Re: Nursery Batch #648

Postby Jean. » Sun Mar 22, 2015 9:17 am

    3 weeks left to enter or work on forms!
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Re: Nursery Batch #648

Postby Shadowhunter, » Wed Mar 25, 2015 3:19 am



aka Mage

Means messenger
More info here

【About the Adopter】
Hello! My name is Shadowhunter, ^w^ I do know Tori!(:/jean. from the WME community so hello to you owo I, however, do not know you fallenfishy and I hope I will if I happen to win this lovely bean c:

I am a non-owner and my hopes of adopting are not very high as my canine art is not the best and jumping into a species as big as beans is scary for me. I did try out for a few foundie beans when the species was still running, however my heart wasn't in it out of the fear that I'd get attached and lose. After the species closed, my only hope was the nursery. Many nursery beans grabbed my attention, but I had no muse to try for any of them. I could've forced myself to, but I realized that if I had no muse, it'd be best not to try since my heart wasn't truly in it. I was honestly giving up until this beautiful boy came along. I felt a connection with him as soon as I saw him and, to my luck, he was UFA! So here I am, trying to give it my all for this lovely boy uvu As proof of my dedication to him, all of the art in my form will be done by me. Canines/canine creatures are a struggle for me, but I honestly don't care. I'll give it my best shot like I know the others will ^^

【Interesting Information】

⋟ Really wanted to be a
mage when he was little
hence the nickname
⋟ Keeps whatever book he happens
to be reading, his TARDIS tail charm,
his necklace, and random things to
put on his staff in his pouch (mainly
to hide them from Michael)
⋟ He's really good with plants

⋟ Gets the urge to clean things
⋟ Can't eat sliced apples
⋟ Smells his books before reading them
⋟ Scratches himself when he has to wait
⋟ Can't let two different foods touch
on his plate
⋟ Hates being dirty but loves to play
in the dirt (needs to take a shower
immediately after)

⋟ Reading
⋟ Writing fictional short stories
⋟ Making crafts
⋟ Gardening
⋟ Photography

Good Subjects
⋟ English
⋟ Art
⋟ Chemistry
⋟ Biology
⋟ Computer sciences
⋟ Lunch
Bad Subjects
⋟ Math
⋟ Physics
⋟ History
⋟ Gym

【Malachi's Mind】
nerdy|lovable|goof|pleaser|insecure|dreamer|intelligent|naive|forgives easily|neat freak|over analytical|impatient

⋟ Gets cranky when he's hungry
⋟ Snaps at others when they distract him from what he's focusing on (it's already really hard for him to focus on something and if he manages to, it takes a lot of patience)
⋟ Stretches like a cat when he wakes up
⋟ Meows or yelps when surprised (then gets mad because he hates surprises)
⋟ Contorts himself into really weird positions when he reads
⋟ Jiggles his leg when he concentrates on something
⋟ Says "that's...interesting" when he doesn't know how to respond
⋟ Chews the metal bit of his pencil when taking a test

Malachi's greatest fear is growing up. He's afraid of what time will do to him as he's seen many adults who are near the end of their time, but are very miserable because they lived an empty life. They either never found what they're supposed to do with their lives, or fell hard while trying and couldn't get back up. He's seen some successful ones, but they are so absorbed in their work, they have no time to stare at the marvelous colours of the sunset or meet up with an old friend. He desperately wants to be successful, but he doesn't want to lose his childhood innocence. He's seen his dad, all happy and childish at his age, not a care in the world. He wants to be like him, but he's not sure if he can make it in the world by being a child in an adult's body.

Minor fears include
⋟ Drowning
⋟ Losing a family member
⋟ Becoming blind

How He Acts When He's...

⋟ When he's alone, Malachi comes off as a shy bean who's too scared to make the first move to start a friendship. He's easily looked over as he's very quiet and usually has his nose buried in a book

With Friends
⋟ He becomes very loose and easygoing. He's loud and usually leads the conversation. He's the leader of his little band of friends and if someone saw him for the first time here, they'd think he's an outgoing bean who's a little childish and nerdy but mature for his age.

At Home With Family
⋟ A switch flips when he comes home- he becomes easily irritable, pouty, and much more sarcastic. He shows his negative traits the most when he's at home because he hides them from his friends, peers and teachers. His family takes the brunt of his mood swings, but they understand why he does he does and know words said out of anger have a double meaning. For example, if he yells "I hate you!" it's understood as "I had a really bad day and just need to vent".

Malachi is an interesting character. Being the youngest in his family, he lives up to the meaning of his name (messenger). Whenever his siblings get into fights (they're small and blow over quickly) Malachi is often the messenger between them. He talks to those on either side of the fight and tries his best to diffuse the situation. His soft and warm presence helps to calm them down and his gentle yet firm voice guides them to forgiveness.

Being the baby of the family isn't always easy for Malachi. He feels he needs to live up to everyone's expectations and because of this, he's always trying to prove himself. He beats himself up over the smallest mistakes and therefore needs to learn that mistakes are an important part of growing up. He does feel insecure about himself but never shows it to anyone around him because he doesn't like it when other people try to solve his problems. Malachi is very independent and thinks he can do everything alone. He feels like asking for help makes others think he's not very intelligent and he puts a lot of pressure on himself to resolve his own battles. When working through his battles by himself, Malachi tends to overthink things. The smallest problem can become something he agonizes over for days on end. For example, if he's struggling in math (which he does often, numbers aren't his thing) he'd rather struggle with finding an answer (and overthink it) and risk not comprehending material than asking for help from the teacher. It's not that getting help hurts his pride, it just makes him feel like he's not good enough.

During the first few glances at this young bean, one would look at him and see empathetic, intelligent, and mischievous eyes glinting back at them, an impish smile on the young boy's face. Malachi doesn't cause trouble, it finds him (much his parents' dismay). In grade three, Mage had managed to successfully persuade the teacher into letting him take care of the class snake. After giving it water, he accidentally left the crate open when he left to help his teacher bring in art supplies. She was quite surprised to see the snake in her (very warm) purse. Malachi didn't get into trouble (mistakes happen) but he wasn't allowed to give the snake water anymore.

Malachi is obsessed with pretty much any show he's ever watched or any book he's ever read. He tends to nerd out a lot when with his family, but they don't understand half the things he talks about. TARDIS??? Doctor what?? What's a "Percy Jackson"? Because of this, Malachi prefers to talk about these things with his friends. He knows he can fanboy with them and not be judged.

Malachi's biggest downfall is his impatience. He hates having to wait and always gets anxious when he has to. He's never nervous before a test, it's after when the nervousness sets in. Every hour waiting for his results becomes agonizing and he tends to snap at others when he has to wait since it frustrates him. He sometimes goes and purposely picks a fight with Michael just to relieve some of his pent up energy. Cobalt acts a good streets reliever when Mage is in one of these moods. Brendan gets flustered when he tries to handle Malachi's impatience (since he doesn't know how to deal with it), Mairin makes sure to stay far away in case he yells at her, and Marcely and Martin just mind their own business. Malachi's impatience isn't only limited to tests and waiting in line. He also gets impatient whenever someone asks him to do something or someone asks him to teach them something. He finds learning anything to be common sense, and therefore trying to teach someone else irritates him, especially when they still don't get it in the end. Generally, Malachi's impatience makes him feel itchy and uncomfortable. He does tend to scratch himself to try and get rid of this feeling, but Cobalt swats his paw and tells him stop or he'll become bald.

【Helping Heart】

Brendan- Malachi looks up to his father and respects him. He's somewhat jealous of Brendan's easy going personality since Malachi feels he gives off a brooding air and therefore he doesn't make many friends. He desperately wants to be like his father-a bubbly and always happy bean who is easy to please and always puts others first. Malachi still loves his father though and fiercely protective of him. He knows he can go to Brendan when something is bothering him or if he just needs to laugh. Brendan's optimism does tend to get on Malachi's nerves, so he doesn't stay with him for too long. Brendan has influenced Malachi's views on life without him realizing it. He's slowly losing his jealousy towards others and what they have and instead thinks of what he does have and why he's thankful for it. Brendan always reminds him to look on the bright side of things and Malachi holds this information close.

Cobalt- Malachi adores his mum. They don't spend much time together, but he loves to snuggle with her whenever she's free. He always feels safe and warm with her and she can help relieve some stress from whatever he happens to be going through.

Marcely- Malachi plays nice with Marcely, but the two don't like to stay together for long. They'll play with each other and avoid homework together, but Malachi views his dependence on their parents as a weakness and gets annoyed when he runs to them to solve his problems. He hates that he feels this way, but he knows it can't be helped. He reminds himself to be gentle and caring towards Marcely and they get along just fine when he does so. Marcely has taught him how to be patient around others who have "weak" personality traits because they can be very loyal friends.

Mairin- Malachi is the closest to Mairin as their personalities are more compatable. He initially felt that her anxiety was a weakness, but can see past that into the fiercely loyal and protective soul she possesses. When he needs to be alone with someone, he always goes to Mairin. She gets his mood and doesn't bother him with questions but scoots close to him and reads a book while sneaking glances at him to make sure he's ok. Malachi is always much more relaxed after sitting in silence with her. He appreciates that she doesn't pry and try to figure out what's wrong and leaves him alone to think things through. Mairin has taught him that there's always more to anyone he meets. He's learnt that he can't judge others by the first impression and that the true soul of anyone is always beautiful and bright.

Martin- Malachi isn't quite sure how he feels about Martin yet since they haven't spent much time together. They're both slightly weary of each other and keep their distance.

Michael- Oh dear... Michael is everything Malachi dislikes. He finds Michael's selfishness petty and thinks he needs to learn how to play nice with others. His stubbornness doesn't help because it means he doesn't want to change how he acts and therefore Malachi can't find it in his heart to really talk to Michael. Malachi isn't a mean bean, but Michael always knows what buttons to push to make him angry. Malachi thinks Michael gets off on this, and he does his best to avoid him and his annoying pranks. Michael has taught Malachi that he can't like everyone, no matter how hard he tries. He's learnt that he's not compatable with all personalities and it's best to stay away from those he's going to end up fighting with.

【Colourful Creations】
xXx less effects
Only used his colours and layer effects
With Brendan full
With Cobalt full
With Mairin full
With Martin full

【Closing Comments】

Ahhh, I kinda wish I could do more, but it's probably better this way. I really need to start sleeping earlier.

Well, I guess this it. I was kinda worried about joining late, but I think I did ok. I would've liked to do a story (and family art), but it's almost 12 and there's no way my spelling will be good enough to leave uncorrected xD I actually almost gave up on him since there were so many people who had much more than I did, but the more I looked at him, the more attached I grew. This is probably the deepest connection I've ever felt, and there's no way is give up without a fight. Lots of people dislike second gens and would rather go for a foundie, but if think second gens are the best. With second gens, you can decide how their family influenced them and then go from there. I find I can give much more personality to a second than a first which is why I stuck with this boy instead of going for the non-owner goat bean.

I learnt a lot from this and won't be scared to try out for a bean anymore. My anatomy has gotten better too, even when I compare the first piece of Malachi I did (his accessory sheet) with later pieces I see improvement. I do need to work on paws, necks, and poses, but that will come with practice. I know that I gave them paws and not feet in some drawings. I totally forgot JBDs have long toes instead //shot I also know Mairin, Martin and Michael have floppy ears, but I made the lines and by the I noticed, it was too late </3

Thank you for reading this incredibly long form and good luck to all the contestants <3 The winner may have my art as I have no use for it if I lose (all layers have been merged). Even just the possibility of finally owning a bean is exciting and I get an adrenaline rush every time I read over my form or see him xD Whoever wins him is a lucky ducky

Last edited by Shadowhunter, on Mon Apr 20, 2015 3:51 pm, edited 34 times in total.
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Re: Nursery Batch #648

Postby Jean. » Mon Mar 30, 2015 2:08 pm

    you have 2 weeks guys c:

    Love how well some look ;o;
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Re: Nursery Batch #648

Postby Jean. » Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:43 am

    Extending til the 20th since some asked for one c:
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Re: Nursery Batch #648

Postby dogish » Tue Apr 07, 2015 9:00 am

res- website wip
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Re: Nursery Batch #648

Postby gold » Fri Apr 17, 2015 6:11 pm

Maybe a reserve, depending on my free time ^^;

Edit, didn't have enough time to compete with all of the amazing forms in such short time. Wish I'd seen this babe sooner.

Good luck everyone <3
Last edited by gold on Mon Apr 20, 2015 9:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Nursery Batch #648

Postby WolfTheHuman » Mon Apr 20, 2015 2:18 am

Good luck everyone! I'm so nervous I'm shaking... I hope whoever gets this treats Marion/X with every ounce of your heart <3


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Re: Nursery Batch #648

Postby SchnaDin » Mon Apr 20, 2015 9:08 am

Unfortunately in WTH form are two lines at the wrong place -.- why is my resolution of my screen always different than from the others D:
For the others:
Good luck! There are great forms and i'm curious who will win :3
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Re: Nursery Batch #648

Postby Jean. » Mon Apr 20, 2015 10:23 am


    The winner will be announced shortly though c:
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Re: Nursery Batch #648

Postby Shadowhunter, » Mon Apr 20, 2015 3:47 pm

That gave me an adrenaline rush xD (which is probably not good at like, 12 AM //shot)

I rarely post good luck, but I will this time <3 This little butt is gorgeous, whoever wins him better take reallllly good care of him, mkay? ovo <33
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