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A healer's warning

Postby wolfpack12 » Wed Oct 03, 2018 12:08 pm

Where was she? She didn't quite know. All that Mistflight could see, was something that seemed to resemble either mist or fog. Either way, it made it difficult to see what was in front of her. Considering that she was surrounded by it. However, there was something about the eerie silence, that put her on edge. The pale grey and white ticked tabby nervously glanced at her surroundings. Not quite sure on which way to go, before cautiously taking one step forwards. Only to nearly jump out of her skin, when she felt her paw touch something that was ice cold. But it wasn't the cold that had scared her, it was the realization of what she was currently standing on. Ice, she was standing on ice.

By now, the 'mist' seemed to have cleared up a little, allowing her to see what was in front of her. But what she saw, didn't make her situation any better. Miles of it. Miles of endless ice. With no solid ground in sight. Flattening her ears, Mistflight took another cautious step forwards. The cracking and groaning that sounded beneath her, filled her entire body with fear. But the ice did not break, it did not send her down into what might be below it. Yet, she wasn't going to risk it. With every step she took, the more confident she became. However, the constant noises beneath her, reminded her to take it slowly.

Just as she was about to take another step forwards, movement caught her eye. Causing her to quickly look in the direction it had come from. Only to see that there was nothing there." Hello? Is someone there?", she called out. Only for her voice to eerily bounce back to her. As if she was in a cave. Again, there was movement. Except there was more than one. They were like shadows, moving through the 'mist'. Their eyes glowing white. From what she could gather, whenever one shadow paused, they were cats or at least looked like cats. Yet, something about them felt off. As if they weren't here to help her. As if they were something sinister. Like a pack of wolves, that were hungrily stalking their prey.

" Run, their coming....."

A voice whispered, in warning. Causing the she-cat to jump, and glance around. But there was no one there, except for the shadows that continued to circle her. Now, she was becoming nervous. Who was coming?." Hello? Who? Who is coming?", she asked. Only for her voice to echo back. By now, the shadows were closing in, and the ice no longer seemed to be stable. As small cracks began to form under her paws. Not wishing to stay where she was, she then moved forwards. No longer walking, but now running. The cracks becoming larger, as the shadows chased after her. As she ran, something cried out to her. Upon glancing upwards, she noticed a pure white bird.

A dove?, she thought. Involuntarily ducking her head, when the bird flew down to her. Its small talons digging into her scruff, and tugging her to the side. As if trying to guide her. Mistflight blinked, and only hesitated for a second. Before changing direction, and following after the bird. Her paws now running across very thin ice, as parts began to break off behind her. In the distance, she saw something that made her release a sigh of relief. For in front of her, there was the first sight of land. However, while the mist that had once surrounded her, was not as thick as it was before, she could still sense the shadows behind her. As if the gaps that separated them were nothing.

Flattening her ears, she urged her legs to move faster. Her hope beginning to grow, the closer she got to land. Which soon turned into both relief and joy, as she ran across the last stretch of ice. However, it did not last, for as she grew closer to her destination, the ice beneath her broke. Sending her falling into the dark depths below. The last thing she remembered hearing, before she woke up. Was that voice from earlier, and the cry of the dove.

" Their coming......"
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An unexpected hero

Postby wolfpack12 » Wed Oct 03, 2018 12:09 pm

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Dealing with rogues

Postby wolfpack12 » Wed Oct 03, 2018 12:10 pm

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A shimmering moon

Postby wolfpack12 » Wed Oct 03, 2018 12:11 pm

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The mysterious traveller

Postby wolfpack12 » Wed Oct 03, 2018 12:12 pm

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Secrets revealed

Postby wolfpack12 » Wed Oct 03, 2018 12:12 pm

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Postby wolfpack12 » Wed Oct 03, 2018 2:16 pm

For many, walking through a forest at night can be both incredibly dangerous and extremely terrifying. But for the tortoiseshell she-cat, who was currently out on her own, it was the complete opposite. Ever since her first encounter with Starclan, she had viewed her clan's forest with a new light. Sure, it can be quite scary when you were on your own. Especially when you don't know what might be lurking out there in the darkness. But if one were to just take the time out of their lives to just stop and observe, then the forest can become quite magical. In fact, it almost looked like it could be something from a young two-legs fantasy book. Especially when underneath the whitish glow of the moon during winter.

However, Dawnstar wasn't out here to admire her clan's territory. She was trying to distract her mind from a recent nightmare. Something that wasn't uncommon, when considering the things she had been through. Normally she was able to pull through them just fine. But there was just something about this one, that refused to leave her mind. Much like a stubborn cobweb. Only cobwebs weren't normally covered in blood and gore. Just as she was about to turn around and head back to camp, one of the bushes closest to her began to rustle. Immediately putting the tired she-cat on edge, as she swung around towards the noise. As soon as she saw something emerging, she lashed out. Only to freeze mid strike, upon recognising the reddish spotted fur of her deputy.

It was safe to say, that even Leopardclaw looked terrified by her sudden aggression. His amber eyes glanced down at the sharp claws of his leader, just inches away from his face. Before glancing back up toward the she-cat and smiled nervously." Hey, whoa!, it's just me, I saw you sneak out of camp and was worried, is everything alright?", he asked. Only now did he notice the haunted look within the she-cat's green eyes. His own amber ones softening in understanding. After all, it wasn't the first time he saw that look, and it wouldn't be the last either. But that was from another time, right now Dawnstar needed him." You want to talk about it?", he added, carefully. Making sure his leader knew that it was completely her choice.

The tortoiseshell simply sighed, before placing her paw back down. Her heart beat returning to a regular pace, as she subconsciously moved her head forward. Not caring when it rested against the spotted tom's chest. She didn't even flinch when he placed a paw reassuringly on her back. To them, this was normal. It was comforting. It was their way of letting each other know that they cared for one another. But Dawnstar knew she couldn't sit here forever. Already she could hear her inner demons returning. Taunting her." Can we go somewhere?", she asked. Only faintly hearing the spotted tom hum an affirmative, before he stepped away from her in order to take the lead. Nothing else needed to be said. After all, sometimes words just weren't enough.

It must have been half an hour, before the pair finally stopped next to the clan's river. The moon shimmered across the waters surface, while a frog croaked nearby. Once more, Dawnstar found herself leaning against the spotted tom. For once glad that she had dark fur, as Leopardclaw rested his head on top of hers. Considering that if she didn't have mostly dark fur, she would of been as bright as a tomato. But at least she was grateful, for having someone to help keep her grounded." Thank you, Leopardclaw", she murmured. Not quite sure on whether or not she could trust her own voice. So instead focused on the toms warmth.

Leopardclaw merely chuckled, as he gazed at the shimmering water in front of them." No problem, my Dawn", he replied. Again, this was normal. The two had grown used to one another, and thankfully, Dawnstar had accepted his nickname for her. Therefore, there was nothing unusual about it. But it did make his heart flutter when the tortoiseshell either looked away flustered, or made an excuse to leave the conversation." You know, this reminds me of when we first met...", he began. His smile only growing, once he heard the she-cat release a small giggle. Something that told him that his attempt at cheering her up was working.

" You mean when you fell out of a tree like a dead bird?", the tortoiseshell she-cat asked, teasingly. Already feeling the darkness beginning to fade away, the more she focused on the tom next to her. Grateful, to have come across such a caring and kind hearted tom. Even more so to have him as her deputy. She couldn't even help it when Leopardclaw suddenly laughed and she joined in. The memory still vivid within their minds." You were like a fish out of water, when you were finally on dry land, even now, you still haven't change", she added.

Leopardclaw simply smirked, and tilted his head to the side in acknowledgement. Before his eyes suddenly caught a more loving look within them." Remember when you showed me around camp? How I acted back then? I was incensitive and should have known better, but now I know why I acted like that", he replied. Watching Dawnstar carefully, before he moved away slightly in order to meet her gaze." It was because I never met someone quite like you before, you have a fire within you that refuses to go out, something that I wished I had and it gained my admiration", he added. Suddenly feeling slightly nervous, as he tried to put his next words together. Now finding it slightly difficult to swallow." Look I know this is sudden, considering everything you've been through and all, and I don't want you to feel forced or anything like that.... but Dawnstar, we've known each other for a while now, and I don't know what I'd do without you, so I'm asking with all of the courage I can muster, if you would do me the honour of becoming my mate?", he finished.

Dawnstar felt as if the world had suddenly frozen, as green eyes met amber. Not quite sure on how to respond. Mainly because no tom had ever taken an interest in her in the past. So hearing it from her best friend was a big surprise. Only this time, it was a pleasant one. No matter how many times she ignored the tom in the past, she couldn't deny that she had developed feelings for him. They were each others anchors, and quite frankly, she couldn't bare to live with any other tom who wasn't leopardclaw." Your right, you were incensitive back then...", she began. Watching as the spotted tom seem to deflate slightly at her words." But, you also helped me when I needed it the most, you showed me that there are good cats out there, and quite frankly, you helped me form Crescentclan", she added. For once a soft smile appearing on her face, as she met the tom's gaze." So yes... I would be honoured to accept you as my mate", she finished.

The tortoiseshell smiled ever so slightly, as she intertwined her tail with his and rested her head under his chin. Trying hard to stiffle her laughter, as the goofy tom began to purr. For once not caring that she was showing vulnerability, and just feeling glad that things seemed to be finally going their way.
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Love within a meadow

Postby wolfpack12 » Mon Nov 05, 2018 5:07 am

The sun's golden rays warmed the tom's mostly white pelt, as he made his way through the meadow. The long deep grass waved in the warm breeze. Tickling the tom's sides as he brushed past it. Spring having long since well advanced, sprinkling the meadow with a range of different coloured flowers. The tom was nothing more than a mere white dot amongst a sea of green. Eventually he came to a stop along the top of a small hill. Green eyes glancing around, as if he were looking for something.

" Come on out! I know your here somewhere, Bluegaze!", he called. His white ears twitching, trying to listen out for any sign of movement. His nose had already failed him. The meadow's flowers helping to mask his clanmate's scent. The sound of something moving about behind him, caused him to quickly whip around. Only for his eyes to fill with dismay, once they landed on the path he had taken. Said path was as visible as any trail in fresh snow. With a defeated sigh he turned back around, ready to announce that he gave up. Only to yowl in surprise, once his green eyes were met with blue ones. Causing him to jerk backwards and trip over his own back feet. Sending him crashing to the ground.

" You should have seen the look on your face!", a familiar voice cried. Laughter soon quickly following. It took all of Frostsight's willpower not to glare at the seal point. With a barely restrained growl, the mostly white tom launched himself at his clanmate. Causing the two to go tumbling down the other side of the small hill. Halfway down, the tom found himself laughing alongside the she-cat. The two eventually becoming two rolling balls of laughter. Until they hit the bottom, and Frostsight found himself being pinned down by his clanmate.

" Pinned yah!", Bluegaze chirped. Causing the mostly white tom to chuckle. He couldn't help it, the seal point's happiness was contagious. With a half-hearted glare, he gently whacked at the she-cat's head. Telling her to get off of him. To which she merely stuck her tongue out at him, before finally rolling off of his body.

" Yeah, yeah, you win", Frostsight replied. Smirking a tiny bit as he stuck his tongue out back at her. Only for a sudden wave of nervousness to wash over him. There had been a reason for why he had agreed to play hide and seek with her after all. The mostly white tom had fallen head over heels for the seal point ever since they first met. At first, he had been too afraid to tell her how he felt. Fearing that it would ruin their friendship. But now, with the encouragement of both his leader and deputy, he finally had the courage to tell her. So when she suggested to play in the meadow, like they had done as apprentices, he saw his chance.

" Hey, Frostsight? You there?", Bluegaze asked. Concern shining brightly within her blue eyes. Causing the mostly white tom to realise that he must have gotten lost within his own thoughts. Smiling just a tiny bit, the tom then lifted himself up onto his feet. So that he could face the seal point fully.

" Yeah, I'm fine, just got lost in my own little thoughts, that's all", Frostsight replied. Twitching his right ear, as he once more glanced at his surroundings. Checking to see if anyone was watching. Once he was sure that they were the only two, he then glanced back at his clanmate and the one he loved." Actually, there is something, just promise not to laugh or anything", he added. Both ears now flattening against his head from both embarrassment and shyness.

" I promise", the seal point replied. Confusion clear in her voice, as she tilted her head to the side. In all her years of knowing Frostsight, she had never seen him look son uncertain. In a way it hurt her. But it also made her curious about what could possible be troubling the one she cared for the most.

" Ok, here goes... Bluegaze, ever since we first met, I've had this strange feeling deep within my chest, at first I didn't know what it was, but now I couldn't be more sure of it, I'm in love with you, Bluegaze, I've been in love with you ever since we were apprentices, your the most selfless and amazing cat I've ever had the honour of knowing, and it only made my feelings for your grow", he began. Trying very hard not to look away, as the seal point's blue eyes widened. Whether it was from surprise or disgust, he didn't know. But he decided to get his confession over with anyway." I know I'm not exactly the right tom for you, and I don't want to ruin the strong friendship we have created between one another, so if you don't feel the same way then I understand, and I'll perfectly understand if you no longer wish to be around me, but will you be my mate?", he asked.

At first, Bluegaze said nothing and Frostsight feared that he may have upset her. Only to flinch in surprise, when a familiar coloured blur nuzzled into his body. A purr rumbling from the she-cats throat, as she buried her face into his chest." Yes, a million times yes! I would love nothing more than to be your mate, you silly little tom! I too love you from the beginning, you were the only one amongst our clan who made me feel welcome, so I too was scared of my feelings, and worried our friendship would end, but now I know that my love for you is returned and vice versa, so yes, it would be my honour to be your mate", she replied.

How long they sat like that, within each others embrace, they had no clue. But eventually they knew that they had to head back, before a patrol was sent to come find them." How about we go tell the rest of the clan, the good news?", Frostsight suggest. A hint of mischief in his eyes. One that didn't go unnoticed by the seal point, who merely returned his look. Without warning, the two took off. Both wanting to be the first to tell the clan that they were now mates. Their laughter once more filled their surroundings, as they raced back towards camp.
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Clan meeting

Postby wolfpack12 » Mon Nov 05, 2018 7:53 am

The tortoiseshell could barely hold in her own excitement, as she made her way onto her little perch. Green eyes glowing like miniature emerald fires." Let all cat's old enough to catch their own prey, gather here beneath high-ledge for a clan meeting", she called. Her voice ringing out loud and strong, across the small clearing. Feeling a small smile appear on her face, as one by one her clanmates began to gather beneath her. A wave of different coloured eyes watching her. Waiting for her to speak. Somewhere bellow she heard movement, alerting her that both her deputy and medicine cat have taken their respective spots bellow her ledge.

" It's been brought to my notice, that many of you have been spreading rumours about both myself and Leopardclaw", she began. Watching as her clanmates began to murmur to one another. Some were confused, others were angry and disgusted. There were even those who seemed smug. It wasn't until the murmuring began to get out of hand, did the tortoiseshell then step in. A small feeling of dread beginning to course through her body, once she realised that some of her clanmates were glaring at each other." That is enough! I did not mention this to divide the clan, I only brought it up so that I can put some of the rumours to rest", she added. A slight snarl creeping into her voice. Which instantly caused the murmuring to stop.

Amongst the small crowd, she caught sight of Frostsight and Bluegaze. The she-cat was tucked closer to the tom. As if the mostly white tom's body would shield her from the rest of the clan's outburst. Both their eyes showed nothing but a mixture of nervousness and excitement. This meeting was just as important to them, as it was to the tortoiseshell. Dawnstar could merely smile, as she once more turned her gaze back towards the rest of her clan. By now many seemed to have recovered from their outburst, while others still seemed ready to voice their opinions. It was now or never.

" As you all may well know, the clan has had a fair amount of bad luck over the past few seasons, a streak only made worse by the arrival of those rogues, I have come before you to tell you that, that luck has changed, I was hoping to keep it a secret for a little bit longer, but it seems that some of you already know", she said. This time the murmurs were more subdued. But even from where she sat, she could tell there was a mixture of confusion and excitement within the low voices of her clanmates." The rumours about me and Leopardclaw expecting a litter are true, I am expecting the clan's first litter, as I said before, we were waiting for the right time to tell you, but with everything that has recently happened, we decided against it", she added. Barely being able to prevent her smile from growing, when her clan suddenly began to congratulate her. Some of her clanmates were even jumping about in their excitement. Their voices rising up to where the tortoiseshell was sat.

The tortoiseshell glanced downwards. Her green eyes shining with amusement, as Leopardclaw ducked his head in embarrassment. As for Mistflight, she seemed to be silently teasing him. With a shake of her head, the tortoiseshell then stood up to her full height. Waiving her tail for silence. When the noise finally died down, the leader then gazed at Frostsight and Bluegaze." And I'm not the only one, Frostsight, Bluegaze, please step forwards", she said. Signalling encouragingly with her tail tip for the two youngsters to come closer. The two younger warriors were understandingly nervous. Considering that the clan's full attention were now on them. Bluegaze seemed to have hid herself behind her mate. Her ears flattened nervously against her head. Even Frostsight seemed to be a little bit uncomfortable. His green eyes darting rapidly about, as he tried to avoid eye contact.

" As you all know, Frostsight and Bluegaze have recently become mates, but their love for one another is not the only good thing that came from their union, they too are expecting, and from what Mistflight has told me, their litter will arrive shortly after mine", she announced. Her smile turning into an amused smirk, when her clan irrupted into noise once more. Watching as Frostsight merely lifted his head up high, as his clanmates congratulated both him and Bluegaze. The seal point seemed to do the same, although a tiny bit more wearily than her mate. Dawnstar waited patiently for the noise to die back down. Her green eyes watching her clan carefully for what she was about to say next.

" Unfortunately, due to my condition, I must temporarily step away from my duties as clan leader, and thus, I shall leave you in the care of my deputy, Leopardclaw, he shall lead you until I am deemed fit enough to return to my duty as clan leader", she explained. Watching as several heads bobbed up and down in understanding. Grateful that her clan did not object to this particular bit of news." The arrival of both mine and Bluegaze's litters will announce a new beginning for our clan, and will hopefully lead to better times, until then you will continue your duties, clan dismissed", she finished.

Her green eyes could only watch in pure amusement, as several cats shot towards those who were sat beneath her. Barely holding back a chuckle, as both Hailstep and Aspenwing teased Leopardclaw and Frostsight. Both future fathers merely shied away, embarrassment clear in their eyes. It took all of Dawnstar's power not to laugh, when the trio of future parents took off. Before the she-cat's attention was suddenly brought to the sky. The sun's warm light causing her eyes to become hazel, as she watched a pair of birds fly overhead. What the future brought them, she had no clue. But as long as there was hope, then her clan would survive.
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Postby wolfpack12 » Mon Jan 07, 2019 12:32 pm

The camp was mostly silent, with not a soul in sight. Only the call of an owl, or the occasional chirp of a cricket dared to disturb the peaceful night. However, while most of the clan had turned in for the night, there was one who was determined to remain awake.

Yellow eyes gazed at the star covered sky in a trance-like state. Pupils watching each twinkling light with a mixture of awe and wonder. His seal sepia coloured fur almost melting into the shadows of the warrior's den. His ears twitching every once in a while, as they picked up on a distant rustling sound. Once or twice he had been startled out of his daze, by the sound of a larger predator catching its nightly meal. But other than that, he was left mostly undisturbed.

It were nights like these, that reminded him of past memories. Some that made him smile, and some that made his heart ache. This particular one was a mixture of both, as his gaze locked onto a certain star that shone brighter than the rest. His eyes suddenly appeared clouded, as his mind drifted off into recent memories. Green eyes suddenly flashed before him, as a name floated up from the abyss of his mind. Robin.

" Come on slowpoke! Otherwise we're going to miss it!", Robin called cheerily. The small, long haired ginger tabby wasting no time, as she excitedly climbed up the nearest pine tree. Aspenwing could only chuckle, as he watched the she-cat disappear amongst the branches. Before climbing up after her, only this time he moved a whole lot more carefully. Fully aware that if he took any longer to follow her, it wouldn't take long for her to come back down to give him a 'lecture'. By the time he reached the top, he felt like his lungs were on fire.

" Ok, ok... I'm here, what's so importan-", he began. Only to be cut off by a white paw shoved in his face. Causing him to playfully roll his eyes, as he gently pushed her paw away. Tired yellow eyes meeting excited green ones. If it weren't for the fact that they were so high up, Aspenwing was certain she would of been jumping around from the amount of excitement she was showing.

" Just be quiet, and look up!", she replied. Her white paw gently patting the spot next to her, before she turned her gaze towards the night sky. The sepia point could only smile softly and shake his head, as he did as she instructed. Carefully making his way towards her, before sitting down beside her. Yellow eyes watching the night sky expectantly.

" Ok, I'm looking, wh-", he started. Only for his eyes to widen ever so slightly, as he watched a small white light shoot across the sky. Soon quickly followed by two others. In all his years of travelling, never once had he seen such a sight as this one. Neither had he seen one so beautiful." Whoa...", he added in a whisper. Now he understood why Robin had been so excited.

" I know, how cool was that?! It's the main reason why I always like watching the night sky, because you don't always get the chance to see something like this!", Robin explained. Her green eyes were practically glowing with her excitement. Her tail was even happily lashing back and forth behind her. Another mysterious quirk of hers, that Aspenwing didn't fully understand." Come on, I'll race you back to camp!", she added.

Aspenwing was suddenly snapped out of his trip down memory lane, upon hearing the sound of approaching footsteps. Causing his ears to quickly flatten against is head, as he spun around to face whoever it was that was trying to sneak up on him. Only to stare in confusion at the small bundles of fur who stopped at his paws. It wasn't until one of them looked up at him, that his suspicions were correct.

" Dad? What are you doing?", his daughter asked. Her yellow eyes looking up at him expectantly. Her siblings huddled closer together, as they watched their father nervously. Obviously aware that they were probably in trouble. Oh, how they were right.

" Star gazing, what are you lot doing awake and outside of the nursery? Don't you know it's dangerous for little kits to be out at night?", the tom asked. His instincts suddenly kicking in, as he quickly glanced at their surroundings in case there was a predator lurking nearby. Before returning his attention back towards his kits, who have by now drawn closer to him. Their smaller frames shaking ever so slightly in the cold air. Aspenwing released a small sigh, before pulling them closer towards him. Carefully curling himself around them, so that they were at least shielded from the night." There, now tell me, what were you doing up?", he added.

" Snowkit was snoring again, so we tried to find another spot to sleep in, at least we were until Shadekit spotted you outside, so we came to see what you were up to instead", Applekit replied. Her tabby coloured fur almost resembling that of her mothers. Aspenwing didn't know if he wanted to cry or laugh.

" Yeah, and now that we know what you're doing, we want to know why!", Shadekit said. Only to glare at his sister, as he was sharply nudged in the side. He then flattened his ears in slight embarrassment, as he stared off in the direction of the other dens." It's just that... none of the others do it, at least to our knowledge, so we thought it was strange", he added.

" N-not that your strange or anything!", Applekit added. Worried that her brother's comment had offended their father. To which her brother quickly caught onto, and nodded quickly from behind her.

Aspenwing could only chuckle, as he watched his kits struggle to come up with a way to diffuse the situation. It reminded him of himself when he struggled to tell Robin how he truly felt about her, and how she had quickly put him at easy by reassuring him the feelings were mutual.

" I think I like you", Aspenwing murmured. Ducking his head shyly, as the she-cat glanced at him with a mixture of confusion and amusement. Feeling his face begin to heat up, the sepia point once more looked at her upon hearing her giggle.

" I like you too", Robin replied, cheerfully.

" No, not 'I like you' as in a friend, but 'I like you' as in something more, I have for some time now, and I guess I've only now just noticed these feelings.... Ugh, what I'm trying to say, is that I love you Robin, not just because of your personality, but because of your unique quirks and how you find everything so interesting... I guess what I'm trying to say, and it's completely ok if you just want to remain friends, but would you be my mate?", he asked. He felt like a complete and utter mess. Not only was his mind screaming at him to run, but his heart was also telling him to stay. If anything, at least he got it off of his chest and could move on with his life.

" Aspen, it's ok, I've been feeling the same for some time now as well, your the only one who fully understands my love for travelling, not only that, but you've been there for me since day one", Robin replied. Gently lifting his head up so he could meet her gaze. Her green eyes twinkling light emerald stars, as a soft smile appeared on her face." It would be an honour to be your mate", she added.

" Dad? Uh, dad, are you still there?", Shadekit asked. Now standing on his back legs in front of the older tom, while his front paws rested on his father's face." Great I think we broken him", he added in a mutter. Aspenwing merely blinked as he came back to reality.

" We?! You're the one who called him strange!", Applekit replied. Glaring at her brother, as he stuck his tongue out at her.

" Alright, that's enough, the both of you", Aspenwing replied. A small chuckle escaping his throat, as he watched his son suddenly leap back with a small screech. Shaking his head, the tom then turned his attention to the rest for them." As for the star gazing thing, your mother and I used to do it all the time, it's the one thing that reminds me of her", he added.

" Mum? What was she like?", Applekit asked. Her eyes now wide like saucers at the mention of their mother. It only amused Aspenwing further, as he turned his attention to the rest of them and was met with the same expression.

" Your mother was certainly one of a kind, she was mysterious and often liked to hide away, but she was also kind and considerate", he replied. The sepia point couldn't help but chuckle, as he watched his kits move even closer than before. Probably something they inherited from him, now that he thought about it." She used to get all excited over the smallest of things, one of them being star gazing, but the look on her face when she learnt she was expecting you was almost comical", he added.

" But.... Where is she now? Will we ever get the chance to see her?", Shadekit asked. A slight bitterness to his tone that didn't go unnoticed by his father. Aspenwing didn't blame him. He had felt the same when he was first left alone. But he knew that the kit didn't fully hate his mother. He was simply just confused by her disappearance.

" Take care of them, will you?" Robin asked. A mixture of emotions flowing through her green eyes, as she stood at the clan's border. Tears were already forming in the corners of her eyes, as she embraced the tom one final time." Even if they end up hating me", she added.

" They could never hate you, Robin, your their mother", Aspenwing replied. Resting his head on the she-cat's back, as he gently pulled her into a cat equivalent of a hug. Feeling his own tears threatening to leave his eyes. In fact, it took all of his will power not to break down right there and then.

" Perhaps...", she whispered. Before taking a small step back, and away from the embrace of the one she loved. A weak smile now appearing on he face, as she took a deep breath." Maybe one day, I can come back and visit them", she added, hopefully.

Aspenwing could only chuckle and nod, as he met her saddened gaze." You'll always be welcomed back here, just try not to get into any trouble while your out exploring", he replied.

A sad chuckle escaped the she-cat throat, as she merely nodded in response to the tom's attempt at humour." You too, I'll come back to visit on the night of the three stars, until then, stay safe.... All of you", she said. Before turning around and making her way across the border, her tears now flowing freely down her cheeks." And Aspen? I love you", she added. Then she was gone, nothing but a ginger and white blur.

" I love you too", Aspenwing replied in a whisper. His own tears now beginning to run down his cheek.

" Dad?"

Aspenwing blinked a few times as he was once more snapped out of his thoughts. Shaking his head, the tom then returned his attention back towards his kits. A sheepish expression appearing on his face." Sorry, I guess I got lost in my thoughts", he replied. Actually feeling relieved to know that his voice had remained steady despite the painful memory. His yellow eyes then turned up towards the sky as if searching for something." As for your question, I suggest you look up towards the sky and be patient", he added. His gaze briefly drifted to look at his kits, a warm smile quickly appearing on his face as he watched them follow his instructions. Before returning his attention towards the night sky.

" While many would claim watching the night sky was a pointless activity, your mother thought differently, to her it was something that both intrigued and bewildered her, but despite not sharing the same beliefs as others she did believe in the stars representing us when we finally die", he explained. Watching in mild amusement as his kits glanced up at him with wide confused eyes. Still too young to fully understand what he meant. Chuckling softly, the tom returned his attention back towards the sky. Just in time to catch a glimpse of a white light flashing across its inky surface, only to be quickly followed by a second one. Judging by the looks on his kits faces, he knew they had seen it too." That shooting star right there, was what had first made your mother fall in love with the night sky, and it also answers your question, Shadekit, when your mother left us, she told me she will come back to visit on 'the night of the three stars'", he added.

" So, does that mean she'll be visiting us soon?", Applekit asked. Her eyes glanced over at her father, curiosity shining deep within her pupils. At first he wasn't quite sure on how to answer. Mainly because the night sky was just as unpredictable as the weather. But he knew better than that.

" Yes, now off to bed, all of you, before someone wakes up and notices your missing", he replied sternly. Enforcing his words with a small glare when he noticed they were about to protest. Before an idea suddenly came to mind, and a small smirk quickly appeared on his face." Tell you what, if you go to bed now, I'll tell you a story about your mother tomorrow morning", he added. Barely being able to contain his laughter, as he watched his kits scramble to be the first to get to the nursery. Never before had he seen them run so fast before. Gently shaking his head, the sepia point quietly made his way towards the entrance of the warriors den. Only to suddenly stop at the entrance and cast a glance at the night sky behind him. A small tired smile replacing his smirk.

" Goodnight, Robin, see you soon"
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