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darkstalker and blindness based on this drawing by coolrat
by coolrat @ Tue May 21, 2024 8:18 am [Reply]

COOLDOGOOO wrote:ray , what do you think about dalkstalker? and was there a point of time where you werent blind?

Ray: "My grandfather told me a lot about Darkstalker after we learned I was an animus. Honestly, he scares me, because I can understand why he became so horrible, which is why I limit my own magic.

I wasn't always blind, I lost my vision in an accident with Rainwing venom when I was 4. I'm not totally blind, either, I can still get a sense for light, but I prefer to keep my bandages on."

shard's favorite food based on this drawing by coolrat
by coolrat @ Tue May 21, 2024 6:22 am [Reply]

kaju wrote:
    shard, whats your favorite thing to eat?

Shard: "Well, there are these really good fish near our hut, but then there were those lizard kabobs in my hometown-oh, and the birds that Skywing traders brought, and-"

Ray: "Everything. Her answer is everything."

blind animus based on this drawing by coolrat
by coolrat @ Mon May 20, 2024 12:32 pm [Reply]

COOLDOGOOO wrote:ray, how is it like to be a blind animus? and why don't you just make yourself unblind or something with your powers??

Ray: "It's... hard at times. I wasn't always blind, so I had to relearn a lot of things. It helps that I know the area I live well. As why I don't give myself vision again, my grandfather warned me about animus magic. I don't know if I buy the idea of losing your soul, but I do think that using my magic for myself can lead to dark places. No matter how small the spell, I vowed to never use my powers for my own benefit."

ClarkG23 @ Mon May 20, 2024 12:33 pm


COOLDOGOOO @ Tue May 21, 2024 1:28 am

aww thats nice, hes a good guy <33 happy to hear hes not a scary guy who abuses his power :3

the hardest thing based on this drawing by coolrat
by coolrat @ Mon May 20, 2024 12:58 pm [Reply]

ItsAsher0 wrote:Shard, what's hard about being an assassin? Let alone, a Runaway assassin? Is there any hardship you have to overcome?

Shard: "One of the hardest things, both before and after running away, is having to constantly look over my shoulder. Anyone could be after me, so I have to treat everyone like they're after me. That's why I stick with Ray, he's the only dragon I trust."

Ray: "You took some convincing on that."

Shard: "True. That's something I had to overcome. But someone healing you with magic before they even know you does wonders for your opinion of them."

shard's greatest fear based on this drawing by coolrat
by coolrat @ Mon May 20, 2024 12:14 pm [Reply]

kageyenova wrote:
    shard, what are you most afraid of?

Shard: "Snakes, probably. It's a totally rational fear to have!"

Ray: "So you aren't gonna mention your other 'totally rational fears'?"

Shard: "It's natural to be afraid of everything in this deathtrap of a rainforest."

Ray: "Even mice?"

Shard: "Shut up, Ray."

Fredlord999 wrote:what's Greys favorite juice

Grey wrote:"Pineapple Guava is my favorite, it tastes like a similar fruit back home. It helps with the home sickness, my mom used to cut them up into shapes for me and my friends. I miss her a lot."

dont mind moth in the background, she has found a small creature to torment.

Fredlord999 @ Sun May 12, 2024 7:44 am


Hawk WillowWatcher wrote:I throw a cardboard box at Rart lol

you throw a box at Rart. She attempts to use her assassin skills to dodge but is unsuccessful and she is captured, much like a pokemon.

unlike a pokemon she peers out at you from the box, you were successful but at what cost? When, and make no mistake it is when, she gets out you should hope she wont find you. Maybe keep some goldfish on you just in case.

Hawk WillowWatcher @ Sun May 12, 2024 6:41 am

I will throw a goldfish into the box

A New Friend based on this drawing by Loelya
by Loelya @ Sun Mar 31, 2024 4:17 pm [Reply]


The moment you set out from your crouched hiding place, a voice crows "I knew it!" and you feel a vice-like grip on your shoulder.

You prepare to scream or fight or something to get away, but before you can move a muscle, you're being pulled back into the shelter of the crates behind you, and the voice is hissing urgently, "SHHH! Shut up, shut up -- okay? I'm not gonna hurt you, just listen to me for a moment."

Finally, you manage to lock gazes with your "attacker" and the first thought you have is that well... if he is a pirate... he's certainly a young one.

He's dressed in ill-fitting clothes with a dusty cap and worn working gloves. He sort of grins and cocks his head at you when he realizes you're looking him over. "Sorry about that. But since you're soaking wet I figure you probably came down the well, so I've been waiting around to see if I could get a look at you. I almost gave up and thought I'd imagined you. But you happened to dart out towards the tunnels about two seconds before I headed back to the ship. Look... I got a favor to ask. We'll call it a trade, I bet you're looking to get out of here, right? I'll tell you how, if you'll do something for me..."

Before you can say anything or agree to this arrangement, the pirate bends down, pulls a sack from behind a large chest, and very carefully unties the cord keeping it shut. As he tugs at the opening, a little mewing sound reaches your ears. Then he stands up with a kitten in his arms... with a set of bat wings and a scorpion tail?

"I need you to take this little thing with you," He pleads. "Look, I'm just a skipper around here. They'll just laugh me off the ship if I tried to do anything. Probably throw me in the Deep for kicks. But they want to take this critter and put it on an auction block. Think it's really endangered or something... supposedly they make good guard animals because of the stinger and being really loyal types and all." The skipper shakes his head. "Don't wanna see this little thing go to the highest bidder, y'know? It's just a baby. Think you can take it off my hands?"

He settles the creature in your arms, and it immediately begins to purr. With a laugh, he points towards the tunnels and gives you some basic instructions. You nod along, trying to remember everything he says.

"Anyways. That's about it. The portal down there is one-way back to your world, and the well is one-way here. There's a bunch of other ones and this little thing might be able to help you find them if you raise 'em right. Since you got through once you're guaranteed to be able to do it again." He tips his hat at you and turns away. "I gotta go. If they catch me then we'll both be in trouble."

You watch the skipper leave and take a deep breath, then make for the tunnels as fast as you can. Turn right, then left, then right again. You find the portal with ease, and look down at the sleeping bundle in your arms.

Maybe you can come back someday. And taking care of this little creature is sure to be an adventure unto itself. But for right now, at least you've found a way home.


Loelya @ Sun Mar 31, 2024 4:17 pm


Thank you so much for playing!

I am so delighted that everyone decided to jump in again and play another round with me. ^o^ I think going forward, my plan is to aim to do one of these each time CS has a daily event of some kind? C: then I have some assurance that people are likely logging in regularly and will see my posts in time to play. This would mean an easter event game, summer event game, halloween event game, and christmas event game each year. We can see how it goes but I really think that could be a fun approach!

Last time I hosted a game, I tried to make some badges for it and it didn't go very well. XD They were way too big and somehow also sort of crunchy/low res. idk how that happened. But I've remedied that and made some new ones that should be smaller and easier to use if you'd like them! :3
Then there's also this treasure that I just couldn't let y'all leave without from the previous page. xD Feel free to use this as a sticker or badge as well!


I'm gonna do prize categories again like last time! ^u^ check out the lists below to see what you can claim:

Category 1 : All players!

Little Maple, sosadtoobad, Cherrysong2003, strangetales, almondkitty, onion, Hyperotreti, RedtailTheWarrior, LavenderRain, nio, skittleswolf, Copperbeat, Mastema-Rastus, Lemon Bark, rainboxys, LunarFae, horsetigers, Exitium, Ephras, cas:3, emblo, Goddess Sword, ∂αмє υмвяα, Zukana13731, Clementine Cloud, SunstonePhoenix, gardog, COOLDOGOOO, FluffyBirdie, TheSongOfTheStars, BadgerBuddies, AuntieKitty1992, TheOrphanmaker, I Like Bees, Raptocidic, apricott, blizzard180, Hawk WillowWatcher, Deercan

These are the names of all users who posted or voted at all in the game from start to finish. If I missed you, please let me know! I'm going to host a raffle for this group in 2 days - if you win, you'll get your choice of either an "Easter Basket" or any one pet from this group. C:

The "Easter Basket" prize is 25 tokens! BUT if you'd like, you can swap out any token from this quantity for an equivalent of 2 c$. So if you'd rather have the c$ than the tokens, the total would end up being 50 c$ - or you can mix and get something like 20 c$ and 15 tokens or anything in-between.

Same as last time, I'm gonna ask you to post here on this thread to claim your spot in the raffle! ^o^

Category 2 : Intrepid Adventurers

Little Maple, sosadtoobad, Cherrysong2003, onion, Hyperotreti, LavenderRain, nio, skittleswolf, Mastema-Rastus, Lemon Bark, LunarFae, rainboxys, Ephras, Goddess Sword, Zukana13731, Clementine Cloud, COOLDOGOOO, TheSongOfTheStars, BadgerBuddies

Y'all from this group voted at least three times (some of you all four times!) and played the game all the way through! ;U; I am throwing many green and orange hearts your way. I also want to invite you to pick any 5 pets from either my "general" or "unknown rarity" groups to adopt! I'm low on rares this go-round so if you can't find anything in the general groups you'd like, you can choose to receive 5 c$ + 1 token from me instead. ^u^ (If you think I might have missed you in this group let me know!)

Category 3 : Not Like The Other Chickens

Hyperotreti, LavenderRain, Lemon Bark, LunarFae, Goddess Sword, Zukana13731, Clementine Cloud, COOLDOGOOO, Little Maple, TheSongOfTheStars

Y'all were Such Troopers but you kept getting overruled by the majority vote! xD consider this a consolation prize if you like! You were overruled at least twice and kept going anyways. I'd like to invite you to adopt any 3 pets from my "general" or "unknown rarity" groups, or if you can't find anything in the general groups you'd like, you can choose to receive 5 c$ from me instead. ^u^ (If you think I might have missed you in this group let me know!)

Category 4 : The Detectives

Hyperotreti, RedtailTheWarrior, LavenderRain, LemonBark, LunarFae, Goddess Sword, Clementine Cloud, gardog, COOLDOGOOO, rainboxys, apricott, skittleswolf, AuntieKitty1992, LunarFae, onion, Raptocidic

Y'all in this group made little notes and records of your musings about various forks in the path as the journey progressed, and I loved reading them so much! ^o^ Feel free to adopt any 3 pets from my "general" or "unknown rarity" groups, or if you can't find anything in the general groups you'd like, you can choose to receive 5 c$ from me instead. (Since this group is so subjective, if you'd like to make a case for yourself regarding one of your posts, go right ahead! C: )

Discord Chat!

This is totally optional but I did go ahead and make a discord chat for these CYOA games to do things like take suggestions or keep a ping list for future games. If you'd like to get pinged in real time for when new games go up, you can join here and add yourself to the list. ^u^ Or there's a questions/suggestions channel if you have anything you'd like to ask me directly. All game content will continue to be posted here to CS though, so if you don't have a discord or don't want to join, it's no problem and you should still be able to play without issue. C:


TheSongOfTheStars @ Sun Mar 31, 2024 4:22 pm

aaaa its over but it was so much fun and so much pretty art! Hopefully we get the little guy out and somewhere safe. Tysm for doing this it was great :D

Cherrysong2003 @ Sun Mar 31, 2024 4:42 pm

Claiming spot in raffle! 💚🧡💚🧡💚

19 replies not shown, show all

The Smuggler's Cove based on this drawing by Loelya
by Loelya @ Wed Mar 27, 2024 5:19 am [Reply]


You make your way up to the well, captivated by the lights swirling within its depths and the beautiful greenery overhanging the edges of the stone. As you lean over to peer at the surface, a sort of wooziness overtakes you. That's strange... it's not been that long since you've last eaten, has it?


You're in the well before you realize you've fallen. The shock of the water rouses you immediately and you splutter and grasp at the stone above your head, meaning to hoist yourself back to the surface. But the well is pulling you down, and you manage to take a breath just in time to hold it before the water closes over your head.

You burst back into fresh air within moments, thankfully, riding a rushing current as you fall. As you gasp for air, you catch a glimpse of a wide cavern and can only wrestle with your swirling, bewildered thoughts for a heartbeat before yet again, you plunge through the surface of the water below. Fortunately, this water is much calmer - though strangely salty- and its not long before you drag yourself up onto a patch of steady stone.

You're still coughing and wringing water from yourself by the time you start to truly take in your surroundings. You hear voices somewhere in the distant parts of the cave and wonder who could be nearby. There's a channel of water - seawater, you realize - cutting through the center of the cavern. As your eyes follow it, you find the horizon and the outline of a great ship anchored in the bay. A sense of alarm washes over you. The sky is painted with a beautiful sunrise. But it was late afternoon when you started on the path home, wasn't it?

Either you've been gone much longer than you thought... or you've fallen into another world.

Abruptly, the voices you were hearing get louder, and you feel a jolt of panic. This is starting to look more and more like a smuggling operation, as you take in the sight of sacks and crates strewn along the cave floors. Are those pirates? Ne'er-do-wells? You might not want that confrontation when you're not even sure where you are yet. Maybe you should look for a way out of here.

💚 Make a run for it and hop into a canoe.

🧡 You're not sure if you can make it; find a place to hide among the stolen goods instead.

- - -
(optional: discord chat)

Mastema-Rastus @ Wed Mar 27, 2024 5:22 am

💚 Get scootin to those canoes!!

(Also find it hilarious that I've picked the green options this entire time. Team Green!! ♡)

onion @ Wed Mar 27, 2024 5:35 am


TheOrphanmaker @ Wed Mar 27, 2024 5:37 am


23 replies not shown, show all

The Wild Greenhouse based on this drawing by Loelya
by Loelya @ Mon Mar 25, 2024 1:30 pm [Reply]


Unable to tear your gaze away from the thick fronds and vines spilling out of the maintenance tunnel to your left, you turn to the side and wade into the plants growing thickly under the arched doorway. On the other side, you find a well.

It looks old and forgotten, just like everything else in this place, but golden motes of light dance above its surface invitingly. You try not to hold your breath as you wander towards it, intent on peering down through the surface of the water; maybe you can learn why it glows and shimmers so.

You've taken no more than a few steps into the dilapidated room however before you sense something else there with you and turn around, only to find an enormous, strange growth of some kind stretched across the far wall. It looks strangely alien and reminds you of overgrown tree roots, except it's pockmarked with golden pouches that almost seem to glow in the dimness of the tunnel. They're hard and shiny and remind you of dried tree sap. Maybe its just an extraordinarily bizarre tree after all.

💚 Look into the bright well

🧡 Approach the strange growth

- - -
(optional: discord chat)

onion @ Mon Mar 25, 2024 1:41 pm


Mastema-Rastus @ Mon Mar 25, 2024 1:43 pm

💚 Look into the bright well

👀 this was a hard choice for me ngl

TheSongOfTheStars @ Mon Mar 25, 2024 1:47 pm

Look into the bright well!

24 replies not shown, show all

    [leafbare] - [moon 35]
    # of clan cats: 20
    # of starclan cats: 5

    just a moon (month) after the three abandoned kits' arrival in peaceclan, the most
    beloved one, sheepkit, died of kittencough, just after his apprentice ceremony. his
    siblings and adoptive mother, sleettail, became depressed and sleettail is still

    on a side note, a new loner has been discovered to live beside peaceclan, and has
    a good relationship with the cats! i'd like to think raggedeye is in a forbidden
    relationship with him :3


--- fallowSTAR! based on this drawing by coffee.berry
by coffee.berry @ Mon Apr 29, 2024 1:43 am [Reply]

    [leaf-fall] - [moon 34]
    # of clan cats: 18
    # of starclan cats: 4

    hopstar, after fulfilling her lifelong dream of becoming mates
    with stempelt, retired and gave the role of leader to the
    esteemed deputy of peaceclan, fallowclaw, naming him
    fallowstar. everyone is very proud!

    fallowstar decides to choose swamptail as his deputy, the
    loner who joined peaceclan several moons ago. her mate,
    fleckdrop, congratulates her happily.

    on a side note, fleettail found an abandoned litter of three
    kits, one of them with kittencough (sheepkit!). she knows
    that sheepkit will survive, and loves all three of the kits
    as if they were her own.


    [leaf-fall] - [moon 32]
    # of clan cats: 18
    # of starclan cats: 4

    SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP!!! remember how shiveringfur and splashgoose
    used to be my favourite peaceclan ship?!? their son, blotchclaw, has had a crush
    on rubblepath since they were apprentices and now they just became the second
    most compatible mates in the clan!!<3

    i'm so proud of them.. they're the cutest cats in the world<333 I LOVE THEM!!!!
    (yes, i was the one who made them mates. IT WAS TAKING TOO LONGG)
    ps;; mudeater + fleettail are together as well!!

    [newleaf] - [moon 31]
    # of clan cats: 18
    # of starclan cats: 4

    so.. something weird happened.
    i decided to continue my clangen journey, and all
    the kits became apprentices!! yay!!

    but.. mudpaw's name changed from mudpaw
    to mudEATER, and i feel REALLY bad for him!!</3

Rocky Road Raccoon @ Sun Apr 28, 2024 12:55 am

my name if i was a cat lol
I've been playing clangen [solely to see the pretty cat designs], and some of the names are BIZARRE lol

coffee.berry @ Sun Apr 28, 2024 1:42 am

Rocky Road Raccoon wrote:my name if i was a cat lol
I've been playing clangen [solely to see the pretty cat designs], and some of the names are BIZARRE lol

    HAHA that's funny lol
    yes the designs are SO pretty!! i know!! thankfully, i've only had one
    strange name so far bahaha

Hawk WillowWatcher @ Sun Apr 28, 2024 1:59 am

I had a cat named greenpaw… and uh, the second part of his warrior name was “R” well I guess he’s greener than he was lol. “Greenr”

I love the loner/rogue/kittypet names one of my favorites is SNEK all caps

1 replies not shown, show all

      a bonus color-in of this series for my bestie <3
      it's his sona mango!!

squishmallow starry based on this drawing by rem sleep
by rem sleep @ Tue Apr 23, 2024 10:46 pm [Reply]

      last one!! this was fun! : D
      this squishy is starry!

squishmallow spooksy based on this drawing by rem sleep
by rem sleep @ Tue Apr 23, 2024 10:25 pm [Reply]

      the danger squishy! it's spooksy >:3
      if not friend, then why friend shaped?

squishmallow seadream based on this drawing by rem sleep
by rem sleep @ Tue Apr 23, 2024 10:05 pm [Reply]

      hehe another squishy, seadream hours
      the edits on this one were a lil tricky

squishmallow salem based on this drawing by rem sleep
by rem sleep @ Tue Apr 23, 2024 9:43 pm [Reply]

      hehe another squishy, this time salem

squishmallow kashmir based on this drawing by rem sleep
by rem sleep @ Tue Apr 23, 2024 9:27 pm [Reply]

      nother one! this squishy is kashmir
      he looks very cute, i think

WTAW Pg 3 based on this drawing by Ebony Stardust
by Ebony Stardust @ Tue Apr 16, 2024 5:28 pm [Reply]

We start with stars in our eyes
We start believing that we belong
But every sun doesn't rise
And no-one tells you where you went wrong

-Waving Through a Window

Page 3/6 is done! I put this off due to burnout and it's been the shortest to make so far '~'
Text is a little less weird on this I think?

Cover - [link]
Page 1 - [link]
Page 2 - [link]
Page 3 - [you are here]

LeafFrost177 wrote:whats your favourite color?


A rather memorable part in Dragons: The Return of Indojira, where Wildfire roars into the night after annihilating Berk... a scene just before he was lured and trapped in a volcano

its been a while since i made one of these, my first SIAB (Snowy's Indojira Artbook) drawing of 2024, i wanted this one to be from a human's perspective this time, and i seriously love how the background turned out

the reason why Wildfire's tail is alot longer than depicted in the reference sheet (most of his tail is offscreen in this drawing, though you can see the tailtip) is because i was running out of space when drawing the indojira ref lines, in this drawing i can perfectly draw the actualy length of wildfire's tail

The Plunder Pile based on this drawing by Loelya
by Loelya @ Thu Mar 28, 2024 4:54 pm [Reply]


You decide your safest bet is to hide to avoid being found. You start slow and then break into a run, heading the opposite direction of the rowdy voices behind you. Diving behind a huge pile of crates and sacks, you huddle up to make yourself as small as possible and try to get your bearings.

As you look around, you spot some natural tunnels at the back of the cavern, with sloping ceilings and weathered stalactites. In the shelter of the farthest one, you can just make out a faint green glow. It reminds you of the swirling lights you saw in the well, and you think it might be worth checking out to see if you can find another portal.

The voices behind you have faded again and you gauge the distance from your hiding spot to the cavern tunnels. It's not far, and you're certain you can make it and slip away before anyone comes back and catches you.

💚 Get to your feet and head for the tunnels.

🧡 Take an extra moment and search the plunder stacked around you for something to take with you.

- - -
(optional:discord chat)

onion @ Thu Mar 28, 2024 4:56 pm

💚 id love to see if we find any more treasure beyond the caves

...oh whats this? it seems deadly ephitet has followed me down the well! well, guess shes tagging along for the rest of the adventure !


sosadtoobad @ Thu Mar 28, 2024 5:15 pm


nio @ Thu Mar 28, 2024 5:26 pm

🧡 gotta take a little keepsake…! 👀

23 replies not shown, show all

Answer #9 based on this drawing by Rouvin
by Rouvin @ Sun Mar 24, 2024 9:01 am [Reply]

I know you guys are animals of some sort, but...
What's your favorite animal (s)?

(just curious to see if different versions like different things)
This is for all of them.


Rouvin: Puppies!! :D !!


Jester: ANYTHING but axolotls. I strongly dislike them, for... reasons I shall not discuss right now. But all other creatures I do not have any specific opinions about.


R.D: As far as shapeshifting goes, I like dragons. Apart from that though... Hm, I like mice, they're fun to throw. (:

Jester: Dost thou imply something with that statement...?

R.D: Oh I don't know... am I, little mouse?

Jester: ... Stay... stay away from me, foul creature....


Soul: Cats. Big cats, house cats, all of them.

Spiritstar3 @ Sun Mar 24, 2024 9:28 am

The dog is so cute!

The cat is great too.

Rouvin @ Sun Mar 24, 2024 11:53 am

Spiritstar3 wrote:The dog is so cute!

The cat is great too.

Thamk :D

Spiritstar3 @ Sun Mar 24, 2024 11:58 am

XD you're welcome


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