Oh man. Why had I done that?" was all I could think about on the way home.

    “Kachel, I mean, dad! I’m home! I brought a friend over, how you doing with lunch?” I tried to yell a little less indifferently. I’d been pretty uncaring to him since I’d fallen into his care.

    “A few more minutes, since the others are out. Nice to see you making friends.”


    I sometimes felt sorry for Kachel having to look after me. I wasn’t his son, and ever since I’d come into the family, there were two groups. My siblings and my other dad, and me and Kachel. Maybe Auntie Elfie every now and again, but since I had 3 siblings it was pretty clear that my parents had preferences. My other dad didn’t really hate me, as he was actually very kind. He just had a hard time including me in events, and since Kachel tended to take my side a lot of the time, he was left out too.

    “So, are we going into your bedroom or not? You’ve been standing there for around 5 minutes just thinking, you okay?” I'd almost forgotten Rio was with me, but I felt less stressed when he managed to break the silence.

    “To be honest, I’ve been letting my thoughts get out of hand for a long time. But I am getting better at predicting how something will actually turn out, thanks to there being an actual living being existing in my life.”

    “Hey, don't mention it. As I said, you're a good guy for chasing that idiot off and stopping him from stealing all that stuff. If you hadn't, my head would look more like a pile of pink toilet paper. But who am I kidding? I'm assuming you know what I'm here to do.” he pointed to the two controllers on the side of the bed and grinned. “Suppose you think this isn't worth it, and your skills are a little rusty. Even a lower tier living being like myself could beat you at Mariokart any day.”

    “Quite the contrary. Mariokart’s the one of the few things I think is worth it. But depressing thoughts aside, fight me. I've beaten Rainbow Road with 4 players.”

    Needless to say, that wouldn't be our last interaction. We did not go down for lunch until it was dinnertime.
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Postby veridian » Fri Apr 07, 2017 3:36 am

A couple of controllers were broken after that. Okay, a lot of controllers. We did have the whole holiday, and it turned out there were a lot lying around.

Rio’s house ended up becoming mine, and I was glad that Kachel got to spend more time with the rest of the family instead of trying to constantly help me. I stopped going on the park alone just to think, and instead brought Rio along with me. It was true that I might not have had anything else to care for in the beginning, but we both got better.

We became very popular in the neighborhood. Nothing was stolen in the park for ages, and hearts began to be carved in the tree we’d first met under. Rio said he’d made some friends he’d introduce me to when school started, and a few people started to approach me too. Everything seemed to be improving, and I noticed there was a lot more to do than lie around. I picked up writing and gaming, along with social skills that could be used in reality.

That empty feeling I had was no longer there.

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[ ♥ ]

Postby veridian » Fri Apr 07, 2017 10:59 pm

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Postby veridian » Fri Apr 07, 2017 11:02 pm

Still, I was uncertain about the future. I’d known about love for a long time, but I never really knew what it was. I still didn’t know. But Rio was the closest thing I had to a boyfriend, and I didn’t want to pass that chance up. Naturally, I went to the one person knew had successful for so long, even after I’d been such a drain on him.

“Dad? I know I’ve been taking your attention away from the family for a while, but I need to ask for a favor.”

“Listen, Takeshi. I’ve told you again and again you aren’t a drain, and I do mean it. I knew that when you came into our family, you had potential. And that turned out true - you’ve been making a lot more friends and you seem a lot more interested in life in general. I know you’ll have a good future. Now, I assume you’re going to ask about Saverio?” Kachel grinned, with just a hint of smugness about how well he knew me.

“Yeah. I don’t know what to do at this point. We’re quite good friends, but I don’t know whether I love him or not. I don’t want to ruin the relationship, but I don’t want to miss out on a chance like this either.” I shrugged, not knowing what else to do as Dad thought.

“As cliché as it may sound, I say go for it. If your friendship is a strong as you say, it won’t matter. He declines and you’re still best friends. He accepts and you two become even better than the couple you wished to end up like in the end, right?” Kachel patted my head and laughed softly.

“And if Rio’s parents have an issue with it? Or even just with me? What if they believe this is just a temporary phase and end up being extremely angry later on? What if-”

“I’m sure Saverio’s parents are as kind as he is. Don’t worry, Takeshi. we’ll make this work.”

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[愛] together

Postby veridian » Sat Apr 08, 2017 2:10 am

    stay by my side, okay?

    i don't want to lose you.


    The first day of school ended on a rainy Friday evening. I’d made my way into a couple of friendship groups,
    played on someone else’s Switch, and even paid attention in class! But I hadn’t talked to Rio the whole day,
    still worried about what I was going to say. I’d made my way back to the park to think, and only getting
    soaked this time since I hadn’t been paying attention.

    I still had nothing, and figured I might as well go home before I got my books all wet. Plus, it was 5:45pm.
    Nearly closing time. I pulled down my hood and started walking towards the exit, only looking up to see I’d
    crashed into someone standing under a tree.

    Only this time we weren’t strangers.

    “Huh, this all seems a bit familiar, doesn’t it?” asked Rio, even trying to strap his bag over his head without
    crushing his lei as he talked. If I didn’t know better, I’d say this would be an important event in our friendship.”

    I laughed awkwardly. Nothing important seemed to be going any different than the first time this all
    happened. But I remembered that I had made a move at this point, and I pretty much knew I’d have to
    make another one to change things.

    “Rio, I’ve wanted to ask you about something for ages.”

    “Mhm? Go ahead.”

    “Ever since I’ve met you, my life’s been improving. You brought me into society and out of the rain. You make
    me realize things, rather than just observe them. You gave me things to care about. And you are, pretty much,
    the best person in the world to me.” Rio was blushing and grinning cutely. My cheeks felt hotter.

    “I-I’ve felt something similar. My mom’s had more time to work now that we can look after ourselves. I never
    came across a guy like you where I used to live, and I’ve not come across another guy like you here.” To be
    honest, I was slightly surprised. I hadn’t realized that I’d been making Rio’s life better as well. It didn’t drain
    me, though. It made me all the more happier to be around him.

    “So, what do you say? There were enough rumors at school about it.”

    “Yeah. You and me, together, in a relationship?”

    “Yep. No regrets. Race you to the fountain, since we’ve already gone this far into the deja vu?”

    “I will sprint that faster than you this time. It’s the least I could do to redeem myself for Rainbow Road.” It
    was true. The last time we played, he thought he’d won since he’d been looking at my screen. He’d
    actually been falling off the map the whole time.

    We set off faster than we ever did before, with me crashing and falling into the fountain’s coin littered
    bottom. As Rio laughed, I splattered him in the face with a handful of fountain water.

    “Hey, maybe I’ll make you a paper lei one day and get it wet! Then you’ll know the painful feeling of
    have wet paper over your head!” he yelled, and a water fight ensued.

    We laughed hard that night, and played harder. We’d never know this side of the rain before, and we
    enjoyed it. We caught a glimpse of Kachel and Rio’s mom standing outside, grinning at us, but we didn’t
    stop until our bags and our fur were soaked. It’d been a good day, one of many we liked to think would

    "We liked to think? How do you think we got here today?"

    "Shush, you. I still haven't got that lei."

    Many of which did follow, until we got to where we are today. Nearly adults, and still together.

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